
25 Challenging Maths Puzzles for KS3, 4 and 5
This document contains 25 different Maths puzzles, with answers, that provide good challenges to students of all levels. All are accessible to the weakest students, but challenging to even the highest performers. I regularly use them as fillers, homeworks and conversation starters.

Circle Theorems Revision Sheet - Publisher version
This sheet is for KS4 revision purposes and contains all of the circle theorems on a single page, clearly presented.

Simplex Algorithm instructions sheet
A single sheet clearly explaining each stage of the Simplex Algorithm.

Further Pure Mathematics Vectors - pdf
A revision guide with each rule, expression and formula for Vectors. Originally developed for Further Pure 3 unit.

Further Pure Mathematics Vectors - Word version
A revision guide with each rule, expression and formula for Vectors. Originally developed for Further Pure 3 unit.

Probability Distribution Approximations - Excel
A spreadsheet that graphically represents the approximations from Binomial to Poisson and Binomial to Normal Distributions, allowing you to input different values of the various parameters to see how it affects the approximation.

Simplex Algorithm - Two-Stage Method powerpoint
The powerpoint will work through an example of using the two-stage method for solving simplex algorithm problems.
A video of the powerpoint being used can be found at the address below:

The Simplex Algorithm - PowerPoint
This PowerPoint will guide you through the application of The Simplex Algorithm, as featured in the Edexcel Further Maths Decision course. The PowerPoint covers both Maximising and Minimising problems.
There is a video demonstrating the use of this PowerPoint available at the link below:

Prim's Algorithm
A PowerPoint demonstrating the application of Prim’s Algorithm. A video showing the presentation in use can be found at the address below:

Route Inspection algorithm (Chinese Postman problem)
This PowerPoint provides an example of the Route Inspection algorithm being used. There is a video of the PowerPoint being used available at the address below:

Floyd's Algorithm
A PowerPoint demonstrating how to use Floyd’s Algorithm for the Decision Maths course. There is a video demonstrating the use of the powerpoint available at the address below:

Simplex Algorithm -Integer Solutions PPT
This is a powerpoint to demonstrate the use of the Simplex Algorithm when integer solutions are called for, and it supplements the other Simplex Algorithm powerpoint that is available on TES too.
There is a video demonstrating the use of this powerpoint available at the link below:

Travelling Salesman Problem -Lower Bound
The Powerpoint shows how to use the minimum spanning tree method to find a lower bound for the Travelling Salesman Problem. There is a video showing its use available at the address below:

Travelling Salesman Problem -Upper Bound
The Powerpoint shows how to use the minimum spanning tree method to find an upper bound for the Travelling Salesman Problem. There is a video showing its use available at the address below:

Nearest Neighbour Upper Bound for Travelling Salesman Problem
This PowerPoint will guide you through the process of finding an upper bound for the Travelling Salesman Problem using the Nearest Neighbour method. This was created with the Edexcel A Level Further Maths course in mind, but it should be suitable for others too.
There is a video of the powerpoint in use at the link below:

Simplex Algorithm and Variants PowerPoints Bundle
PowerPoint presentations on the Simplex Algorithm, including integer solutions, the Two Stage Method and the Big M Method. Also includes a one sheet version of the algorithm. Videos of all powerpoints included are on the specific resource pages.

Travelling Salesman Problem Bounds PowerPoints Bundle
A collection of all three powerpoints for finding bounds on the Travelling Salesman problem, as used in the Further Maths A Level course. Videos of their use are available on each individual resource page.

Finding A Critical Path On An Activity Network PPT
This powerpoint presentation will go through an example of how to find the critical path on an activity network, demonstrating the earliest and latest event times, and the float.
There is a video of the resource being used at the address below:

Skills Progress Assessments
This series of assessments is intended to be taken at the start of every term from Year 7 to Year 11. Each assessment tests purely the mathematical skills of the students and tracks their progress over the years via the included spreadsheet. Almost every question is provided without context so that the skills are at the forefront of the assessments.
To use the spreadsheet, enter the names of the students in the first sheet. This will then populate throughout the rest of the sheets. For each test, simply put the score for each question for each student, and everything else is then calculated automatically. The last sheet on the spreadsheet, “Progress Sheet” can then be printed out and given to the students so that they can directly see their progress for each skill. Numerical links to Hegarty Maths tasks are also given.
When printing out sheets for the students, note that it will only print out the results for one student at a time, but it will just give them the coloured progress section. When discussing their work, we don’t make any reference to total mark, or what it is out of as we prefer to just focus on their progress with the skills rather than the students just focusing on their total mark.
Should you wish to make any changes to the spreadsheet, the password is “mouse”.