Market leaders in PSHE, Citizenship and Careers resources for secondary students.
Out Motto is 'Resources made for Teachers by Teachers' - We are a small dedicated team of teachers, HOD's and Middle leaders with a focus on supporting teachers and students across the world. We have a passion for PSHE, Careers and Citizenship
Market leaders in PSHE, Citizenship and Careers resources for secondary students.
Out Motto is 'Resources made for Teachers by Teachers' - We are a small dedicated team of teachers, HOD's and Middle leaders with a focus on supporting teachers and students across the world. We have a passion for PSHE, Careers and Citizenship
Online Safety: The Internet PSHE Unit - This unit has seven fully resources lessons covering a variety of impotrtant PSHE topics linked to this unit.
Lesson topics
Online safety and privacy PSHE
Online grooming & staying safe online
What is AI Generated Sexual imagery
Online Reputation + Digital Footprints PSHE
Evaluating Social media PSHE
Social Media and Online Stress
Online Misinformation - PSHE
Each of the 7 Lesson Packs Contain:
1 Fully Editable Careers PowerPoint (Learning Outcomes, Confidence Checkers, Assessment of Learning, Variety of Tasks, Video Embedded URL Clips, Engaging Premium Quality Slides, Extra Support Websites, Challenging & Thoughtful Questioning) Assessment Opportunity (Confidence Checker)
Each PPT lesson includes a detailed PowerPoint, variety of student facing tasks and comprehension tasks These resources have been designed to be engaging, informative and pick up and teach.
Why not check out some of our latest PSHE super bundles below:
Personal Finance as a young adult
Online Safety + Staying Safe
Y11 Survival Kit - Revision + Exam Stress
British Values Explored Bundle
PSHE - Debating Topical Issues
Society, Body Image + Peer Pressure
Finance Risk + Online Safety
**Leave a positive review and we will send you a free lesson on any PSHE Topic. Just email Mike at **
Careers in English. A fully-resourced lesson (1 hour +) which can be used by teachers to deliver a detailed lesson on Careers in English
Learning Outcomes:
To understand the skills English provides.
To understand the different careers routes linked to English.
To explore a wide variety of jobs closely associated with skills that English helps to develop.
Key terms
TEFL, Persuasive, NCTJ
Each Lesson Pack Contains:
1 Fully Editable Careers PowerPoint (Learning Outcomes, Confidence Checkers, Assessment of Learning, Variety of Tasks, Video Embedded URL Clips, Engaging Premium Quality Slides, Extra Support Websites, Challenging & Thoughtful Questioning)
Assessment Opportunity (Confidence Checker)
The lesson includes a detailed PowerPoint, variety of student facing tasks and comprehension tasks These resources have been designed to be engaging, informative and pick up and teach.
Why not check out some of our latest PSHE super bundles below:
Personal Finance as a young adult
Online Safety + Staying Safe
Y12 Survival Kit - Personal Safety
Y11 Survival Kit - Revision + Exam Stress
British Values Explored Bundle
PSHE - Debating Topical Issues
Society, Body Image + Peer Pressure
Finance Risk + Online Safety
A fully-resourced lesson (1 hour +) which can serve nicely as a Lesson on role of the media in society
Learning Outcomes:
What is the media?
What is freedom of speech
What are the advantages and disadvantages of a free media?
What role does social media play?
Key terms
Media, Social Media, Freedom
Technology, Social media
communication, Individual Liberty
Each Lesson Pack Contains:
1 Fully Editable PowerPoint (Learning Outcomes, Confidence Checkers, Assessment of Learning, Variety of Tasks, Video Embedded URL Clips, Engaging Premium Quality Slides, Extra Support Websites, Challenging & Thoughtful Questioning)
Assessment Opportunity (Confidence Checker)
The lesson includes a detailed PowerPoint, variety of student facing tasks and comprehension tasks These resources have been designed to be engaging, informative and pick up and teach.
Evaluating Social media PSHE Lesson (1 Hour) . Editable 20+ slide PowerPoint Lesson, Lesson Assessment, Student Resources, Signposting to extra support services. Bonus Mindfulness Activity and much more.
Learning objectives
Secure: To understand how platforms maintain your interest
Extended: To evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of social media platforms
Advanced: To know what risks there are and how to manage them
Some Key Terms Covered
Platform; social media; scrolling; account; privacy; security
PSHE (Assessment) Objectives
I understand the risks associated with social media profiles
I am able to evaluate different social media platforms
I can explain how harmful Social media use can be
Each Lesson Pack Contains:
☞ 1 Fully Editable PowerPoint (Learning Outcomes, Confidence Checkers, Assessment of Learning, Variety of Tasks, Video Embedded URL Clips, Engaging Premium Quality Slides, Extra Support Websites, Challenging & Thoughtful Questioning)
☞ Some lessons may include a Worksheet
☞ Assessment Opportunity (Confidence Checker)
☞ Teacher Notes (On some slides)
☞ Homework
☞ Teacher notes
☞ Mapped against Latest DfE Guidance, PSHE Association & Character Education Guidance from DfE.
⟴ PSHE Association Themes
⟴ Statutory Health and or RSE
⟴ Be Ofsted and DfE PSHE 2020 ready with our resources!
Product Code: RSE/C8/LS/NEW
⇨ KS4 Relationships and Sex Education Unit
⇨ Y11 Staying Safe (Parties, Online and Drugs) Unit Bundle
⇨ KS4 Drugs Education Unit Bundle
⇨ Women’s Health Unit in 2020 Unit Bundle
⇨ Contraception and STI Unit Y9’s Bundle
⇨ Law Crime and Society Unit Bundle
⇨ Extremism + Radicalisation + Terrorism Unit Bundle
⇨ An introduction to Politics for KS3 Students
Critical Media Literacy Skills explained for KS5 Students. Careers + PSHE Lesson designed by a L6 Qualified Careers Guidance Leader and PSHE Expert. Editable 21+ slide PowerPoint Lesson. Lesson includes: Lesson Assessment, Student Resources, Signposting to extra support services. Bonus Homework Activity and links to our videos and much more.
Learning Outcomes:
To understand what influence social media can have
To consider how to be critical of what you see online
To evaluate the impact social media can have on mental health & wellbeing
Some Key Terms Covered
Social Media, Self-Esteem Extremism, FOMO, Harassment
Each Lesson Pack Contains:
1 Fully Editable PowerPoint (Learning Outcomes, Confidence Checkers, Assessment of Learning, Variety of Tasks, Video Embedded URL Clips, Engaging Premium Quality Slides, Extra Support careers Websites, Challenging & Thoughtful Questioning)
Student Worksheet(s) are included with some lessons
Homework Activity
Assessment Opportunity (Confidence Checker)
Teacher Notes (On some slides)
Focus on literacy
1 Hours worth of activities - including timings for every activity
Why not try out some of our other highly rated secondary careers units:
☞ Year 7 Gatsby Benchmark Careers in Context Unit
☞ Year 8 Gatsby Benchmark Careers in Context Unit
☞ Year 9 Gatsby Benchmark Careers in Context Unit
☞ Year 10 Gatsby Benchmark Careers in Context Unit
☞ Year 11 Gatsby Benchmark Careers in Context Unit
☞ Year 12 Gatsby Benchmark Finance & Careers in Context Unit
☞ Year 13 Gatsby Benchmark Finance & Careers in Context Unit
Fake news and Media literacy. Careers + PSHE Lesson designed by a L6 Qualified Careers Guidance Leader. Editable 15+ slide PowerPoint Lesson. Lesson includes: Lesson Assessment, Student Resources, Signposting to extra support services. Bonus Homework Activity and links to our videos and much more.
Learning Outcomes:
To understand what Media Literacy is, particularly Critical Media Literacy.
To understand and be able to identify fake news.
To be able to evaluate a media source.
Some Key Terms Covered
Fake news, media literacy, source, Conspiracy, Critical literacy
Assessment Objectives
I know what critical media literacy is.
I can consider whether or not information is fake news.
I can evaluate a media source.
Skills Builder Framework
Problem Solving & Staying Positive
CDI Framework
See the Bigger Picture
Be Ofsted and DfE compliant with our resources!
Product Code: 1918689858
Each Careers Lesson Pack Contains:
1 Fully Editable PowerPoint (Learning Outcomes, Confidence Checkers, Assessment of Learning, Variety of Tasks, Video Embedded URL Clips, Engaging Premium Quality Slides, Extra Support careers Websites, Challenging & Thoughtful Questioning)
Student Worksheet(s) are included with some lessons
Homework Activity
Assessment Opportunity (Confidence Checker)
Teacher Notes (On some slides)
Focus on literacy
1 Hours worth of activities - including timings for every activity
Why not try out some of our other highly rated secondary careers units:
☞ Year 7 Gatsby Benchmark Careers in Context Unit
☞ Year 8 Gatsby Benchmark Careers in Context Unit
☞ Year 9 Gatsby Benchmark Careers in Context Unit
☞ Year 10 Gatsby Benchmark Careers in Context Unit
☞ Year 11 Gatsby Benchmark Careers in Context Unit
☞ Year 12 Gatsby Benchmark Finance & Careers in Context Unit
☞ Year 13 Gatsby Benchmark Finance & Careers in Context Unit
Celebrate National Story Telling Week with this bundle of activities differentiated for each key stage including early years (EYFS).
This pack contains differentiated tasks ranging from EYFS to Upper KS2.
Contents of SMSC / PSHE National Story Telling Week Pack:
☞ Introduction Powerpoint set of slides about National Story Telling Week
☞ Upper KS2 Activity linked to topic
☞ Lower KS2 Activity linked to topic
☞ KS1 Activity linked to topic
☞ EYFS Enhancements to continuous provision
Bonus Detailed Activity
☞ Full Escape Room Based on Fairy Tales Suitable for KS2 Classes
(This document will provided you with possible enhancements that can be used within your classroom provision. Some may be more teacher led while others can be used completely independently by the children. Each enhancement links to the monthly events and may be used in collaboration with the PowerPoints for these. Alternatively, the PowerPoints may provide a basis for a more informal circle time and discussion with your class. )
We have created Learning packs for every event across the year just search “Cre8tive Resources” on Google or “SMSC/C8” on TES for all our other learning packs…
Leave a nice review on this pack and we will give you another Learning pack for FREE! - Just email us a url link to your review to (Ask for Mike:)
Be Ofsted and DfE PSHE 2020 ready with our resources! Product Code: SMSC/C8/20
You may want to check out some of our other highly rated primary teaching resources
✎ Primary Christmas Quiz
✎ Mental Health Activities
✎ Make a difference Primary Students
✎ PSHE Audit Tool For Teachers
✎ Safer Internet Day Activities
✎ Primary Christmas Quiz
✎ KS2 Primary PSHE Christmas Quiz
✎ Primary KS2 Maths Quiz
✎ Primary KS2 Science Quiz
English and Careers PowerPoint Lesson and Activities. This lesson contains 20 slides of activities start start with looking at how careers can be linked to this subject area and then exploring an average persons income and how far that salary would go in the real world when taking into account taxes, NI, Student loan. Mortgages, Rent and fixed costs and bills etc. Then exploring what disposable income is.
The lesson then moves on to considering employee rights and responsibilities (and those of Employers) creating a job profile and looking at what Labour Market Information is and how things Like Brexit and Covid-19 may impact future job prospects and the outlook of the labour market. Links are then provided to other places on the Internet where careers advice can be sought.
I have also included an A3 card sort activity about the skills and qualities looked for by employers in school leavers.
This lesson would work really well and be complemented by the set of 8 Careers posters we have developed for English
I have also included a Progress Passport activity which can be used to help encourage students to plan for the year and focus on their positives and strengths and link this to their career choices and personal goals and targets they would like to set and achieve. Eveything is editable so please adapt and differentiate if needed.
Contents included
1 x 20 Slide Powerpoint Lesson about Careers and links to English
1 x Student Progress Passport
1 x Poster template
1 x School Leavers Card Sort and Sheet
1 x Case study activity on becoming a librarian
Have a look at some of our highly popular specialist careers units:
☞ Year 7 Secondary Careers Unit
☞ Year 8 Secondary Careers Unit
☞ Year 9 Secondary Careers Unit
☞ Year 10 Secondary Careers Unit
☞ Year 11 Gatsby Benchmark Careers in Context Unit
☞ Year 12 Secondary Finance and Careers Unit
☞ Year 13 Secondary Finance and Careers Unit
Eight careers linked to studying **English ** A4 display posters. These eye catching and expertly designed careers posters will be great to use in your subject area. They can be displayed or you could use them as stimulus for a careers lesson with a focus on your subject area. We have also included a blank student work sheet your students could use to make their own version of a poster linked to a career that inspires them. We also wanted to provide you as the teacher a blank editable template so you can add to your collection if you wish.
The best thing about this set of careers posters is that we provide them in three different formats:
1.1 x set of 8 PDF’s
2. 1 x set of 8 High Quality PNG’s
3. 1 x set of 8 Fully Editable Portrait A4 PowerPoint Format
We provide them in different formats so its easier for printing and you can add your own school logo to them or amend with local labour Market Information / Update them each year as employment trends change.
Contents included
8 x A4 Careers Posters linked to English
1 x Student Worksheet PDF
1 x Editable Blank Teacher Poster Template
Each of the Eight Careers Poster Includes:
Job Title & Subject Area in Scrabble style tiles
Brief Job Description
Skills and Qualities required (4)
Circular Picture Linked to Job
Example Salary Range
Up to date employment opportunities in the UK (& sometimes beyond) (5)
Qualification that may help (but not necessarily always needed)
Career Development Opportunities
Other Linked Careers
Have a look at some of our highly popular specialist careers units:
☞ Year 7 Secondary Careers Unit
☞ Year 8 Secondary Careers Unit
☞ Year 9 Secondary Careers Unit
☞ Year 10 Secondary Careers Unit
☞ Year 11 Gatsby Benchmark Careers in Context Unit
☞ Year 12 Secondary Finance and Careers Unit
☞ Year 13 Secondary Finance and Careers Unit
Product Code: C8/PO/05
These 24 Female Empowerment task cards are perfect for your PSHE lesson plans and topic. They are suitable for secondary students. They feature different activities including knowledge retrieval practice, multiple choice and spot the mistakes amongst other PSHE related activities.
Contents of PSHE Knowledge Retrieval Topic Task Card bundle
1 x Set of 24 Different topic Task Cards with a range of activities and styles in PDF
1 x Teacher answer sheet - All answers covered
2 x Student fill in activity sheets that can be used with the cards (optional)
Each topic task card is matched to the theme of the set and includes numbering and answers designed by our PSHE specialist . Can be printed in colour or black and white.
How to use Knowledge Retrieval Topic Task Cards?
These cards are perfect as an extension task, starter or plenary and as a means of testing knowledge upon completion of a unit. For a short task (extension/starter/plenary), you can simply give them one or two cards and differentiate which cards are given according to the students level or their areas needing improvement. For an end of unit, you could hand the cards out to different groups and have them switch the cards after a certain period of time (e.g. one group gets multiple choice, one group gets spot the mistakes, one group gets photocards, etc.).
Benefits of using this new style of T&L activity
Set of retrieval activities
Motivating for students
Bitesize English tasks
Fun way to revise a topic
Allow for differentiation
Copy, cut and laminate – use over and over again
Versatile and can be used in many different ways
If you leave a nice review email us at for a PSHE treat for your students and the editable version. Product code C8/TS/174
You may want to check out some of our other great DRAMA resources:
Dramatic Works and Theories
Christmas Drama Escape Room
Stage Production
Drama Christmas Bundle
Greek Theatre
Top Selling Drama Escape
Twelfth Night
Why is reading Important Assembly
24 task cards about Superlatives. They are suitable for KS2 or KS3 students. They feature different activities including knowledge retrieval practice, multiple choice and spot the mistakes amongst other English related activities.
Contents of English Topic Task Card bundle
✄ 1 x Set of 24 Different topic Task Cards with a range of activities and styles (Editable and PDF versions - Q and A’s Included)
✄ 1 x Teacher Answer Sheet - All answers covered
✄ 2 x Student Fill in Activity Sheets that can be used with the cards (Optional)
Each topic task card is matched to the theme of the set and includes numbering and answers designed by our Primary Specialist . The cards can be printed in colour or black and white.
How to use English Topic Task Cards?
These cards are perfect as an extension task, starter or plenary and as a means of testing knowledge upon completion of a unit. For a short task (extension/starter/plenary), you can simply give them one or two cards and differentiate which cards are given according to the students level or their areas needing improvement. For an end of unit, you could hand the cards out to different groups and have them switch the cards after a certain period of time (e.g. one group gets multiple choice, one group gets spot the mistakes, one group gets photocards, etc.).
Benefits of using this new style of KS2 T&L activity
Set of retrieval activities
Motivating for students
Bitesize tasks
Fun way to revise a topic
Allow for differentiation
Copy, cut and laminate – use over and over again
Versatile and can be used in many different ways
leave a nice review on TES and email us at for a KS2 treat for your students.
Product code C8/TS/231
You may want to check out some of our other great KS2 teaching resources
✎ Primary Christmas Quiz
✎ Mental Health Activities
✎ Make a difference Primary Students
✎ PSHE Audit Tool For Teachers
✎ Safer Internet Day Activities
✎ Primary Christmas Quiz
✎ KS2 Primary PSHE Christmas Quiz
✎ Primary KS2 Maths Quiz
✎ Primary KS2 Science Quiz
24 task cards about Personification and Onomatopoeia . They are suitable for KS2 or KS3 students. They feature different activities including knowledge retrieval practice, multiple choice and spot the mistakes amongst other English related activities.
Contents of English Topic Task Card bundle
✄ 1 x Set of 24 Different topic Task Cards with a range of activities and styles (Editable and PDF versions - Q and A’s Included)
✄ 1 x Teacher Answer Sheet - All answers covered
✄ 2 x Student Fill in Activity Sheets that can be used with the cards (Optional)
Each topic task card is matched to the theme of the set and includes numbering and answers designed by our Primary Specialist . The cards can be printed in colour or black and white.
How to use English Topic Task Cards?
These cards are perfect as an extension task, starter or plenary and as a means of testing knowledge upon completion of a unit. For a short task (extension/starter/plenary), you can simply give them one or two cards and differentiate which cards are given according to the students level or their areas needing improvement. For an end of unit, you could hand the cards out to different groups and have them switch the cards after a certain period of time (e.g. one group gets multiple choice, one group gets spot the mistakes, one group gets photocards, etc.).
Benefits of using this new style of KS2 T&L activity
Set of retrieval activities
Motivating for students
Bitesize tasks
Fun way to revise a topic
Allow for differentiation
Copy, cut and laminate – use over and over again
Versatile and can be used in many different ways
leave a nice review on TES and email us at for a KS2 treat for your students.
Product code C8/TS/233
You may want to check out some of our other great KS2 teaching resources
✎ Primary Christmas Quiz
✎ Mental Health Activities
✎ Make a difference Primary Students
✎ PSHE Audit Tool For Teachers
✎ Safer Internet Day Activities
✎ Primary Christmas Quiz
✎ KS2 Primary PSHE Christmas Quiz
✎ Primary KS2 Maths Quiz
✎ Primary KS2 Science Quiz
24 Creative Writing English KS2 task cards are perfect for your lesson plans and topic. They are suitable for KS2 students. They feature different activities including knowledge retrieval practice, multiple choice and spot the mistakes amongst other English related activities.
Contents of Knowledge Retrieval Topic Task Card bundle
✄ 1 x Set of 24 Different topic Task Cards with a range of activities and styles (Editable and PDF versions - Q and A’s Included)
✄ 1 x Teacher Answer Sheet - All answers covered
✄ 2 x Student Fill in Activity Sheets that can be used with the cards (Optional)
Each topic task card is matched to the theme of the set and includes numbering and answers designed by our Primary Specialist . The cards can be printed in colour or black and white.
How to use Knowledge Retrieval Topic Task Cards?
These cards are perfect as an extension task, starter or plenary and as a means of testing knowledge upon completion of a unit. For a short task (extension/starter/plenary), you can simply give them one or two cards and differentiate which cards are given according to the students level or their areas needing improvement. For an end of unit, you could hand the cards out to different groups and have them switch the cards after a certain period of time (e.g. one group gets multiple choice, one group gets spot the mistakes, one group gets photocards, etc.).
Benefits of using this new style of KS2 T&L activity
Set of retrieval activities
Motivating for students
Bitesize tasks
Fun way to revise a topic
Allow for differentiation
Copy, cut and laminate – use over and over again
Versatile and can be used in many different ways
leave a nice review on TES and email us at for a KS2 treat for your students.
Product code C8/TS/238
You may want to check out some of our other great KS2 teaching resources
✎ Primary Christmas Quiz
✎ Mental Health Activities
✎ Make a difference Primary Students
✎ PSHE Audit Tool For Teachers
✎ Safer Internet Day Activities
✎ Primary Christmas Quiz
✎ KS2 Primary PSHE Christmas Quiz
✎ Primary KS2 Maths Quiz
✎ Primary KS2 Science Quiz
24 Adverbs KS2 task cards are perfect for your lesson plans and topic. They are suitable for KS2 students. They feature different activities including knowledge retrieval practice, multiple choice and spot the mistakes amongst other English related activities.
Contents of Knowledge Retrieval Topic Task Card bundle
✄ 1 x Set of 24 Different topic Task Cards with a range of activities and styles PDF versions (Q and A’s Included)
✄ 1 x Teacher Answer Sheet - All answers covered
✄ 2 x Student Fill in Activity Sheets that can be used with the cards (Optional)
Each topic task card is matched to the theme of the set and includes numbering and answers designed by our Primary Specialist . The cards can be printed in colour or black and white.
How to use Knowledge Retrieval Topic Task Cards?
These cards are perfect as an extension task, starter or plenary and as a means of testing knowledge upon completion of a unit. For a short task (extension/starter/plenary), you can simply give them one or two cards and differentiate which cards are given according to the students level or their areas needing improvement. For an end of unit, you could hand the cards out to different groups and have them switch the cards after a certain period of time (e.g. one group gets multiple choice, one group gets spot the mistakes, one group gets photocards, etc.).
Benefits of using this new style of KS2 T&L activity
Set of retrieval activities
Motivating for students
Bitesize tasks
Fun way to revise a topic
Allow for differentiation
Copy, cut and laminate – use over and over again
Versatile and can be used in many different ways
leave a nice review on TES and email us at for the editable version of this product and a KS2 treat for your students.
Product code C8/TS/225
You may want to check out some of our other great KS2 teaching resources
✎ Primary Christmas Quiz
✎ Mental Health Activities
✎ Make a difference Primary Students
✎ PSHE Audit Tool For Teachers
✎ Safer Internet Day Activities
✎ Primary Christmas Quiz
✎ KS2 Primary PSHE Christmas Quiz
✎ Primary KS2 Maths Quiz
✎ Primary KS2 Science Quiz
24 Abstract Common Nouns KS2 task cards are perfect for your lesson plans and topic. They are suitable for KS2 students. They feature different activities including knowledge retrieval practice, multiple choice and spot the mistakes amongst other English related activities.
Contents of Knowledge Retrieval Topic Task Card bundle
✄ 1 x Set of 24 Different topic Task Cards with a range of activities and styles PDF versions (Q and A’s Included)
✄ 1 x Teacher Answer Sheet - All answers covered
✄ 2 x Student Fill in Activity Sheets that can be used with the cards (Optional)
Each topic task card is matched to the theme of the set and includes numbering and answers designed by our Primary Specialist . The cards can be printed in colour or black and white.
How to use Knowledge Retrieval Topic Task Cards?
These cards are perfect as an extension task, starter or plenary and as a means of testing knowledge upon completion of a unit. For a short task (extension/starter/plenary), you can simply give them one or two cards and differentiate which cards are given according to the students level or their areas needing improvement. For an end of unit, you could hand the cards out to different groups and have them switch the cards after a certain period of time (e.g. one group gets multiple choice, one group gets spot the mistakes, one group gets photocards, etc.).
Benefits of using this new style of KS2 T&L activity
Set of retrieval activities
Motivating for students
Bitesize tasks
Fun way to revise a topic
Allow for differentiation
Copy, cut and laminate – use over and over again
Versatile and can be used in many different ways
leave a nice review on TES and email us at for the editable version of this product and a KS2 treat for your students.
Product code C8/TS/224
You may want to check out some of our other great KS2 teaching resources
✎ Primary Christmas Quiz
✎ Mental Health Activities
✎ Make a difference Primary Students
✎ PSHE Audit Tool For Teachers
✎ Safer Internet Day Activities
✎ Primary Christmas Quiz
✎ KS2 Primary PSHE Christmas Quiz
✎ Primary KS2 Maths Quiz
✎ Primary KS2 Science Quiz
Cre8tive English Careers Quiz on the range of jobs available linked to studying English. Eglish Linked Careers Quiz This Careers Quiz Contains over 53 Questions and 10 Different Rounds. Ensure you treat you students to some some Careers Linked learning in your subject area and help achieve the Gatsby Benchmarks for your school
All the answers appear at the end of the PowerPoint quiz in a fun and engaging round by round way .
We are back by popular demand with new Careers activities, quizzes and Escape rooms after the Launch of Cre8tive Careers over the Summer! Our new Careers Resources expand across all ares of the curriculum.
Leave a nice review - email us at and we will send you a fun Careers surprise for your students :) …
Contents of Quiz Bundle
☞ 1 x Professionally Designed Careers PowerPoint Quiz ( Containing 10 Different Rounds and over 50+ Questions)
☞ Rounds include: Guess the picture, Matching up, Odd one out, Word Search, Identify the Job Responsibility, Multiple Choice, Designing and much, much more…
☞1 x Set of certificates for winning students (Gold, Silver and Bronze)
**☞ ** 1 x Full set of Answers (Animated at the end of the Quiz)
**☞ ** 1 x Student Work Sheet they can fill in during the quiz individually or as small teams
How could you use it?
Celebrate Career Routes and Options as a class based activity or during form time / Inter form competition or online in a Zoom session!
Who are Cre8tive Resources?
We are a not-for profit Community interest social enterprise made up of Teachers who are experts at Quizzes, Escape rooms and Task cards.
Product Code: C8/QZ/257
Why not try out some of our other highly rated Secondary Careers Units:
☞ Year 7 Gatsby Benchmark Careers in Context Unit
☞ Year 8 Gatsby Benchmark Careers in Context Unit
☞ Year 9 Gatsby Benchmark Careers in Context Unit
☞ Year 10 Gatsby Benchmark Careers in Context Unit
☞ Year 11 Gatsby Benchmark Careers in Context Unit
☞ Year 12 Gatsby Benchmark Finance & Careers in Context Unit
☞ Year 13 Gatsby Benchmark Finance & Careers in Context Unit
Christmas Quiz on Morals, ethics and 50% Christmas Carol . KS2 or KS3 End of term fun Christmas quiz with all the answers animated for your class. Treat them to something fun this end of term in the run up to Christmas by undertaking this specially designed Christmas quiz with a variety of different rounds and question styles including our Special Christmas Cracker round
Round 1: Identifying Matching Round - Pictures
Round 2: True, False or Fake news
Round 3: Finding and Searching the Terms
Round 4: Picture Up - Match with the Captions
**Round 5: ** Linking Links
Round 6: Multiple Choice Q and A
Round 7: Linking Links (Part 2)
Round 8: Anagrams Round
Round 9: General Knowledge Round
Round 10: Christmas Cracker Round - Numbers
Tie Breaker: Design Drawing Task
Contents of Quiz Bundle
☞ 1 x Professionally Designed Christmas PowerPoint Quiz ( Containing 10 Different Rounds and over 50+ Questions)
☞1 x Set of Christmas certificates for winning students (Gold, Silver and Bronze)
☞ 1 x Full set of Answers (Animated at the end of the Quiz)
☞ 1 x Student Work Sheet they can fill in during the quiz individually or as small teams
☞ Quiz can be done as an individual task or in small teams or via Zoom or any online learning platform.
How could you use it?
Celebrate Christmas
As a class based activity or during form time / Inter form competition
An educational ’ Treat Lesson ’ For your students.
Who are Cre8tive Resources?
We are a not-for profit Community interest social enterprise made up of Teachers.
Product Code: C8/QZ/216
You may also want to check out these other popular selling highly rated PSHE, RE Careers & Citizenship Resources we have created:
English Christmas Quiz.Themed on Harry Potter and Christmas at the famous Hogwarts School. KS2 or KS3 End of term fun Christmas quiz with all the answers animated for your class. Treat them to something fun this end of term in the run up to Christmas by undertaking this specially designed Christmas quiz with a variety of different rounds and question styles including our Special Christmas Cracker round
Round 1: Identifying Matching Round - Pictures
Round 2: True, False or Fake news
Round 3: Finding and Searching the Terms
Round 4: Picture Up - Match with the Captions
**Round 5: ** Linking Links
Round 6: Multiple Choice Q and A
Round 7: Linking Links (Part 2)
Round 8: Anagrams Round
Round 9: General Knowledge Round
Round 10: Christmas Cracker Round - Numbers
Tie Breaker: Design Drawing Task
Contents of Quiz Bundle
☞ 1 x Professionally Designed Christmas PowerPoint Quiz ( Containing 10 Different Rounds and over 50+ Questions)
☞1 x Set of Christmas certificates for winning students (Gold, Silver and Bronze)
☞ 1 x Full set of Answers (Animated at the end of the Quiz)
☞ 1 x Student Work Sheet they can fill in during the quiz individually or as small teams
☞ Quiz can be done as an individual task or in small teams or via Zoom or any online learning platform.
How could you use it?
Celebrate Christmas
As a class based activity or during form time / Inter form competition
An educational ’ Treat Lesson ’ For your students.
Who are Cre8tive Resources?
We are a not-for profit Community interest social enterprise made up of Teachers.
Product Code: C8/QZ/210
You may also want to check out these other popular selling highly rated PSHE, RE Careers & Citizenship Resources we have created:
Roald Dahl Day Celebrations - Primary SMSC and Special Days Pack. This pack contains differentiated tasks for every year group from EYFS to Upper KS2.
Contents of SMSC and Special Days Provision + PSHE Enhancer pack:
☞ 1 x Whole School Literacy Quiz with Student Team Answer Sheets
☞ Introduction Powerpoint set of slides about topic
☞ Upper KS2 Activity linked to topic
☞ Lower KS2 Activity linked to topic
☞ KS1 Activity linked to topic
☞ EYFS Enhancements to continuous provision
(This document will provided you with possible enhancements that can be used within your classroom provision. Some may be more teacher led while others can be used completely independently by the children.
Each enhancement links to the monthly events and may be used in collaboration with the PowerPoints for these. Alternatively, the PowerPoints may provide a basis for a more informal circle time and discussion with your class. )
☞ This pack forms part of a large bundle of Primary **“Bolt on PSHE, SMSC provision” ** you can use to enhance or replace parts of your current provision.
Cre8tive Curriculum
We will be providing Assemblies, Lessons and Quiz resources for Whole School Topics and Themed Days for Primary Schools in the UK.
New International School Library Month Assembly - Assembly Topic: All about the importance of reading and why we should support school libraries
**Each Assembly Contains:
1 Fully Editable PowerPoint (Clear structure, Assessment of Learning, Beautiful presentation, Video Embedded URL Clips, Engaging Premium Quality Slides & Thoughtful Questioning)
Designed by Specialists
Mapped against Latest DfE Guidance, PSHE Association Core themes and Requirements
Why not check out our other popular PRIMARY resources here:
Assembly - Back to School After Lock down Assembly - Importance of Expressing yourself
Assembly - Powerful Women + Role Models
Assembly - Recycling
Assembly - Coping with Change
Assembly - International Literacy Day
Assembly - Importance of Helping Others
Assembly - Healthy Eating Habits
Assembly - Bullying Prevention Week
Assembly - Being Thankful and Grateful