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A mixture of resources, mostly for years 5 / 6 in primary. All post 2016 new National Curriculum.




A mixture of resources, mostly for years 5 / 6 in primary. All post 2016 new National Curriculum.
GPS story writing homework on fronted adverbials

GPS story writing homework on fronted adverbials

Year 5/6 English NNC. Homework (or class writing task) using a humorous comic strip as a prompt for writing a short story where every sentence starts with a fronted adverbial. Can be customised, with more adverbial suggestions added or all suggestions removed for HA / LA groups.
Homework - GPS mini poster revision

Homework - GPS mini poster revision

A homework to revise the GPS areas of ADJECTIVES, PREPOSITIONS, NOUN TYPES, and PREFIXES / SUFFIXES. Open task, children create their own mini revision pages.
Year 6 end of KS2 statutory assessment grid for writing

Year 6 end of KS2 statutory assessment grid for writing

NEW for summer 2016. Grid for assessing the end of KS2 writing statements based on the 'Interim teacher assessment frameworks' document, and the grids within the '2016 teacher assessment exemplification: end of key stage 2, English writing' documents. Developed in conjunction with writing moderators. Perfect for year 6 teachers assessing writing to the new curriculum for the first time this year, this provides evidence across a range of genre. Based closely on the DfE interim assessment documents, these are blank versions of the ticked grids in the exemplification materials, saving you the trouble of extracting the PDF files into Excel grids and removing all the ticks. Print one sheet per child in A3, and date / title written work for simple cross-referencing. Be prepared for internal and external moderation by providing evidence of the standards in the way local authority moderators will be using.
Feedback code for writing

Feedback code for writing

A key for marking, to make the marking of writing more interactive. A set of symbols used my teachers, and the poster of symbols for the classroom wall, and small sheet version for we use on the back of the children's writing target cards) If you combine this with highlighting some of these in pink highlighter pen and the children responding in their own pink pen, you have a system where the children are eager to respond to comments written by their teacher that has transformed marking and response to marking in my school. [See also my 'Think Pink in Maths' resource for a way to make Maths marking more interactive.]
Cinderella in 5 minutes (humorous play script)

Cinderella in 5 minutes (humorous play script)

A humorous re-write of the story / pantomime of Cinderella, designed to be performed in under 5 minutes. Adaptable / editable Word document, so you can make your own changes & add your own children to the attached cast list. Ideal for class assembly, this has gone down well at year 6 leavers’ assemblies. Great prompt for more able writers to write their own humorous ‘in 5 minutes’ versions of other well-known stories / pantomimes. To perform, it has 9 speaking parts, plus around a dozen non-speaking / crew / sound effect parts. If you liked this, search and download one of my other ‘in 5 minutes’ scripts. Cinderella in 5 minutes Goldilocks and the Three Bears in 5 minutes
Goldilocks and the Three Bears in 5 minutes (humorous play script)

Goldilocks and the Three Bears in 5 minutes (humorous play script)

A humorous, pantomime-style re-write of the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears, designed to be performed in approximately 5 minutes (if rushed for laughs) or 10 minutes at a more leisurely pace. Adaptable / editable Word document, so you can make your own changes & add your own children to the attached cast list. Ideal for class assembly, this has gone down well at year 6 leavers’ assemblies. Great prompt for studying the genre, & for KS2 / KS3 writers to write their own humorous ‘in 5 minutes’ versions of other well-known stories / pantomimes. To perform, it has 10 speaking parts, plus a few non-speaking / crew / sound effect parts. Sound effect (.mp3) files included. If you liked this, search and download one of my other ‘in 5 minutes’ scripts. Cinderella in 5 minutes Goldilocks and the Three Bears in 5 minutes
Argument text examples (year 5/6)

Argument text examples (year 5/6)

Two contrasting, single-page texts, written by me, to show quality persuasive / argument writing (for years 5-6) on the emotive issue of dogs in public places. Written to be analysed for the end of year 6 assessment criteria; to be compared / contrasted; to show emotive language; suitable for group reading at the start of a unit, or model texts later on during independent writing; you could even add a few questions and use them as a comprehension text.
Assessment without levels grids, English

Assessment without levels grids, English

Every New National Curriculum statement for English for years 1 - 6 (includes Speaking & Listening, Reading, Writing Composition, Handwriting, GPS), sorted into 6 spreadsheet pages, set up to be printed onto A3 or A4 sheets. Each statement can be highlighted left to right to show progress along the line, along a sliding scale through: commencing // developing // secure // advanced // deep [See also my Assessment without levels grids, Maths]
Think Pink in English; a programme of interactive feedback marking

Think Pink in English; a programme of interactive feedback marking

How to get children responding to and acting on marking? Following an review that showed our marking needed to be improved, I created a system called 'Think Pink' in which teachers highlight part of their marking in pink highlighter (something specific - a question, some corrections, an extension, an explanation) and the child responds when their book is returned in pink pen. We invested in a box of pink pens for each class, and the children love them and are eager to respond. It has been in use for 18 months now, having started in Maths it was soon extended to English books and other subjects, and it has been taken on and used by other schools in our trust (including middle schools and secondary, not just primary). It was praised by Ofsted in a recent inspection as an example of best practice in interactive marking. I've included final pdf files that you can print and use it exactly as they are, or Word versions that you can customise, add your school logo, and distribute exactly as you want.
GPS SAT test paper 1 Gap Analysis grid

GPS SAT test paper 1 Gap Analysis grid

Test gap analysis grid for any GPS paper 1 short answer SAT test (/50 marks). It auto sums scores per child, and success rate for each question, leading straight from a practice test to gap analysis; identify which questions your class / groups are weakest at, and what each child's priorities are, to direct revision. Can be easily modified for any future GPS test, including the NNC 2016 GPS sample paper 1.
End of KS2 writing assessment grids 2018

End of KS2 writing assessment grids 2018

Based on the checklists used by KS2 writing moderators, your Year 6 children can self-assess as they write, to all the items from the assessment criteria required to meet the standards at the end of year 6. This spreadsheet grid includes Working Towards / Expected / Working Above the expected standard, and you can split the grid to print one, two or all three depending on the target range for an individual child. Each statement is numbered, reducing workload when setting one or more of them as a target. Everything your year 6 children need to check they are meeting the 2018 standards, and all in unlocked Excel spreadsheets so they are fully customisable (add school logo, class name, etc). The grids can be printed A4 or A3, one or two-sided; I’ve also added the year 3/4 and year 5/6 spelling word lists as referred to in the sheets. Also in this bundle is an incredibly useful ‘Summary of Evidence’ sheet, with the same numbering system as the self-assessment sheets. This makes it quick and easy to evidence which of the standards are met in a piece of writing, and identify patterns of gaps to address / fill before the end of June. The KS2 moderator who visited me last year loved this approach, and asked if she could take a set to share with her colleagues.
KS2 SAT reading test practice 'long answer' questions (with text extracts and mark schemes)

KS2 SAT reading test practice 'long answer' questions (with text extracts and mark schemes)

An extensive collated set (55 pages altogether, giving many weeks of practice) of ‘long answer’ questions from KS2 reading SAT tests. Ideal to teaching Y6 how to answer the 2-mark and 3-mark longer written answers. The relevant text is included with each question: some have a full text and several related long questions, others have a shorter extract where a question asks about a specific paragraph. A second document includes the full mark scheme for the relevant questions only, collated by year in the same order as the questions. I have deliberately not used SAT papers from 2017-2019, as you are likely to be using these as end of term assessments, and if they’ve done the longer questions before it can skew your assessment data. An extensive collation job means there are 55 pages of text, questions and mark scheme extracts altogether.