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Welcome! Bienvenido! 欢迎! Добро пожаловать! Hope you enjoy using these second language and EAL materials in your classroom, wherever in the world you are.




Welcome! Bienvenido! 欢迎! Добро пожаловать! Hope you enjoy using these second language and EAL materials in your classroom, wherever in the world you are.
English ESL Flash Cards - Feelings and Emotions

English ESL Flash Cards - Feelings and Emotions

Beginner English picture flash cards printable PDF for learning feelings and emotions vocabulary words - Great for reviewing, wall displays, small group activities and matching games! Contains: 18 vocabulary words, a total of 54 different tiles Double-Sided version - With picture and text in separate images Single-Sided version - With text under the picture on the same image Topic: Describing Feelings and Emotions - How are you today? well happy unhappy angry sad tired sick excited scared so-so confused surprised embarrassed uncomfortable bored frustrated upset delighted Can be printed on card or paper. By folding each sheet down the vertical center before laminating, you can create double-sided cards to review. Alternatively, images can be used separately, for matching activities, etc. Follow the store here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/DiscoverLanguages for more Language Learning materials! English teachers may want to check out this FREE writing booklet: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/daily-writing-prompts-booklet-1-for-esl-beginners-12599134 and these ESL Flash Cards about Animals: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/english-esl-flashcards-farm-and-zoo-animals-12638675 or these about Class Supplies: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/-12643849 or these about jobs and work: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/english-language-esl-flashcards-jobs-occupations-12643841 Thank you, and a review would be much appreciated!
English Language ESL Flashcards - Transport & Vehicles

English Language ESL Flashcards - Transport & Vehicles

Picture flash cards for learning new vocabulary, reviewing, wall displays, small group activities and matching games! Contains: 24 vocabulary words, a total of 144 individual image tiles Double-Sided version - With picture and text in separate images Single-Sided version - With text under the picture on the same image Both an U.K. British English and U.S. American English version Topic: Transport, Vehicles, Cars, Transportation car bus airplane taxi train yacht sailboat hot air balloon forklift van helicopter lorry / truck bicycle scooter skateboard rollerblades / roller skates go kart motorcycle segway tricycle excavator police car ambulance fire engine / fire truck Can be printed on card or paper. By folding each sheet down the vertical center before laminating, you can create double-sided cards to review. Alternatively, images can be used separately, for matching activities, etc. Follow the store here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/DiscoverLanguages for more Language Learning materials! English teachers may want to check out this FREE writing booklet: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/daily-writing-prompts-booklet-1-for-esl-beginners-12599134 ESL Flash Cards about Animals: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/english-esl-flashcards-farm-and-zoo-animals-12638675 ESL Flash Cards about Jobs and Work: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/english-language-esl-flashcards-jobs-occupations-12643841 ESL Flash Cards about Shapes: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/english-language-flash-cards-shapes-12643844 ESL Flash Cards about School Supplies and Classroom objects: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/english-language-flash-cards-classroom-objects-stationary-12643849 Thank you, and a review would be much appreciated! Search Terms: English flash cards, esl flash cards, eal flash cards, efl flash cards, tefl, tefl flashcards, tefl flash cards tefl teaching, teaching english, english flash cards, beginner english, easy english, daily english, ell, english language learning, teaching English vocabulary, vehicles in english, cars in english, transport in english, english picture flashcards cars
English Picture Flashcards - Fruits

English Picture Flashcards - Fruits

Picture flash cards for learning new vocabulary, reviewing, wall displays, small group activities and matching games! Contains both: Double-Sided version - With picture and text in separate images Single-Sided version - With text under the picture on the same image Topic: Fruits apple orange pear watermelon lemon kiwi banana grapes strawberry pomegranate avocado coconut starfruit mango pineapple peach cherry papaya raspberry plum mangosteen Can be printed on card or paper. By folding each sheet down the vertical center before laminating, you can create double-sided cards to review. Alternatively, images can be used separately, for matching activities, etc. Search Terms: fruit flash cards, fruit pictures, fruit vocabulary, esl flash cards, efl flash cards, tefl, easy english, beginner english, basic english, learning english, ell materials, tefl teacher
English ESL Flashcards - Days of the Week, Months of the Year

English ESL Flashcards - Days of the Week, Months of the Year

Picture flash cards for learning new vocabulary, reviewing, wall displays, small group activities and matching games! Contains: 21 vocabulary words, a total of 63 different tiles Double-Sided version - With picture and text in separate images Single-Sided version - With text under the picture on the same image Topic: Days of the Week, Month of the Year Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday the weekend workdays January February March April May June July August September October November December Can be printed on card or paper. By folding each sheet down the vertical center before laminating, you can create double-sided cards to review. Alternatively, images can be used separately, for matching activities, etc. Search Terms: Days of the week flash cards, days of the week flashcards, days of the week printables, months flash cards, months flashcards, months printables, months of the year flashcards, months of the year flash cards, months of the year printables, dates flash cards, dates flashcards, days in english, months in english, days in english worksheet, month in english worksheet, english dates, esl flashcards easy english flashcards, beginner english worksheets
English Language Flashcards - Household Objects

English Language Flashcards - Household Objects

Picture flash cards for learning new vocabulary, reviewing, wall displays, small group activities and matching games! Contains: 33 vocabulary words, a total of 99 individual image tiles Double-Sided version - With picture and text in separate images Single-Sided version - With text under the picture on the same image Topic: Household Objects, Kitchen Appliances, Things in the Home, gadgets television sofa remote control lamp rug towel bookshelf cupboard wifi router frame cushion plant armchair coffee table curtains toaster microwave oven washing machine fridge scale kettle coffee machine plate bowl fork knife spoon pot pan chopping board spatula cup Can be printed on card or paper. By folding each sheet down the vertical center before laminating, you can create double-sided cards to review. Alternatively, images can be used separately, for matching activities, etc. Follow the store here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/DiscoverLanguages for more Language Learning materials! English teachers may want to check out this FREE writing booklet: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/daily-writing-prompts-booklet-1-for-esl-beginners-12599134 ESL Flash Cards about Animals: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/english-esl-flashcards-farm-and-zoo-animals-12638675 ESL Flash Cards about Jobs and Work: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/english-language-esl-flashcards-jobs-occupations-12643841 ESL Flash Cards about Shapes: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/english-language-flash-cards-shapes-12643844 ESL Flash Cards about School Supplies and Classroom objects: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/english-language-flash-cards-classroom-objects-stationary-12643849 Thank you, and a review would be much appreciated! Search Terms: English flash cards, esl flash cards, eal flash cards, efl flash cards, tefl, tefl flashcards, tefl flash cards tefl teaching, teaching english, english flash cards, beginner english, easy english, daily english, ell, english language learning, teaching English vocabulary, objects in the house flash cards, everyday objects, kitchen appliances, gadgets
English ESL Flash Cards - Christmas & Winter Season

English ESL Flash Cards - Christmas & Winter Season

Picture flash cards for learning Christmas and Winter Holidays vocabulary - great for reviewing, wall displays, small group activities and matching games! Contains: 18 vocabulary words, a total of 54 individual images tiles Double-sided version where the pictures and words are laid out side by side Single-sided version with the words printed under each picture Full UK British English version, and US American English version Topic: Christmas, Winter Festival, Festive Season Christmas tree stockings presents bells candy cane antlers holly bauble hot chocolate / hot cocoa snowman gingerbread house Santa Claus gingerbread person lights wreath sweets / candy reindeer sleigh Can be printed on card or paper. By folding each sheet down the vertical center before laminating, you can create double-sided cards to review. Alternatively, images can be used separately, for matching activities, etc. Follow the store here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/DiscoverLanguages for more Language Learning materials! English teachers may want to check out this FREE writing booklet: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/daily-writing-prompts-booklet-1-for-esl-beginners-12599134 ESL Flash Cards about Animals: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/english-esl-flashcards-farm-and-zoo-animals-12638675 ESL Flash Cards about Jobs and Work: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/english-language-esl-flashcards-jobs-occupations-12643841 ESL Flash Cards about Shapes: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/english-language-flash-cards-shapes-12643844 ESL Flash Cards about School Supplies and Classroom objects: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/english-language-flash-cards-classroom-objects-stationary-12643849 Thank you, and a review would be much appreciated! Search Terms: English flash cards, esl flash cards, eal flash cards, efl flash cards, tefl, tefl flashcards, tefl flash cards tefl teaching, teaching english, english flash cards, beginner english, easy english, daily english, ell, english language learning, teaching English vocabulary, christmas vocabulary, christmas flash cards
English ESL Flashcards - Food & Snacks

English ESL Flashcards - Food & Snacks

Picture flash cards for learning new vocabulary, reviewing, wall displays, small group activities and matching games! Contains: 30 vocabulary words/phrases, a total of 90 individual image tiles Double-Sided version - With picture and text in separate images Single-Sided version - With text under the picture on the same image U.K. British English version and a full alternate version using U.S. American English Topic: Food, Snacks, Desserts bread eggs cheese chicken meat fish sausages vegetables oil hamburger pizza chips / french fries hotdog sandwich chicken nuggets rice soup noodles fruit shrimp pasta spaghetti salad steak cake biscuit / cookie chocolate ice cream popcorn doughtnut / donut Can be printed on card or paper. By folding each sheet down the vertical center before laminating, you can create double-sided cards to review. Alternatively, images can be used separately, for matching activities, etc. English teachers may want to check out this FREE writing booklet: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/daily-writing-prompts-booklet-1-for-esl-beginners-12599134 ESL Flash Cards about Animals: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/english-esl-flashcards-farm-and-zoo-animals-12638675 ESL Flash Cards about Jobs and Work: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/english-language-esl-flashcards-jobs-occupations-12643841 ESL Flash Cards about Shapes: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/english-language-flash-cards-shapes-12643844 ESL Flash Cards about School Supplies and Classroom objects: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/english-language-flash-cards-classroom-objects-stationary-12643849 Thank you, and a review would be much appreciated! Search Terms: English flash cards, esl flash cards, eal flash cards, efl flash cards, tefl, tefl flashcards, tefl flash cards tefl teaching, teaching english, english flash cards, beginner english, easy english, daily english, ell, english language learning, teaching English vocabulary, food in english, snacks in english, learn english food words, english food vocabulary, english snacks, food in england
Chinese New Year Poster, Wordsearch Activity, and Close Reading Worksheets

Chinese New Year Poster, Wordsearch Activity, and Close Reading Worksheets

Chinese New Year teaching resources, reading comprehension and activities! Learn about the traditions of Spring Festival 春节 and Lunar New Year! This printable PDF contains 8 pages: Colourful printout / poster with 12 vocabulary words and pictures Fill in the blank worksheet for students to spell the words themselves A simple reading passage about Chinese New Year traditions including the vocabulary The passage with key vocabulary missing for students to write themselves A more complex passage for students of a higher reading level The passage with key vocabulary left blank for students to fill in Word Search activity for students to recall and find the vocabulary The Answer Key
Valentine's Day English Vocabulary Flashcards for ESL EAL TEFL lessons

Valentine's Day English Vocabulary Flashcards for ESL EAL TEFL lessons

Valentine’s Day English Vocabulary Flashcards for ESL EAL TEFL lessons Beginner English language picture flash cards for teaching Valentine’s Day and February seasonal vocabulary - Great for reviewing, wall displays, small group activities, role-plays, dialogues and matching games! Contains: Printable PDF document with 18 words, a total of 54 individual images tiles A Double-sided version where the pictures and words are laid out side-by-side A Single-sided version with the words printed under each picture Topic: Valentines Day, February Valentine’s Day gifts hearts love letter box of chocolates bouquet of flowers a bottle of wine bow and arrow cupcake padlock and key romantic message candle perfume roses teddy bear balloons ring the fourteenth of February This PDF be printed on card or paper. By folding each sheet down the vertical center before laminating, you can create double-sided cards to review. Alternatively, images can be used separately, for matching activities, etc.
Daily Writing Prompts Booklet 4 - Simple writing tasks for EAL learners!

Daily Writing Prompts Booklet 4 - Simple writing tasks for EAL learners!

This PDF document contains 5 short writing templates for beginner English students learning to write their own short compositions. I made these for my 3rd grade EFL students, who are able to read simple storybooks and can spell 1st and 2nd grade sight words, but struggle with writing in complete sentences, and are complete beginners to writing passages. I briefly explain the writing topic for the day, which we discuss orally, then I write any difficult to spell vocabulary words up on the board according to what we discuss orally. I can then allow the students to get on with writing their passage themselves. This is the 4th booklet we have used, with more to come. The topics get progressively more difficult, allowing students to practice different vocabulary and sentence structures, with more and more freedom to compose what they want to express independently. Topics in Booklet 4: My Best Friend - Describing appearance and personality My Dream House - Rooms and types of houses Favourite Animals - Describing animals, what they can do and their habitats My Favourite Meal - Cuisines, tastes, starters, mains, desserts, side-dishes and drinks What Scares Me - Explaining what we find scary, and using “I used to be…” expression. Document is 3 A4 pages, which can be cut in half to make a 5 page A5 booklet with a cover page. I am making more of these to use with my class at the moment, so if you enjoy the product, please leave a review and let me know which topics you’d like to cover in the next upload! Search Terms: EAL writing, ESL writing, Easy esl writing, tefl writing, A1 English writing, simple ESL writing, simpl english writing, A2 English, beginner english, elementary english
Daily Writing Prompts Booklet 2 - For ESL Beginners

Daily Writing Prompts Booklet 2 - For ESL Beginners

This PDF document contains 5 short writing templates for beginner English students learning to write their own short compositions. I made these for my 3rd grade EFL students, who are able to read simple storybooks and can spell 1st and 2nd grade sight words, but struggle with writing in complete sentences, and are complete beginners to writing passages. I briefly explain the writing topic for the day, which we discuss orally, then I write any difficult to spell vocabulary words up on the board according to what we discuss orally. I can then allow the students to get on with writing their passage themselves. This is the second booklet we have used, with many more to come. The topics get progressively more difficult, allowing students to practice different vocabulary and sentence structures, with more and more freedom to compose what they want to express independently. You can download the first booklet for free here! Topics in Booklet 2 are: My School Day (Class subjects, and ordinal words) My Hobbies (Likes, dislikes, etc.) Questions (Writing simple questions and answers in a dialogue) My Monster (Descriptions, It is… It has…) My Week (On …day I …) I am making more of these to use with my class at the moment, so if you enjoy the product, please leave a review and let me know which topics you’d like to cover in the next upload! Document is 3 A4 pages, which can be cut in half to make a 5 page A5 booklet with a cover page. Search Terms: English teaching, tefl teaching, esl writing, easy writing, eal writing, english as a second language, simple writing, english teaching materials, primary school writing
Daily Writing Prompts Booklet 3 - Simple outlines for elementary English learners

Daily Writing Prompts Booklet 3 - Simple outlines for elementary English learners

This PDF document contains 5 short writing templates for beginner English students learning to write their own short compositions. I made these for my 3rd grade EFL students, who are able to read simple storybooks and can spell 1st and 2nd grade sight words, but struggle with writing in complete sentences, and are complete beginners to writing passages. I briefly explain the writing topic for the day, which we discuss orally, then I write any difficult to spell vocabulary words up on the board according to what we discuss orally. I can then allow the students to get on with writing their passage themselves. This is the third booklet we have used, with more to come. The topics get progressively more difficult, allowing students to practice different vocabulary and sentence structures, with more and more freedom to compose what they want to express independently. You can download the first booklet for free here! Topics in Booklet 3 are: My Birthday (Months of the year, and expressing “I would like…”) Superhero (Superpowers, can/can’t, what one looks like) My Favourite Books (Book genres, author, summarizing a plot) Playtime (Favourite toys and games) In the Morning (Ordinal words, “first, then, after,” etc.) I am making more of these to use with my class at the moment, so if you enjoy the product, please leave a review and let me know which topics you’d like to cover in the next upload! Document is 3 A4 pages, which can be cut in half to make a 5 page A5 booklet with a cover page.
Chinese Zodiac Animals - Reading Comprehension Worksheets - Chinese New Year

Chinese Zodiac Animals - Reading Comprehension Worksheets - Chinese New Year

With the Chinese New Year around the corner, I made this reading comprehension resource for my Chinese ESL students, an easy pre-intermediate/intermediate level reading of the Chinese folk tale about how the Jade Emperor decided the order of the Zodiac calendar by having the animals race. This folder contains a 4 page document with the 12 animals of the Chinese Zodiacs ready to be turned into double sided flashcards, or to be used for a word-picture matching exercise. The other document contains the reading passage (with some Chinese translation for the trickiest words), a spelling exercise, True or False questions, writing the animals next to the ordinal numbers, and an exercise for students to figure out their birth year. Happy Year of the Ox 2021, and Year of the Tiger 2022! 新年快乐!Happy Chinese New Year! Search Terms: Chinese culture, chinese new year, lunar new year, chinese zodiac, chinese animals, zodiac animals, china, chinese worksheet, china culture study, reading comprehension, 中文,中国