Love a resource? Premium primary and secondary science resources for KS2, KS3, GCSE and A-level. Biology, chemistry and physics for teaching and revision.
Love a resource? Premium primary and secondary science resources for KS2, KS3, GCSE and A-level. Biology, chemistry and physics for teaching and revision.
Key Stage 4 ~ GCSE Biology~ lesson on Speciation. In this lesson, students will state what speciation is, explain why speciation happens and describe the work of Alfred Wallace. Extension questions are included on the slides and there is a pick and mix of different tasks to select from for your students. Follows the GCSE Biology AQA course.
This lesson includes:
Title slide with learning objectives
A starter activity
Group reading (literacy)
Order the steps
Discussion exercise
Comprehension questions
Handout sheet task
Task boxes
Includes assessment for learning (AFL). Answer slides included for self-assessment
Suitable for remote, online, distance learning
Suitable for supply teaching and home learning. This lesson is fully self-explanatory and can be delivered without specialist knowledge. It assumes that the previous content from topic 6 has been introduced but not necessarily mastered. Discussion/extension answers are in the ppt notes.
A supplementary resource designed to support self-directed learning, homework and independent projects is available here
Key Stage 4 ~ GCSE Biology~ full lesson on Biotechnology. In this lesson pupils will describe what mycoprotein is, explain in more detail how bacteria can be genetically engineered to produce human insulin and discuss genetic modification of crops. Extension questions are included on the slides and there is a pick and mix of different tasks to select from for your students. Follows the GCSE Biology AQA course.
This lesson includes:
-Title slide with learning objectives
-A starter activity
-Group reading (literacy)
-Comprehension questions
-Task boxes
-Note taking exercise
-Order the steps
-Walk through exercise
-Handout sheet
-Answer slides included for self-assessment
-Suitable for remote, online, distance learning
-Suitable for supply teaching and home learning. This is fully self-explanatory and can be delivered without specialist knowledge. Discussion/extension answers are in the ppt notes.
-Return to the start of the topic
-A supplementary resource designed to support self-directed learning, homework and independent projects is available here
Key Stage 4 ~ GCSE Biology~ introductory lesson on the Nervous system. In this lesson pupils will describe different parts of the nervous system, explain how synapses connect neurons and explain response co-ordination from stimulus to response. Extension questions are included on the slides and there is a pick and mix of different tasks to select from for your students. Follows the GCSE Biology AQA course.
There is a free revision lesson for the Reaction Times Required Practical available here:
This lesson includes:
-Title slide with learning objectives
-A starter activity
-Group reading (literacy)
-Comprehension questions
-Task boxes
-Discussion exercise
-Order the steps
-Handout sheet task
-Identification task
Extension task
-Answer slides included for self-assessment
-Suitable for remote, online, distance learning
-Suitable for supply teaching and home learning. This is fully self-explanatory and can be delivered without specialist knowledge apart from the keyword pathogen which means disease-causing microorganism (germs). Discussion/extension answers are in the ppt notes.
-Next lesson Reflexes
-A supplementary resource designed to support self-directed learning, homework and independent projects is available here
Key Stage 4 ~ GCSE Biology~ full lesson on Competition. In this lesson pupils will list some resources which animals compete for and explain the difference between structural, behavioral and functional adaptations. Extension questions are included on the slides and there is a pick and mix of different tasks to select from for your students. Follows the GCSE Biology AQA course.
This lesson includes:
-Title slide with learning objectives
-A starter activity
-Group reading (literacy)
-Comprehension questions
-Task boxes
-Structural, behavioral or functional?
-Answer slides included for self-assessment
-Suitable for remote, online, distance learning
-Suitable for supply teaching and home learning. This is fully self-explanatory and can be delivered without specialist knowledge. Discussion/extension answers are in the ppt notes.
-Next lesson Abiotic and Biotic Factors
-A supplementary resource designed to support self-directed learning, homework and independent projects is available here
Key Stage 4 ~ GCSE Biology~ lesson on The Brain. In this lesson pupils will name some structures in the brain, discuss some methods for studying the brain and explain some risks of interfering with the brain. Extension questions are included on the slides and there is a pick and mix of different tasks to select from for your students. Follows the GCSE Biology AQA course.
This lesson includes:
-Title slide with learning objectives
-A starter activity
-Group reading (literacy)
-Task boxes
-Handout sheet task
-Order the steps
-Discussion exercises
-Comprehension questions
-Answer slides included for self-assessment
-Suitable for remote, online, distance learning
-Suitable for supply teaching and home learning. This is fully self-explanatory and can be delivered without specialist knowledge apart from the keyword pathogen which means disease-causing microorganism (germs). Discussion/extension answers are in the ppt notes.
-Next lesson The Eye
-A supplementary resource designed to support self-directed learning, homework and independent projects is available here
Key stage 3 ~ year 8 ~ complete revision lesson for Biology B2c (Adaptation and Inheritance). This lesson covers the major topics from this unit and can be used to revise for end of topic tests or to address knowledge gaps identified in the end of topic assessments.
In this lesson students will revise:
Variation, competition and adaptation
Continuous and discontinuous variation
Natural selection and extinction
Return to the start of the topic
This supplementary resource is designed to support independent study, homework projects and revision.
A full lesson on The Eye is available here: and Correcting Vision Defects here:
PowerPoint presentation and worksheet on the eye for teaching and revision. Simple step by step explanations of concepts up to the end of KS4. This resource follows the AQA Biology GCSE syllabus. Next topic Body Temperature:
Content Covered:
Parts of the eye
The iris reflex
Accommodation (near and distant objects)
Short- and long-sightedness
Convex and concave lenses
Other methods of vision correction
Suitable for remote online distance learning and usable by non-specialists, including for homeschooling.
Key Stage 4 ~ GCSE Biology~ full lesson on Oxygen Debt. In this lesson pupils will describe the effect of exercise on the body, explain what is meant by oxygen debt and discuss how you can investigate the effect of exercise on the body. Extension questions are included on the slides and there is a pick and mix of different tasks to select from for your students. Follows the GCSE Biology AQA course.
This lesson includes:
-Title slide with learning objectives
-A starter activity
-Prior knowledge check
-Group reading (literacy)
-Task boxes
-Discussion exercise
-Handout sheet task
-Comprehension questions
-Answer slides included for self-assessment
-Suitable for remote, online, distance learning
-Suitable for supply teaching and home learning. This is fully self-explanatory and can be delivered without specialist knowledge apart from the keyword pathogen which means disease-causing microorganism (germs). Discussion/extension answers are in the ppt notes.
-Next lesson Revision Bioenergetics
-A supplementary resource designed to support self-directed learning, homework and independent projects is available here
Key Stage 4 ~ GCSE Biology~ lesson on Adrenaline and Thyroxine. In this lesson, students will describe what each hormone does, explain how the release of hormones is affected by negative feedback and interpret graph data about thyroxine levels. Extension questions are included on the slides and there is a pick and mix of different tasks to select from for your students. Follows the GCSE Biology AQA course.
This lesson includes:
Title slide with learning objectives
A starter activity
Group reading
Task boxes
Discussion Exercise
Comprehension questions
Data Task
Extension data task comparing the thyroxine graphs to other negative feedback graphs
Includes assessment for learning (AFL). Answer slides included for self-assessment
Suitable for remote, online, distance learning
Suitable for supply teaching and home learning. This is fully self-explanatory and can be delivered without specialist knowledge. It does assume that students have already covered the rest of the human endocrine system. Discussion/extension answers are in the ppt notes.
Next lesson Plant Hormones
A supplementary resource designed to support self-directed learning, homework and independent projects is available here
Key stage 3 ~ year 8 ~ complete lesson on ecosystems. In this lesson students will identify niches within an ecosystem, describe how organisms coexist within an ecosystem and practice using key vocabulary.
Extension questions are included on the slides and there is a pick and mix of different tasks to select from for your students.
This lesson includes:
-Title slide with learning objectives
-A starter activity
-Group reading (literacy)
-Keywords (vocabulary: population, community, habitat, ecosystem, niche and coexist)
-Task boxes
-Consolidation questions
-Handout sheet task
-Discussion exercise
-Answer slides included for self-assessment
-Next lesson Revision
Key Stage 4 ~ GCSE Biology~ lesson on Plant Hormones. In this lesson, students will list some plant hormones and state their function. They will explain how these hormones can be used commercially. They will explain how plant responses can be investigated in the lab. Extension questions are included on the slides and there is a pick and mix of different tasks to select from for your students. Follows the GCSE Biology AQA course.
This lesson includes:
Title slide with learning objectives
A starter activity
Group reading
Discussion Exercise
Comprehension questions
Handout sheet task
Task boxes
Data task (numeracy)
Includes assessment for learning (AFL). Answer slides included for self-assessment
Suitable for remote, online, distance learning
Suitable for supply teaching and home learning. This is fully self-explanatory and can be delivered without specialist knowledge. It does assume that students have already covered the rest of the human endocrine system. Discussion/extension answers are in the ppt notes.
Return to the start of the topic
A supplementary resource designed to support self-directed learning, homework and independent projects is available here
These study notes are excellent for revision, independent projects and catch-up study. Our full lessons can be found here: and a free resource is available for content preview.
Suitable for remote online distance learning. Slides are written to be self-explanatory so can also be used for home study.
Powerpoint presentations and accompanying worksheets covering infection and response (AQA GCSE Biology Grade 9-1) for teaching and revision. Some of the resources in this package are free for content preview.
Suggested Order
Communicable Disease FREE
Immunity FREE
Monoclonal Antibodies
Plant Diseases and Defences
This supplementary resource is designed to support independent study, homework projects and revision.
A full lesson on Food Security and Farming is available here:
PowerPoint presentation and worksheet on food security and farming for GCSE biology for teaching and revision. Simple step by step explanations of concepts up to the end of KS4. This resource follows on from Pyramids of Biomass (
Content Covered:
-Definition of food security
-Factors affecting food security
-Population increase
-Diet and importing food
-Impact of war on food security
-Environmental change
-New pests and pathogens
-Cost of farming
-Sustainable farming and efficient food production
-Bioethics: restricting the movement of farm animals for more efficient production of food
Suitable for remote online distance learning and usable by non-specialists, including for homeschooling.
This supplementary resource is designed to support independent study, homework projects and revision.
A full lesson on Biotechnology is available here:
PowerPoint presentation and worksheet on biotechnology for GCSE biology for teaching and revision. Simple step by step explanations of concepts up to the end of KS4. This resource follows on from Food Security and Farming (
Content Covered:
-Genetically engineering bacteria to produce human insulin
-Genetically engineering crops
-Producing meat substitutes from fungi (mycoprotein)
Suitable for remote online distance learning and usable by non-specialists, including for homeschooling.
This supplementary resource is designed to support independent study, homework projects and revision.
A full lesson on DNA Structure and Protein Synthesis is available here:
PowerPoint presentation and worksheet on DNA, protein synthesis and mutations for teaching and revision. Simple step by step explanations of concepts up to the end of KS4. This resource follows the AQA Biology GCSE syllabus. Next topic Reproduction:
Content Covered:
DNA structure
Protein synthesis
Human genome mapping
Mutations (insertions, deletions and substitutions)
Suitable for remote online distance learning and usable by non-specialists, including for homeschooling.
Key Stage 4 ~ GCSE Biology~ second in a two-part lesson on Photosynthesis (the first part can be found here
In this lesson pupils will describe how different factors affect the rate of photosynthesis, describe an experiment for measuring the rate of photosynthesis and explain the shape of the graphs different factors produce. Extension questions are included on the slides and there is a pick and mix of different tasks to select from for your students. Follows the GCSE Biology AQA course.
Note: The equation for photosynthesis and uses of glucose are a separate lesson and not included in this one.
This lesson includes:
-Title slide with learning objectives
-A starter activity (two options here; a recap of the transpiration practical as students often get the two muddled OR a photosynthesis equation recap).
-Group reading (literacy)
-Task boxes
-Discussion exercise
-Handout sheet task
-Order the steps
-Numeracy task (inverse square law)
-Comprehension questions
-Data task
-Answer slides included for self-assessment
-Suitable for remote, online, distance learning
-Suitable for supply teaching and home learning. This is fully self-explanatory and can be delivered without specialist knowledge apart from the keyword pathogen which means disease-causing microorganism (germs). Discussion/extension answers are in the ppt notes.
-Next lesson Metabolism
-A supplementary resource designed to support self-directed learning, homework and independent projects is available here
Key Stage 4 ~ GCSE Biology~ full lesson on Abiotic and Biotic Factors. In this lesson pupils will explain the difference between abiotic and biotic factors, give some examples of how these factors may change and explain the consequences if they do. Extension questions are included on the slides and there is a pick and mix of different tasks to select from for your students. Follows the GCSE Biology AQA course.
This lesson includes:
-Title slide with learning objectives
-A starter activity
-Group reading (literacy)
-Task boxes
-Order the steps
-Biotic or Abiotic
-Comprehension questions
-Numeracy task
-Answer slides included for self-assessment
-Suitable for remote, online, distance learning
-Suitable for supply teaching and home learning. This is fully self-explanatory and can be delivered without specialist knowledge. Discussion/extension answers are in the ppt notes.
-Next lesson Food Chains and Webs
-A supplementary resource designed to support self-directed learning, homework and independent projects is available here
Primary Key Stage 2 - Full biology lesson on Pollination and Fertilisation.
Learning Objectives
Describe the difference between pollination and fertilisation
Explain what happens during pollination
Compare insect and wind pollination
Lesson Includes
Starter activity (retrieval practice/recall)
Warm-up activity
Introduction to the keywords
Teach/Check/Practice (I do/We do/You do) cycles with tasks that demonstrate that the learning objectives have been met in student books
Opportunities for assessment for learning
Challenge extension work for higher ability students
Worksheet (optional)
Challenge worksheet (optional)
SEND adaptations: the lesson is chunked to avoid working memory overload, blue background for Irlens, word banks are provided, text is broken up for dyslexia and a consistent format is followed for ASD. Group reading is differentiated in difficulty and keywords from previous lessons are reinforced. Learning from previous lessons is interlinked to help students catch up after absence.
Next lesson Seeds
This lesson is suitable for supply teaching and home learning (remote, distance or online). It is fully self-explanatory and can be delivered without specialist knowledge. Printed sheets are optional extras; the core lesson can be delivered without any printing or additional preparation. Opportunities are provided for students to develop their vocabulary, literacy and oracy skills.
This supplementary resource is designed to support independent study, homework projects and revision.
A full lesson on Medicinal Drugs is available here:
PowerPoint presentation and worksheet on drugs and drug development for teaching and revision. This resource follows the AQA Biology GCSE syllabus. Leads on to Monoclonal Antibodies:
Content Covered:
Antibiotic resistance
Drug discovery
Preclinical and Clinical trials
Animal testing
Double-blind studies
Suitable for remote online distance learning and usable by non-specialists, including for homeschooling.
PowerPoint presentation and worksheet on xylem and phloem for A-Level biology for teaching and revision. Key points from GCSE are recapped in the presentation.
Content Covered:
Xylem and phloem
Cohesion-Tension theory
Rate of transpiration
Mass flow hypothesis
Suitable for remote online distance learning and usable by non-specialists, including for homeschooling.