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IGCSE- Physics- Measurement - A summary
This free resource can be used to do the revision of the topic ‘Measurement’. Hope it will be useful! Let me know your feedback about the resource.
Thanks in advance!

Find the angles Worksheet
This free product is a simple worksheet to make your students to find angles. Beginners and slow learners will find this resource helpful. Students in KS3 and KS4 of CIE curriculum (or any curriculum with this topic in their syllabus) will find it useful. Answers are given for reference.
Kindly share your thoughts! Your feedback brings out great resources! Thanks in advance!

Motion Graphs
The PowerPoint deals with the distance- time and speed-time graphs. Hope it will be helpful. Kindly share your comments.

Free fall of a parachutist
This product consists of:
1. a lesson plan/tutorial in PowerPoint (Total slides 19)
2. Free fall of a parachutist – Worksheet 1(total pages 2)
3. Free fall of a parachutist – Worksheet 1- Answers
4. Free fall of a parachutist – Worksheet 2 (total pages 4)
5. Free fall of a parachutist – Worksheet 1- Answers
The PowerPoint file clearly explains the free fall of parachutist with air resistance. The file also includes 8 questions for checking the understanding of the concept taught. This file can be used in classroom for teaching the topic. I assure that learners will find this easy.
The two worksheets can be given as a class work or homework to enhance learners’ understanding.
I find this bundle to be helpful in my class for thorough understanding. Hope they serve the same to you as well! Enjoy teaching!
Let me know your feedback please! Thank you in advance!

Test on kinematics and dynamics
This a basic test conducted in the class for year 8 students. The test consists of 20 MCQ with a time duration of 30 seconds(click on the circle you find in each slide-it is the timer). 5 questions are of problem solving. The timer is set with a duration of 2 minutes to 4 minutes depending upon the problem.
Please be free to share your comments.

Number Line
Hope this number line worksheet would be helpful for beginners or slow learners. Hope this worksheet would make them easier to understand the addition or subtraction of positive and negative numbers.
Comments on this worksheet are most welcome. All your comments will certainly make another good worksheet! Thanks!

Welcome Bunting
Preparing yourself for the start of the School Year? Good luck! This free resource consists of bunting to welcome your class. Try this and have a wonderful year!

Measurement Quiz
This quiz is based on the basic measurement topic under IGCSE Physics 0625. Physics explores the universe from particles to galaxies, revealing governing laws. It involves questioning, unravelling mysteries, and finding order in nature, from Newton to quantum concepts. Quizzes motivate learners, identify strengths, and enhance memory through active recall. Let’s revise chapters through quizzes!Let me know how you find this resource. Thank you!

Motion-2 Quiz 3
This quiz is based on the topic ‘Motion’ under IGCSE Physics 0625. Physics explores the universe from particles to galaxies, revealing governing laws. It involves questioning, unravelling mysteries, and finding order in nature, from Newton to quantum concepts. Quizzes motivate learners, identify strengths, and enhance memory through active recall. Let’s revise chapters through quizzes! Let me know how you find this resource. Thank you!

Motion-1 Quiz 2
This quiz is based on the topic ‘Motion’ under IGCSE Physics 0625. Physics explores the universe from particles to galaxies, revealing governing laws. It involves questioning, unravelling mysteries, and finding order in nature, from Newton to quantum concepts. Quizzes motivate learners, identify strengths, and enhance memory through active recall. Let’s revise chapters through quizzes! Let me know how you find this resource. Thank you!

Force and Motion Concepts- True or False Activity
Card game is a good learning tool that enables the teacher to identify the depth of students’ knowledge in a particular topic. Teachers love card games since it is easy and quick to use, and involves students in learning and understanding the topic through a fun way. This is one of the great way to reinforce the topic and increase learners’ participation.
This product contains 28 set of True/ False cards. Teacher can either use the student answering sheet given at the end or use the True/ False cards given which can be printed to the required amount and pasted back to back on straws or ice-cream sticks.
Answers to each card are also provided. Certain questions which confuse students have also been reasoned out. Hope this product would be a great tool for classroom teaching as well as for home school children.
Kindly share your thoughts!

Addition , Subtraction, Multiplication- Puzzle game
This puzzle game is a fun learning tool that will be interesting and keeps all students engaged in the activity. Print all the puzzles, cut the cards along the dotted lines. Distribute one card to one student. Let them work out their solution and hunt for their matching partners who also have the same answer. For example, a student having an addition card with the answer equal to 22, then he/she has to find three other partners with the same result.
Here, the student has to find a partner with 22 after subtraction, then the two students have to find the partner with 22 after multiplication and the partner with the answer printed in heart.
If you do not want your children to move around ask them to record the card number / alphabet in the answering sheet which is included in the product. For example addition card 1, subtraction card f, multiplication card p all give the same answer 25.
Have fun through learning!

Addition & Subtarction of like and unlike denominators
Use this product to help your students to practice adding and subtracting like and unlike denominators. The product has
6 problems on addition- like denominators
6 problems on subtraction- like denominators
6 problems on addition- unlike denominators
6 problems on subtraction- unlike denominators
Answers are given on separate sheet. Students have to work out the given problem, find the correct answer, cut and paste it in the space given. Students will know if they have made any error(s) right away when they notice their answer is not on the answer sheet! So they can correct themselves. Answers are given to ease your task. Hope you find this product helpful!
Kindly share your feedback!

Counting Number- Task cards
This product contains 24 task cards on Counting Numbers for Primary Level of any curriculum.
Print out and cut these cards (laminating each card would be more advantageous, do it if you can). Distribute cards to each learner, provide them the answering sheet which is included in this resource. The correct answer should be recorded in the answering sheet. Students can exchange their cards after completion.
Hope this product would be a great supplement tool for classroom revision/assessment as well as for students under home school. If you feel anything to be changed or added, please be free to share your feedback.
Kindly share your thoughts!

Counting Worksheet- Primary
This primary resource contains 3 different worksheet on Numbers .
1. Count & Write (Numbers are between 1 and 15)
2. Colour the same number (Numbers are between 1 and 10)
3. Match the same number (Numbers are between 1 and 10)
Certainly kids will enjoy this! Primary children of any curriculum will find it helpful.

Electromagnetism Worksheet
This product is a worksheet based on the topic 'Electromagnetism' under 5054 physics syllabus (O level physics). Answers to the questions are given at the end. This product is also included in my other product 'Electromagnetism Lesson Plan'. Hope this resource helps you to keep your learners focused on the task given. This product can be used after teaching the topic or as an assessment to analyse their understanding over the concepts of electromagnetism.

Multiplication & Division Task Cards
This product contains 24 sets of Multiplication and Division task cards for KS2 year 4. Students should work out the solutions and record their answers in the Answering Sheet, which is included in this product. Answers to the task cards are also provided for reference. Hope this product would be a great tool for classroom teaching as well as for children under home school.
Kindly share your thoughts!

Probability-KS3 & KS4
This product contains 24 sets of probability task cards. Each card contains a multiple choice question with 4 options and student have to choose the correct option and record the answer in the Answering Sheet, which is included in this product. Answers to the task cards are also provided for reference. Hope this product would be a great tool for classroom teaching as well as for children under home school.
Kindly share your thoughts!

Kinematics Task Cards
This product contains 24 task cards on Kinematics- based on CIE O level curriculum. Student Answering sheets are included in a separate file. Answers for reference is also provided in the same answering sheet file. Teachers can use these cards after the completion of topic or to assess students’ understanding or to revise the topic. These cards would certainly enhance clear focus on the topic and learners’ participation.
Print out and cut these cards (laminating each card would be more advantageous, do it if you can). Distribute cards to each learner, provide them the answering sheet which is included in this resource. The correct answer should be recorded in the answering sheet. Students can exchange their cards after completion.
Hope this product would be a great supplement tool for classroom revision/assessment as well as for students under home school. If you feel anything to be changed or added, please be free to share your feedback.
Kindly share your thoughts!