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Poetry Analysis KS3
Analysis sheet (slides) for students, to be used when looking at a poem.
This resource is ideal for year 7 students and can be used when first introduced to a poem.
PEE Paragraph Support Sheet KS3
Slides that can be presented and/or printed as posters, to support students when getting to grips with writing PEE paragraphs. They include useful sentence starters.
Public Speaking KS3 Year 7
Lesson to support public speaking and speech writing and delivery for younger KS3 students.
Coram Boy KS3 (Year 9)
Activity for students to write an analytical piece focusing on the differences between ‘old money’ and ‘new money’. It requires them analysing two extracts - one from Coram Boy and one from The Great Gatsby, follwed by a written assessed piece based on the question ‘How are the differences between old money and new money shown through the two extracts?’
Poem Writing Frame (KS3)
A writing frame for students to build up vocabulary based around the relevant theme or title. It can be adapted for use as it is a Publisher document. This is good for group or pair work, where students can focus on different aspects of the frame and then share with the class.
Planning Support For Creative Writing
Support slides/sheets for students who struggle to gather their ideas when writing creatively. I have used these often and found them to really help students to generate ideas and find direction for their writing.