Before having children I was Head of KS3 English at a secondary school in Lincolnshire. I thoroughly enjoyed my time as a teacher and I loved planning lessons and creating exciting resources.
Before having children I was Head of KS3 English at a secondary school in Lincolnshire. I thoroughly enjoyed my time as a teacher and I loved planning lessons and creating exciting resources.
As part of students' study of Anne Fine's play Flour Babies, they can adopt an egg to look after during the holidays.
You will need as many hard boiled eggs as you have students in the class to do this activity.
Students are talked through the adoption process before signing an official adoption certificate. Students are required to complete a 'baby book' to record their experiences. This obviously emulates what the characters have to do with a bag of flour in the play.
Explain to students that Macbeth is going to write a letter to Lady Macbeth explaining the decision he’s arrived at. He should either persuade Lady Macbeth to give up on her ideas, or concede that Lady Macbeth might have a point, and he wants to go through with it. This could be written up in full as a writing assessment.
This resource is taken from my KS3 Macbeth SOW which you can buy from my shop.
This resource offers a comprehensive list of techniques used by the media to influence consumers. This list can be used in a variety of ways. Students could use it to identify techniques used in adverts or they could use it to create their own advert.
There are 15 different techniques listed:
Beautiful People
Explicit Claims
Plain Folks
Warm & Fuzzy
Starter: Be active, not passive!
Display PowerPoint. Go through slides 1-3. Explain to students the difference between active and passive voice. Teach students the idea of bringing the subject to the front of the sentence in order to transmit meaning more clearly, directly and succinctly.
In this lesson students are going to put together a whole article individually or in pairs (depending on your group’s ability). Ideally, this should be done on laptops, but it’s possible to do on paper. You are going to feed students pieces of information via the PPT. Students will use the information to put their article together. Laptops are better for this activity as they are able to edit previously written paragraphs more efficiently.
For lower ability students, it’s probably best to print off the slides.
Explain task using slide 4. Show students slide 5-11, leaving about 5 minutes between each slide. For slide 10, you’ll need to print copies of the Article for pairs.
In the last five minutes, instruct students to check through their work using slide 12.
Students to swap their laptop with another pair and compare articles.
Show students Original Article. This is the actual article based on the same information published in 2008.
This resource is taken from my KS3 English Newspaper/Journalism SOW which you can buy from my shop.
Students need to be in two teams. A volunteer from each team must come to the front. Volunteers must answer a series of questions to try cross the square vertically or horizontally. They’re allowed to ask for help from their team twice. They’re only allowed to choose one person to answer the question.
This resource includes a PowerPoint and a series of 18 questions with answers. Example of three questions below:
F – How do you spell Frankenstein?
C – Who is Frankenstein’s friend? Walton
I – In which city does Frankenstein live? Ingolstadt
This resource contains two documents: the student version is a blank table for students to complete; the teacher version is already filled in using Bridget Jones's Diary and When Harry Met Sally as examples.
Students are to attempt to identify the features of a romantic comedy in Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing and complete the table using modern romantic comedies to assist their understanding.
This is a comprehensive literacy starter activity covering several homophones. This resource contains an informative PPT followed by three engaging and challenging activities.
This activity should last about 20-25 minutes.
Students will need access to a computer to complete this activity. Put students into small groups and issue A4 paper one of the questions from the Questions Pack.. Students are to create an attractive poster which provides the answers to the question(s) they've been given.
After 30 minutes, students are to 'present' their poster to the rest of the group. Students are to make notes in their books so that they have a record of the contextual information about Skellig.
Display students' posters in your classroom as a point of reference throughout the study of Skellig.
Blow this worksheet up to A3 size. Students draw lines between the characters and note down how they're connected. They can also jot down notes and quotes for individual characters. This will become a revision aid for students.
This 23 slide PowerPoint (for teachers) contains 50+ FUN activities for students to do when reading novels as a class. These tasks really do engage, enthuse and excite, and they can be used with any age group. Look at the 'previews' to see the kind of activities on offer.
These activities really do jazz up 'reading' up students and gives them an active task when reading as a class.
This resource offers a fun way of researching WW1 context.
Before the lesson print of the questions and put them into colour-coded piles. You'll need as many questions as you have groups of students. For example, if you have 6 groups, you must have 6 print-outs of the questions. You'll need 6 x yellow questions, 6 x green questions, 6 x blue questions etc.
Put students in teams of 3-4 students. Students must have immediate access to a laptop or computer to be able to find the answers to the questions.
You need to put the piles of questions on your desk. Issue Q1 to all groups and 1 piece of paper to all groups for them to write their answers on. Groups must find the answer to Q1, write it down on their answer sheet and then bring their answer sheet to you. If the answer is correct, you issue them with Q2, and so on until groups have found all the answers to all the questions. It is basically a race to the finish, but the answers must be of quality because you have to 'okay' them before they're issued with the next question. Students enjoy the competitive element of this task. You may wish to give the winning group a small prize as an added incentive.
Discuss the contextual research once the task is over and discuss its links with the poems being studied.
The SOW takes students through the following learning objectives:
Lesson 1
Obj: To be able to define ‘allegory’ and ‘satire’
Lesson 2
Obj: To be able to identify persuasive devices / To research the background and context of Animal Farm.
Lesson 3
Obj: To be able to identify language used for characters in Animal Farm
Lesson 4
Obj: To be able to identify differences between Snowball and Napoleon
Lesson 5
Obj: To be able to use knowledge of the content of Chapter 4 to plan newspaper article.
Lesson 6
Obj: To be able to identify improvements to be made through planning.
Lesson 7
Obj: To be able to understand how power and language are interlinked.
Lesson 8
Obj: To be able to understand how Animal Farm relates to Russian history.
Lesson 9
Obj: To be able to analyse and interpret events in Chapters 8 and 9
Lesson 10
Obj: To be able to identify what makes an effective speaker and listener.
Lesson 11
Obj: To be able to work effectively as a group and prepare a speech
Lesson 12
Obj: To be able to present speech and peer-assess
Lesson 13
Obj: To be able to analyse and discuss the film adaptation of Animal Farm
Lesson 14
To be able to analyse and discuss the film adaptation of Animal Farm
Place these facts around the room. Students have five minutes to search for the facts in the room and write them down. Allow time to feed back and discuss afterwards.
This resource is taken from my KS3 Macbeth SOW which you can buy from my shop.
Issue sets of these cards to groups or pairs. Students are to sequence them in the correct order. Great as a quick starter activity to get students thinking about the order of events in the play. Extend the task by asking students to find quotations to accompany all or some of the events.
Emotive language
End-stopped line
Cut out these dominoes and laminate them (optional). Give individuals or pairs one domino, including you, the teacher.
You begin by reading out the definition on the yellow side of your card. The student who has the term on the blue side of their card that matches with your definition then puts up their hand and says their term out loud. They then read aloud the definition on the yellow side of their card. All class members will have to listen carefully to see if their term matches with the definition they’ve just heard, and so the game continues until it goes full circle, every student has spoken, and you eventually hear the definition that matches with the term on the blue side of your card.
Essentially, you’re playing a large game of dominoes, where students have to match key terms with definitions they hear. Depending on your group’s knowledge/ability, you may work altogether to match up the terms with definitions, or, alternatively, you may decide to play this as an actual dominoes game on the floor.
This is a great 10-minute starter that really helps students to remember key terms and their definitions.
Students are asked to write a short paragraph about their weekend using three connectives from the list displayed in the PPT. Students are then asked to share their paragraph before reflecting on how connectives help to improve their writing.
L.O.: To understand the content and context of Elvis’s Twin Sister.
Assess: Students’ ability to: listen carefully to factual information about Elvis’s life; understand how humour is used to achieve particular effects.
This resource includes a comprehensive lesson plan and PowerPoint to successfully teach students the poem Elvis's Twin Sister.