
Christmas Counting Clip art Bundle
Christmas Counting Clip art Bundle includes 10 sets color+BW:
Size one image about 8 inch by 4 inch
zip includes:
Counting Christmas candy Clip art 0-10 color+black white png&jpg
Counting Christmas Gifts Clip art 0-10 color+black white png&jpg
Counting Christmas light Clip art 0-10 color+black white png&jpg
Counting Christmas socks Clip art 0-10 color+black white png&jpg
Counting Christmas reindeer Clip art 0-10 color+black white png&jpg
Counting Christmas tree Clip art 1-10 color+black white png&jpg
Counting Gingerbread Clip art 0-10 color+black white png&jpg
Counting Snowflakes Clip art 0-10 color+black white png&jpg
Counting Snowman Clip art 0-10 color+black white png&jpg
Counting bird Clip art 0-10 color+black white png&jpg
For personal and commercial use.
Keywords: clip art, art, clip art, clip art for teachers, winter, Christmas, snow, snowman, build, Activities, printable, math, counting, count, sale, bundle, santa, tree, candy, socks, outlines, coloring, bw, black white

Valentine's Day Counting Clip art Bundle
Valentine’s Day Counting includes 10 sets 0-10 color + outline
Size one image about 8 inch by 4 inch
For personal and commercial use.
Keywords: clip art, counting, count, ones, twos, fives, tens, activity, math, multiplication, hands on, abacus, math clip art, black white, outline, bundle, sale, stations, centers, rotations, February, Valentine’s Day, love, cupid, holidays, numbers clip art