This contains six differentiated board games for practising telling the time in French.
Simply print which boards you wish to play with. Laminate or print on to card for increased durability. The six boards are: o’clock times; half hour and on the hour; quarter hour intervals; mixed times; the 24-hour clock; analogue clock faces. A template is also included to make dice.
Full instructions are included as well as a help sheet and ideas on how to support / extend the games.
Pupils play in groups of 2 - 4 players and take it in turns to ask and answer questions about the time.
This is a fun way to practise speaking and listening skills as well as to consolidate time vocabulary.
This resource contains six differentiated board games on the topic of telling the time in Spanish. The games are: o’clock times, half hour intervals, quarter hour intervals, mixed times, twenty-four hour clock, analogue clock faces.
All instructions are included as well as ways of supporting and extending the tasks.
Simply print the board(s) you wish to play with. Laminate or print on to card for durability. Print onto A3 or larger if required. A dice template is also provided.
Pupils play in groups of 2 - 4 and take it in turns to move around the board asking and answering questions in Spanish. (Que hora es? Son las tres y media). A help sheet is provided.
A fun way to practise speaking and listening skills as well as the time vocabulary.
Bundle of resources on German months and dates.
Powerpoint introducing the months including lots of games and activities.
Worksheet on spelling months of year in German.
Blank template to create own calendar of the months.
Anagrams game.
Powerpoint introducing the numbers 13 - 31 and how to use ordinal / cardinal numbers.
How to write dates in German.
Powerpoint on how to ask and answer - Wann hast du Geburtstag?
This is a speaking and listening game on the topic of ‘Das Wetter’.
Students can play in groups of 2 to 4 players. Simply print Slide 4 (the board) for each group. Dice are also needed, although a template is included on slide 5. Full instructions are provided, including ideas of how the game can be extended or supported. Pupils take it in turns to move around the board, asking and answering questions about the weather.
A fun way of practising speaking and listening skills as well as weather vocabulary.
There are also help sheets provided for students to refer to, and slides which introduce the weather phrases - these, along with the game, would be enough for a full lesson on weather.
This is a selection of board games to support the topic of telling the time in German.
There is a choice of five different games which are differentiated: o’clock times; on the hour and half past; quarter hour intervals; mixed times; and analogue clock faces.
Simply print the boards you want to play with. Laminate or print on to card for increased durability.
Full instructions are included as well as ideas for extension and support. Pupils play in groups of 2 -4. A dice template is also included if needed. Players take it in turns moving around the board asking and answering questions. A help sheet is provided.
A fun way to practise speaking and listening, as well as time vocabulary.
This resource contains several different games to practise speaking and listening skills in different tenses talking about hobbies, free time and sports.
Full instructions are provided about the games and different variations. There are also help sheets provided and templates for dice. Simply print the boards you wish to play with. Laminate or print on to card for increased durability. There are seven or eight different games which can be played so this resource can be re-used with many different classes and for different topics.
The games include: Talking about hobbies in the present tense, talking about what you have done in the past tense, talking about what you will do in the future tense, using mixed tenses, adding extra detail to sentences such as (who with, when, how often, where, why?).
A powerpoint is also included which introduce all of the present tense phrases.
These games are great to complement the topic of hobbies / free time and also any work on tenses. They also work very well as speaking and listening practice for exam revision.
This is a speaking and listening activity for the topic of pets.
A powerpoint is included, introducing the German words for pets and how to answer the question ‘Hast du Haustiere?’ There are also helpsheets provided (including plural forms).
Full instructions for the game are in the presentation, including ideas for how to support, extend and differentiate.
Simply print slide 4 or slide 5 (the boards) for each small group of 2 - 4 players. Laminate or print on to card for increased durability. Each group will need a dice - a template is provided within the presentation to be cut out and assembled. Players take it in turns to move around the board asking and answering questions.
A fun way to practise speaking and listening skills as well as vocabulary. Going through the vocabulary and playing the game is enough for the main part of a lesson on this topic. This is also a good revision activity.
This is a guide for mainstream teachers on how best to support students with dyslexia or similar literacy difficulties. It is a 6 page mini-guide in PDF format and relevant for teachers of students at KS2, 3, 4 and 5. All the strategies included are designed to be quick and easy to implement; they require no additional time or planning and require no previous knowledge of dyslexia.
This guide can be copied and distributed among staff at your school or displayed in the staffroom. It is a useful resource to encourage all staff to consider their quality first teaching and to create inclusive classrooms.
The author, Victoria Honeybourne, is a senior advisory teacher for speech, language and communication needs. She is a trainer and writer, having published several books on special educational needs.
More mini-guides on a range of topics for teachers and parents coming soon...
Eleven Spanish powerpoints - each one includes visuals, new vocabulary, games and activities.
Topics covered:
Months / Days / Dates.
School subjects.
Food and drink.
Fruit and vegetables.
Parts of the body.
Places in town.
Great for those teaching Spanish in primary schools or to beginners - enough here to cover the first half term, or whole term if you have only one lesson a week!
This is a speaking and listening board game to practise talking about pets.
Full instructions included with ideas on how to support, extend and differentiate.
Pupils play in groups of 2 - 4. They will need counters and a dice - a dice template is included in the powerpoint if needed. Pupils move around the board asking and answering the question ‘As-tu un animal?’
A help sheet is provided, as well as powerpoint slides introducing all of the vocabulary which will be needed.
A fun way of practising speaking and listening skills as well as the vocabulary. Introducing the vocabulary and playing the game several times will be enough for the main part of a lesson on the topic.
Six detailed factsheets for parents with lots of easy games, activities and ideas to help them support their child.
1. How to support handwriting.
2. Ideas for supporting spelling, punctuation and grammar.
3. How to support writing composition - planning, structuring, writing and proofreading.
4. How to develop pre-reading skills.
5. Helping your child with phonics.
6. Supporting your child with reading fluency, accuracy, pace and comprehension.
A Spanish board game to practise giving the date in Spanish.
Students work in groups of 2 -4 players. Full instructions and a help vocabulary sheet are provided. Print Slide 3 (the board) for each group. Laminate or print onto card for increased durability. Each group will also need a dice - a template to be cut out is provided in Slide 4 if needed. The instructions and help sheet can be printed or displayed on the screen.
A fun way to practise speaking and listening skills - all players move around the board asking and answering, ‘What is the date today?’
This is a board game and powerpoint to teach and practise ‘the weather’ in Spanish.
Pupils can play in groups of 2 -4. Simply print slide 4 for each group - this is the playing board. Laminate or print on to card for increased durability. Each group will also need a dice - a template in provided on slide 5 which can be printed, cut out and assembled.
Players take it in turns to ask and answer questions about the weather in Spanish. This is a great way to practise speaking and listening skills as well as weather phrases.
There are full instructions included, as well as help sheets for pupils, and ideas of how the game can be extended.
The powerpoint also includes slides introduce each of the weather phrases - along with the board game, this could be the main part of a lesson.
This is a board game to practise speaking and listening skills on the topic of weather in French.
Pupils play in groups of 2 -4. Simply print slide 4 for each group - this is the board. Laminate or print on to card for increased durability. Each group will also need a dice - a template is provided to be printed and assembled if needed.
Players move around the board asking and answering questions about the weather. There are three different help sheets included, as well as full instructions on how the game can be extended further.
Also included are powerpoint slides which introduce the weather phrases - together with the game this could be the main part of a lesson.
This is a board game for use in German lessons on the topic of dates / months / numbers.
Pupils play in groups of two to four. Each group will need a board (print slide 3) and a dice (if none are available a template can be printed and assembled - provided in slide 4). Print the boards onto card or laminate to increase durability.
Full instructions are provided. Players take it in turns to ask and answer the question ‘Der Wievielte ist heute?’. A help sheet is provided for those who require it.
This game is great for speaking and listening skills, as well as practising numbers and dates.
This is a powerpoint which introduces pets vocabulary in German - how to ask and answer the question ‘Hast du Haustiere?’
Following the powerpoint there is a ‘Happy Families’ Card Game on the topic of pets. Simply print out the card slides and cut into cards. Full instructions are included as well as prompt / help sheets which can be printed or displayed. There are two version - the easy version requires pupils to use simple sentences such as ‘Ja, ich habe eine Katze’ or ‘Nein, ich habe keine Schlange’. The extended version requires giving description such as colour, size and eye colour.
This is a great way to practise speaking and listening skills and covers several different teaching points: asking questions, negatives, pets vocabulary, descriptions.
This is a board game and powerpoint on the topic ‘Tienes mascotas?’ (Do you have pets?).
A powerpoint is included which first introduces the vocabulary needed to play the game.
Pupils play in groups of 2 - 4. Simply print slide 4 or 5 which is the board. These can be laminated or printed onto card for increased durability. A dice template is also included.
Players take it in turns to move around the board, asking and answering questions about pets. There are two differentiated boards included, one of which includes plurals. Full instructions are included as well as a help sheet for pupils. There are ideas for how the game can be extended and supported.
A fun way to practise speaking and listening skills as well as pets vocabulary. Suitable for introducing the topic as well as for revision purposes.
This is a powerpoint introducing pets in Spanish.
Once the vocabulary has been introduced play the happy families card game which is included. Simply print the card slides and cut up into cards. Laminate or print on to card to re-use with other classes. Full instructions are included as well as helpsheets to print or to display.
There are two versions. The easy version requires pupils simply to use the pets vocabulary in different sentences (Tienes un gato? Si, tengo un gato.) The extended game requires pupils to use descriptions such as colours, size and eye colour.
A fun way of practising speaking and listening skills and a resource that can cover a number of teaching points: questions, negatives, pets vocabulary, descriptions.
This is a powerpoint introducing pets in French.
Once the vocabulary has been introduced play the happy families card game which is included. Simply print the card slides and cut up into cards. Laminate or print on to card to re-use with other classes. Full instructions are included as well as helpsheets to print or to display.
There are two versions. The easy version requires pupils simply to use the pets vocabulary in different sentences (As-tu un chat? Non, je n’ai pas de chat.) The extended requires pupils to use descriptions such as colours, size and eye colour.
A fun way of practising speaking and listening skills and covers a number of teaching points: questions, negatives, pets vocabulary, descriptions.
Three factsheets for parents with lots of easy games, activities and ideas to help them support their child.
First is how to support pre-reading skills.
Second is ideas for supporting phonics.
Third is how to support reading - accuracy, pace, fluency and comprehension.