
Worksheet on Converging Lens
This worksheet is prepared for Learners to practice ray diagram using convex lens. Kindly share your comments!

Yr 8 -Checkpoint Science- Pressure-Homework
This free ‘Homework’ resource is for Year 8 students following Checkpoint Science. The topic is ‘Pressure’ that comes under Physics. Answers come in a separate file. Hope it will be useful!
Kindly share your feedback!
Thanks in advance!

Worksheet on stopping distance
This free resource is based on the subtopic 'stopping distance' under 'dynamics' of Cambridge O level curriculum. Answers are included with working! You can use this worksheet either after teaching or as assessment. Hope you find it useful!

Reflection & Refraction of waves in a ripple tank
wavefronts/reflection & refraction of water waves/deep/ shallow

Basics of waves
My learners found the presentation and the assessment helpful. Hope the same for anyone.

Reflection & refraction of sound waves
sound/longitudinal waves/need medium/reflection at equal angles/refraction -warm air & cold air

Ripple tank
Wavefronts/ reflection/refraction/ deep region/shallow region/ change in wavelength/ speed, constant frequency

Micrometer screw gauge
This worksheet is tailored in a way to make learners to understand zero error, main scale and head scale readings. My learner group showed better feedback. Hope it helps for all learners. Kindly pass your comments for future improvement.

Characteristics of sound waves
frequency/pitch/amplitude & loudness/ waveform of a sound displayed on a CRO/quality or timbre

Worksheet on wave basics
This worksheet is prepared to train students to have good knowledge about wave basics. My learners found this useful. Hope it would be useful for others as well. Kindly leave a comment about this worksheet!

Speed of sound & echoes
speed of sound/ characteristics of speed of sound/ reflection of sound
Kindly view the presentation as power point show!(else you may get dizzy!)

This product is a basic worksheet on Measurement . The worksheet contains questions with conversion of units (length, mass & time) to appropriate SI units, calculating area & volume using SI units and avoiding parallax error.
This worksheet can be used as a classwork/ assessment/ revision. I found this worksheet to be effective for learners’ understanding (especially for physics beginners) during my class. Hope it helps everyone!
Kindly let me know your feedback!
Thanks in advance!

Worksheet on Static Electricity
This worksheet helped my students a lot. Kindly let me know your feedback!

Mass, Weight & Density
A worksheet on mass, weight and density. Learners can understand the concepts much better than explanation. Try it and share your comments!

Conversion of Celsius to Kelvin and vice-versa
This free product is a simple worksheet to make your students to learn the conversion of temperature from degree Celsius to Kelvin and vice versa. Students in KS3 and KS4 of CIE curriculum (or any curriculum with this topic in their syllabus) will find it useful. Answers are given for reference.
Kindly share your thoughts! Your feedback brings out great resources! Thanks in advance!

MCQ - Thermal Capacity and Specific Heat Capacity
I prepared this resource to enable my students to have a good understanding about thermal capacity and specific heat capacity. There are twenty questions in this resource and the questions are from past papers. Answers to each question is given with a suitable explanation for the correct choice. Hope you and your students find it useful. Kindly share your feedback!

IGCSE- Physics- Measurement - A summary
This free resource can be used to do the revision of the topic ‘Measurement’. Hope it will be useful! Let me know your feedback about the resource.
Thanks in advance!