Welcome! Bienvenido! 欢迎! Добро пожаловать! Hope you enjoy using these second language and EAL materials in your classroom, wherever in the world you are.
Welcome! Bienvenido! 欢迎! Добро пожаловать! Hope you enjoy using these second language and EAL materials in your classroom, wherever in the world you are.
This PDF document contains 5 short writing templates for beginner English students learning to write their own short compositions. I made these for my 3rd grade EFL students, who are able to read simple storybooks and can spell 1st and 2nd grade sight words, but struggle with writing in complete sentences, and are complete beginners to writing passages. I briefly explain the writing topic for the day, which we discuss orally, then I write any difficult to spell vocabulary words up on the board according to what we discuss orally. I can then allow the students to get on with writing their passage themselves.
The topics include:
Who are you? (Introducing oneself and a friend)
What colour is it? (The apple is red…)
How many are there? (There is/are … in the classroom.)
What can we do? (I can/can’t… You can/can’t…)
Our Favourite Food (I like/don’t like… He/She likes/doesn’t like…)
For more Daily Writing Prompts visit:
Booklet 2 - [https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/daily-writing-prompts-booklet-2-for-esl-beginners-12599157]
Booklet 3 - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/daily-writing-prompts-booklet-3-simple-outlines-for-elementary-english-learners-12599169
This is the first booklet we used, with many more to come. The topics get progressively more difficult, allowing students to practice different vocabulary and sentence structures, with more and more freedom to compose what they want to express independently.
Document is 3 A4 pages, which can be cut in half to make a 5 page A5 booklet with a cover page.
I am making more of these to use with my class at the moment, so if you enjoy the product, please leave a review and let me know which topics you’d like to cover in the next upload!
This double-sided worksheet introduces the Mandarin Chinese Characters for the numbers 1 to 10. It teaches the pinyin pronunciation and tones for each number, the Chinese Character, the stroke order demonstrated in a colourful diagram, and square spaces to practice tracing then writing each number.
This is followed with an exercise for students to practice translating the phone numbers from Chinese Characters to Arabic numbers, and space for students to practice writing their own number in Chinese.
Perfect for beginner students learning to count in Chinese, for home-schooling, tutoring or self-study.
Mandarin Chinese flashcards for use in the classroom, or for self-study!
This PDF document contains 5 A4 pages of picture flashcards to print, a total of 15 different colours in Chinese. Each page contains 6 images, a colourful picture on the left, alongside the simplified Chinese character, with the pinyin pronunciation and tonal markers underneath.
Topic: Colours 颜色
Vocabulary included:
red 红色
yellow 黄色
green 绿色
blue 蓝色
purple 紫色
orange 橙色
pink 粉色
black 黑色
white 白色
brown 棕色
gray 灰色
navy 深蓝色
gold 金色
silver 银色
colorful 多彩
Can be printed on card or paper. By folding each sheet down the vertical center before laminating, you can create double-sided cards to review. Alternatively, images can be used separately, for matching activities, etc.
Please leave a review if you found these useful, and check back in at the Discover Languages shop for more Mandarin Chinese Flash Cards to come! 谢谢你!
Search terms: learn chinese, chinese colours, chinese colors, mandarin colours, colour flashcards, chinese flash cards, chinese flashcards, 颜色, 词汇卡, 学习中文, 学习汉语, 教中文, 教汉语, chinese characters, colours in chinese, colors in chinese
FREE Turkish - English Bilingual Colour Flash Cards for teaching vocabulary, playing games, display in the classroom, or for self-study!
This PDF document contains 20 A4 pages of picture flashcards to print. Each page contains 6 images, a colorful picture in a square on the left, alongside a square with the keyword. Includes both:
Turkish & English Bilingual version with colorful pictures
Turkish Only version with colorful pictures
Turkish & English words only version
Topic: The Colors / Renkler
Vocabulary included:
kırmızı - red
sarı - yellow
yeşil - green
mavi - blue
mor - purple
turuncu - orange
pembe - pink
siyah - black
beyaz - white
kahverengi - brown
gri - gray
lacivert - indigo
altın - golden
gümüş - silver
renkli - colorful
Can be printed on card or paper. By folding each sheet down the vertical center before laminating, you can create double-sided cards to review. Alternatively, images can be used separately, for matching activities, noticeboard displays etc.
Turkish Flashcards - Animals: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/turkish-english-flashcards-animals-hayvanlar-12626722
Turkish Flashcards - Family: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/turkish-english-flashcards-family-aile-12626723
Turkish Flashcards - Weather and Seasons: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/turkish-english-flashcards-weather-and-seasons-hava-ve-mevsimler-12627169
Find More Turkish and English Language resources in the Discover Languages Store:
Search Terms: beginner turkish, easy turkish, basic turkish, beginer turkish flash cards, daily turkish, turkish vocabulary, learn turkish, study turkish, teaching turkish. turkish class, turkish lessons, ingilizce öğren, türkçe öğren, temel türkçe, kolay türkçe, çocuklar için türkçe
A simple worksheet for students to match the clothes picture to the correct Spanish word. As students draw lines to match the pictures together, encourage them to speak out the phrases. Teacher can then give out colouring materials for free colouring, or hold a listening exercise, expressing phrases like “Un vestido rojo” where students have to listen and colour accordingly.
This was created for a pre-school class of 4 years old, but can be utilized for other beginner level Spanish classes.
The Discover Spanish Pre-School Course bundle is available from the DIscover Languages store, with 40 lesson plans, games, simple worksheets, flash cards and song lyrics.
Free Spanish & English bilingual flashcards for teaching vocabulary, display in the classroom, or for self-study!
This PDF document contains 10 A4 pages of picture flashcards to print. Each page contains 6 images, a colorful picture in a square on the left, alongside a square with the Spanish and English keyword.
Includes 2 versions:
Spanish & English Bilingual version
Spanish only version
Topic: The Colors / Los Colores
Vocabulary included:
red - rojo
yellow - amarillo
green - verde
blue - azul
purple - morado
orange - naranja
pink - rosado
black - negro
white - blanco
brown - marron
gray - gris
indigo - índigo
gold - dorado
silver - plateado
colorful - vistoso
Can be printed on card or paper. By folding each sheet down the vertical center before laminating, you can create double-sided cards to review. Alternatively, images can be used separately, for matching activities, noticeboard displays etc.
Check out the Discover Languages Store for more Spanish teaching materials, including flashcards for teaching numbers, animals, family members, food and more!
ANIMALS - [https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/spanish-flash-cards-animals-los-animales-12606677]
FEELINGS - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/spanish-flashcards-feelings-and-emotions-sentimientos-12624336
FRUITS - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/spanish-flash-cards-fruits-las-frutas-12607814
Picture flash cards for learning new vocabulary, reviewing, wall displays, small group activities and matching games!
15 vocabulary words, a total of 90 individual image tiles
Double-Sided version - With picture and text in separate images
Single-Sided version - With text under the picture on the same image
U.K. and U.S. English versions
Topic: The Colours / Colors
grey / gray
colourful / colorful
Can be printed on card or paper. By folding each sheet down the vertical center before laminating, you can create double-sided cards to review. Alternatively, images can be used separately, for matching activities, etc.
Follow the store here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/DiscoverLanguages
for more Language Learning materials!
English teachers may want to check out this FREE writing booklet: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/daily-writing-prompts-booklet-1-for-esl-beginners-12599134
ESL Flash Cards about Animals:
ESL Flash Cards about Jobs and Work: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/english-language-esl-flashcards-jobs-occupations-12643841
ESL Flash Cards about Shapes:
ESL Flash Cards about School Supplies and Classroom objects:
Thank you, and a review would be much appreciated!
A super-simple worksheet for practicing the colours in Spanish. This was designed as part of the Discover Spanish Preschool Course, best suited for students aged 3-7.
For more Spanish teaching material like this, check out the Discover Spanish Teacher’s Manual - with 40 lessons plans, games, worksheets and song lyrics.
Students draw a line to match the color and word to the correct picture, then color the pictures in. Make sure students express the colors aloud in Spanish when asking for crayons/pencils to color, and have them point at and express the colors of their pictures when finished.
Search Terms: spanish worksheet, spanish colours worksheet, spanish colors worksheet, cual color, que color es, colours in spanish, spanish teaching worksheets, free spanish worksheet, spanish class, preschool spanish, spanish for beginners, easy spanish, easy spanish worksheet
Download this FREE PDF document for teaching the colour words.
Each page is A4 sized, a colourful picture followed by the color word in Dutch with the English underneath. Images and word pages can be laminated back to back to create double-sided flash cards, or used separately for wall displays, matching activities, memory pair games, etc.
For more Dutch / English Flashcards, you check out Dutch / English Flashcards SET 1 here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/dutch-english-flashcards-10-easy-topics-12598292
This covers the topics of Greetings, Feelings, Colours, Animals, Numbers, Clothes, Fruit, Weather and Seasons, Family Members, Body Parts and Food!
Perfect for beginner learners of Dutch, or Dutch native speakers who are starting to learn English.
This PDF document contains 3 pages for learning the colours in Turkish!
A poster / reference card with 12 different coloured crayons with the turkish language word underneath.
A worksheet with coloured crayons and spaces to write each of the turkish words underneath. SPelling hint provided as each letter is represented by a dash _ _ _
A worksheet where the Turkish colour words are printed, and students need to colour in the blank crayons accordingly.
Follow Discover Languages for more Turkish Language learning materials, for example:
TURKISH / ENGLISH BILINGUAL CARDS - COLOURS https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/turkish-english-flashcards-colours-renkler-12627301
Free German picture flash cards for teaching the colours - Perfect for games, matching activities, display in the classroom, or for self-study!
This PDF document contains 18 A4 pages of picture flashcards to print. Each page contains 6 square images. This PDF document includes:
Double-sided version with the picture, German word and English
Double-sided version with the pictures and German only
Single-sided version with the German word under the picture on the same image
English and German words only version, without pictures
Topic: The Colours / Die Farben
Vocabulary included:
red - rot
yellow - gelb
green - grün
blue - blau
purple - lila
orange - orange
pink - rosa
black - schwarz
white - weiß
brown - braun
grey - grau
marineblau - navy blue
golden - goldfarben
silver - silber
colourful - bunt
Can be printed on card or paper. By folding each sheet down the vertical center before laminating, you can create double-sided cards to review. Alternatively, images can be used separately, for matching activities, noticeboard displays etc.
German Animal Flashcards available here:
German Feelings Flashcards:
German Family Members Flashcards:
German Food Flashcards:
German / English Beginner Flashcard Set - 100+ cards
Beginner Italian language picture vocabulary flash cards for learning the colours - Free PDF download - Both English Bilingual, and Italian only versions. Perfect for games, matching activities, display in the classroom, or for self-study!
This PDF document contains 18 A4 pages of picture flashcards to print. Each page contains 6 square images. This PDF document includes:
Double-sided version with the picture, Italian word and English
Double-sided version with the pictures and Italian only
Single-sided version with the Italian word under the picture on the same image
English and Italian words only version, without pictures
Topic: Colors, Colours, The rainbow, I Colori
Vocabulary included:
rosso - red
giallo - yellow
verde - green
blu - blue
viola - purple
arancione - orange
rosa - pink
nero - black
blanco - white
marrone - brown
grigio - gray
blu scuro - indigo
dorato - golden
argento - silver
colorato - colourful
Can be printed on card or paper. By folding each sheet down the vertical center before laminating, you can create double-sided cards to review. Alternatively, images can be used separately, for matching activities, noticeboard displays etc.
If you find this product useful, please return to leave a review and let me know which topics to cover next time!
Free German PDF Worksheet for learning the colours!
This document contains 2 worksheets and a reference card / poster:
1. A colourful A4 page displaying 15 different coloured crayons with the German vocabulary word printed underneath.
2. A colourful A4 page showing 15 different coloured crayons with the letters of the German word missing - for students to practice their vocabulary and spelling!
3. A page with 15 black and white crayons, with the German colour vocabulary word printed underneath - for students to colour in, testing their vocabulary knowledge.
Find more German teaching materials here, in the Discover Languages Store:
Such as these German Animal Flashcards
German Feelings Flashcards:
German Family Flashcards:
German / English Beginner Flashcard Set - 100+ cards
Free Italian language PDF worksheet & poster for teaching the months of the year - I Mesi! Simple, colorful and suitable for beginners.
This resource contains 2 pages:
A colourful A4 page with pictures listing the 12 months of the year.
A document with the same 12 colourful pictures, and blank spaces for students to try to spell the words themselves.
If you found this worksheet useful, and would like to see more like it made in the future, a review with your suggestion for the next topic would be much appreciated!
#italian #italianworksheets #beginneritalian #easyitalian #italianforkids #italianlessons #teachitalian #imesi #italiano #teachingitalian
Teaching beginner English vocabulary to ESL TEFL EAL students? Or do you need an activity and resource for learning basic zoo and wild animals vocabulary?
This printable PDF contains:
Colourful poster with 12 color vocabulary words with pictures and the English text
Fill in the blank worksheet for students to spell the words themselves
Word Search activity for students to recall and find the vocabulary
The Answer Key
Teaching beginner English vocabulary to ESL TEFL EAL students? Or do you need an activity and resource for learning basic vocabulary for the Springtime Season?
This printable PDF contains:
Colourful poster with 12 color vocabulary words with pictures and the English text
Fill in the blank worksheet for students to spell the words themselves
Word Search activity for students to recall and find the vocabulary
The Answer Key
Teaching beginner English vocabulary to ESL TEFL students? Or do you need an activity and resource for learning basic vegetables and food vocabulary?
This printable PDF contains:
Colourful poster with 12 color vocabulary words with pictures and the English text
Fill in the blank worksheet for students to spell the words themselves
Word Search activity for students to recall and find the vocabulary
The Answer Key
Beginner Italian and English posters, worksheet and wordsearch activity to learn basic 2D shapes vocabulary!
This PDF printable includes 6 pages:
12 colorful pictures of 2D basic shapes words with the Italian text underneath
Bilingual poster with Italian and English
Fill in the blank worksheet for students to spell the words themselves
Activity for students to recognise the words and draw the shapes themselves
Wordsearch activity to recall and recognize the vocabulary
Answer Key
Teaching beginner Spanish students? Need resources and activities for teaching the shapes - las formas?
This printable PDF contains:
Colourful poster with 12 shapes and Spanish vocabulary words
Bilingual poster with shapes vocabulary in English and Español
Worksheet for students to recognise the words and draw the shapes themselves
Fill in the blank worksheet for students to spell the words themselves
Word Search activity for students to recall and find the vocabulary
The Answer Key
Beginner German and English bilingual posters, worksheets and wordsearch activity to learn the basic 2D shapes vocabulary - Die Formen
This PDF printable includes 5 pages:
12 colorful pictures of different weather words with the German text underneath
Bilingual poster with German and English
Fill in the blank worksheet for students to spell the words themselves
An activity for students to recognise the vocabulary and draw the shapes themselves.
Wordsearch activity to recall and recognize the vocabulary
Answer Key