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Year 1-Tell the time-Task Cards and Worksheet
This product, based on Year 1 Time - National Curriculum, contains 24 task cards and a worksheet to draw hands on the clock faces for the given time.
Task cards show clocks with time to the hour and half past the hour.
Student Answering Sheet for task cards is included in a separate file. Answers for reference are also provided in the same answering sheet file.
The worksheet shows blank clock faces and students have to draw hands on each clock face for the given time.
Answers to the worksheet are also given in the same file.
Hope you enjoy teaching 'Time' through this product!
Kindly share your feedback about the product!

Electricity - Task Cards
This product, based on Electricity- Cambridge curriculum- GCSE, contains 24 task cards.
Task cards cover most of the important concepts under electricity.
Student Answering Sheet for task cards is included in a separate file. Answers for reference are also provided in the same answering sheet file.
Hope you find this resource very useful. Learners learn the concepts much better through this resource.
Kindly share your feedback about the product!

Mass, Weight & Density- Task cards - GCSE Physics
This product contains 24 task cards on Mass, Weight & Density- GCSE Curriculum, Cambridge O level.
Print out and cut these cards (laminating each card would be more advantageous, do it if you can). Distribute cards to each learner, provide them the answering sheet which is included in this resource. The correct answer should be recorded in the answering sheet. Students can exchange their cards after completion. Answers are included for reference.
Hope this product would be a great supplement tool for classroom revision/assessment as well as for students under home school. If you feel anything to be changed or added, please be free to share your feedback.
Kindly share your thoughts!

Electricity Revision Worksheet -O level
This resource is a differentiated worksheet with easy, medium and higher tier questions. Learners can start from the basic to learn about the basics of electricity then proceed to revise, pd, emf, ohm's law, conventional current, series and parallel connections of components, energy dissipated etc.,
Answer key is included for reference. Hope this would be a useful resource. Kindly share your feedback! Thanks in advance

Energy and its Sources- Task Cards
This product contains 24 task cards on ‘’Energy and its resources’’- based on GCSE O level Physics. Some questions are multiple choice type, some are fill in the blanks format, some are explanatory type and some are problem solving. Student Answering sheet is included in a separate file. Answers for reference are also provided in the same answering sheet file.
Hope this product would be a great supplement tool for classroom revision/assessment as well as for students under home school system. If you feel anything to be changed or added, please be free to share your feedback.

Year 2 Number and Place Value Task cards
This product contains 28 sets of ‘Year 2- Number and Place Value’ task cards. Cut these cards along the dotted line and laminate each card for long term use. Print the required copies of answering sheet, which is at the end of the same file. The students should record their answers in the ‘Answering Sheet’.
Answers to each task card are also provided for reference. Hope this product would be a great tool for classroom teaching as well as for children doing home school.
Kindly share your thoughts!

Number and Place Value - Year 2
This resource supplements the topic, ‘Number’ –Year 2, based on the National Curriculum, England, saving you the time of having to create worksheets for your students to do! The resource comes with the ‘Back Pack Theme’ which features:
Count forward(from 0 in steps of 1, 2, 3, 5 and from any number in steps of 10)
Count backward ((from a number to zero in steps of 1, 2, 3, 5 and from any number in steps of 10)
Count forward by 10 (from any number)
Count backward by 10 (from any number)
Write the expanded form of Tens and Ones using numbers
Write the value of the underlined digit (place value)
Shade the tens and ones of the number shown
Write the given number in expanded form using words
Estimate the numbers on each number line
Compare the numbers using ‘=‘, ‘>’ or ‘
Ordering of numbers (least to greatest and greatest to least)
Read and write numbers in numerals and words
Match the numbers to get 10.
Write the correct Tens and Ones of the given number.
Answers to each worksheet are given for quick reference. So the product would be helpful for children under ‘home school’. You can also use this workbook to review Year 2 ‘Number’ for Year 3 kids during the first week of school!
Kindly share your thoughts!

Year 1- Number & Place Value Task cards
This product contains 28 sets of ‘Year 1- Number and Place Value’ task cards. Cut these cards along the dotted line and laminate each card for long term use. Print the required copies of answering sheet, which is enclosed as a separate file. The students should record their answers in the ‘Answering Sheet’.
Answers to each task card are also provided for reference. Hope this product would be a great tool for classroom teaching as well as for children doing home school.
Kindly share your thoughts!

Hooke's Law-Task cards
This product contains 24 task cards on ‘Hooke’s law’- based on GCSE O level Physics. All the questions are multiple choice type. Questions are based on knowledge, understanding and problem solving . Student Answering sheet is included in the same file. Answers for reference are also provided
Enhance the understanding of your students through these task cards! Hope you will find it useful.
Kindly share your feedback!

Assignment on Pie Chart - Grade 4, 5 & 6
Do you feel that your kids need some extra practice on ‘pie chart’? Try this resource and build their understanding about the topic. At the end of the file I have also added the version without questions and you can add your own questions depending upon your students’ ability. Answer key is included in the same file for your kind reference. Kindly share your thoughts.