PPT slides created for Dement and Kleitman (1957), which is a core study for CIE A Level Psychology (9990). Information referenced from various sources, including the original journal article.
Also links with another resource below which is the exam-style questions which are all in one document.
This lesson is designed for students during their first exposure to the question (paper 2, Q10).
It is worth 14 marks.
At the beginning of the lesson, I distributed the question and gave no guidance. Ask students to make bullet points to indicate what they would include.
Then - pair / share.
After attempting this, you can guide your students through the question.
I did this workshop for my Y12s in preparation for their first ever mock exam. It helps with the 10 mark evaluation question.
Feel free to edit according to the level of your students.
My school is focusing on making lessons enjoyable through gamification. Here is what I developed for my Y12 students. It is a revision game based on the core studies for biological psychology (Canli, Schachter&Singer, and Dement and Kleitman). Materials can be adapted for your specific criteria.
It is fully interactive and includes audio.
FULL syllabus content for Unit 1 Social Psychology Edexcel IAL. This document lists the Edexcel IAL syllabus and has EVERYTHING that you or your students need for the examination. The document is 16 pages long.
I designed this resource to help students structure their revision and make recall easier since there are many names/dates.
It is mostly blank. Students can fill it in with details, key terms, evaluation and the teacher can copy previous exam questions into the table for students to answer.
Hope this helps!
Resources for teaching Andrade’s (2010) doodling study. The pack includes:
Andrade (2010) original study.
Powerpoint which covers the series of lessons.
Materials so you can replicate the study in the classroom. (consent, debrief, standardised instructions, doodling task etc)
This powerpoint supports a number of lessons on the Canli et al (2000) study for CIE AS Level Psychology (9990). It contains a full outline of the study, results and evaluation.
There is also a question bank which involves exam-style questions based on the CIE exams.
A supporting powerpoint (with some examination-style questions) for teaching research methodology. Activities can be adapted throughout. Frequent checking of understanding.
Here is a half-completed ppt of the Laney study of false memory. Homework task was for students to complete their own ppt for experiment 2. There is also a question bank and the original article.