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Learn about the different types of Cryptography to decrypt messages related to Alan Turing and WW2 code breaking.
Worksheet and lesson attached.

Chatbots and the Turing Test
Students learn about Alan Turing and the Turing test and can attempt to make a basic “chat bot” using Python.
The lesson provides resources for students and the teacher and covers basic input and print functions, use of variables and moves on to IF statements.
Please review if you purchase :-)

E-Safety – What to post online
A PSHE lesson I created for looking into your online personna. Helps students to think about what to post online.
Covers Online profiles
Student debates
Providing advice to a friend on their online life.
Includes all lesson presentations as well as worksheets to print or use online.
Please review if you download :-)

Cryptography/Encryption Unit of work
Save yourself some time this term with this entire SOW covering Encryption and Cryptography. I aimed this at year 8 and it’s been widely well received!
We look at;
The Caesar Cipher
The Vigenere Cipher
Jack the Ripper code murder mystery
WW2 Code breaking
I can also provide a link to a unit test in Microsoft forms if you would like it.