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Welcome! Bienvenido! 欢迎! Добро пожаловать! Hope you enjoy using these second language and EAL materials in your classroom, wherever in the world you are.
Discover Spanish - Preschool Teacher's Manual

Discover Spanish - Preschool Teacher's Manual

This 72 page teacher’s book PDF and flashcard set was used to teach Spanish to classes of English speaking 2-5 year olds in an international kindergarten. The course is divided into 10 topics, with 4 lessons in each. With Spanish lessons once a week, this course will last a full school year. These fun lesson plans use Spanish active games, worksheets and role-plays to engage young language learners. We incorporate a lot of music into the lessons, including some from the WhistleFritz Spanish collection, and others from free resources found online (links to which are provided). Each lesson is designed to last 30 minutes, best suited for kindergarten and preschool aged kids. Teacher’s book Contents: o Unit 1 – ¡Hola! o Unit 2 – ¿Cómo Estás? o Unit 3 – Los Colores o Unit 4 – Los Animales o Unit 5 – Los Números o Unit 6 – Las Frutas o Unit 7 – ¡Bailar! o Unit 8 – El Transporte o Unit 9 – El Tiempo o Unit 10 – Los Insectos o Spanish Songs Although this course is aimed at preschool and nursery aged children, the content can be transfered to Primary school classes also, if they are total beginners to Spanish.