These are the same lessons I use in my classroom, specifically designed for AQA GCSE and Edexcel A Level Geography. Each lesson comes with clear, differentiated, and printable resources to help speed up teaching and increase student engagement. My Geography lessons are suitable for Key Stage 3, 4, and 5
These are the same lessons I use in my classroom, specifically designed for AQA GCSE and Edexcel A Level Geography. Each lesson comes with clear, differentiated, and printable resources to help speed up teaching and increase student engagement. My Geography lessons are suitable for Key Stage 3, 4, and 5
Edecxel A Level Lessons Bundle -Health, Human Rights and Inteventions
The 13 Health human rights and interventions lessons bundle include:
Human development
Variations in human health and life expectancy
Development targets and policies
Human Rights
Defining and protecting human rights
Variations in human rights within countries
Geoploitical Interventions
The Impact of development aid
Military Action and human rights
measuring the success of geoploitical interventions
Development aid - a mixed record of success
Military interventions: A mixed success story
These lesson contain:
QR codes to provide rapid access to students for all the embedded videos & extra reading
Detailed worksheet with exercises and exam questions to aid active recovery and learning during the lesson and within independent study.
Optional resources for printing
Edexcel A Level Geography Lesson - 4.13 Health, Human RIghts and Interventions - Revision
Students will learn about Health and human rights vary and how the international community interventions in human right abuses
Revision videos
Exam Questions and model answers
Recall sheets
The lesson contain:
QR codes to provide rapid access to students for all the embedded videos & extra reading
Detailed worksheet with exercises and exam questions to aid active recovery and learning during the lesson and within independent study.
Optional resources for printing
Edexcel A Level Geography Lesson - 4.12 Health, Human Rights and Interventions - Military Intervention: A Mixed Success Story
Students will learn that military interventions have a mixed record of success.
Development aid - Ebola case study
Development aid - Haiti case study
Inequality and development
Development aid as an extension of foreign policy
This lesson contains:
QR codes to provide rapid access to students for all the embedded videos & extra reading
Detailed worksheet with exercises and exam questions to aid active recovery and learning during the lesson and within independent study.
Optional resources for printing
Edexcel A Level Geography Lesson - 4.11 Health, Human Rights and Interventions - Development Aid - A mixed record of success
Students will learn that military interventions have a mixed record of success
Development aid - Ebola case study
Development aid - Haiti case study
Inequality and development
Development aid as an extension of foreign policy
This lesson contains:
QR codes to provide rapid access to students for all the embedded videos & extra reading
Detailed worksheet with exercises and exam questions to aid active recovery and learning during the lesson and within independent study.
Optional resources for printing
Edexcel A Level Geography Lesson - 4.10 Health, Human Rights and Interventions - Measuring the success of geopolitical interventions
Students will learn that there are several ways of measuring the success of geopolitical Intervention
How successful is geopolitical intervention
Democracy as a measure of success
Democracy and freedom of expression
Aid for trade
This lesson contains:
QR codes to provide rapid access to students for all the embedded videos & extra reading
Detailed worksheet with exercises and exam questions to aid active recovery and learning during the lesson and within independent study.
Optional resources for printing
Edexcel A Level Geography Lesson - 4.9 Health, Human Rights and Interventions - Military Action and Human Rights
Students will learn that military aid, including both direct and indirect military intervention, is frequently justifies in terms of human rights
Military Intervention
Military aid and human rights
Colombia case study
The war of terror
Torture and human rights
USA and Guantanamo Bay
This lesson contains:
QR codes to provide rapid access to students for all the embedded videos & extra reading
Detailed worksheet with exercises and exam questions to aid active recovery and learning during the lesson and within independent study.
Optional resources for printing
Edexcel A Level Geography Lesson - 4.8 Health, Human Rights and Interventions - The impact of development aid
Students will learn that some development focuses on improving both human rights and human welfare, but other development has negative environment and cultural impacts
Types of development aid
Development aid Haiti case study
Development aid Malaria case study
Gender equality
Aid and dependency
Aid supporting or promoting corruption
Development aid and environmental protection
This lesson contains:
QR codes to provide rapid access to students for all the embedded videos & extra reading
Detailed worksheet with exercises and exam questions to aid active recovery and learning during the lesson and within independent study.
Optional resources for printing
Edexcel A Level Geography Lesson - 4.7 Health, Human Rights and Interventions - Geoploitical Intervention
Students will learn there are different forms of geopolitical intervention in defense of human rights
Intervention in conflict
Geopolitical Intervention
* Development Aid
* Trade Embargoes
* Military aid
* Military action
Validity of intervention
National Sovereignty
Libya Case study
This lesson contains:
QR codes to provide rapid access to students for all the embedded videos & extra reading
Detailed worksheet with exercises and exam questions to aid active recovery and learning during the lesson and within independent study.
Optional resources for printing
Edexcel A Level Geography Lesson - 4.6 Health, Human Rights and Interventions - Variations of Human Rights within Countries
Students will learn that there are significant variations in human rights within countries reflected in different levels of social development.
Free Speak v Human Rights
Aboriginal (ASTI) Human rights Case study Australia
Level of inequality between ATSI and non indigenous population
Health and the ASTI population
Education and ASTI population
Equal rights and ASTI population
Gender Inequality and ASTI population
This lesson contains:
QR codes to provide rapid access to students for all the embedded videos & extra reading
Detailed worksheet with exercises and exam questions to aid active recovery and learning during the lesson and within independent study.
Optional resources for printing
Edexcel A Level Geography Lesson - 4.5 Health, Human Rights and Interventions - Defining and Protecting Human Rights
Students will learn there is a significant difference between countries in their definitions and protections of human rights
Human Rights USA and UN
Economic Development v’s Human Rights
Democratic Freedoms
Political Curruption
This lesson contains:
QR codes to provide rapid access to students for all the embedded videos & extra reading
Detailed worksheet with exercises and exam questions to aid active recovery and learning during the lesson and within independent study.
Optional resources for printing
Edexcel A Level Geography Lesson - 4.4 Health Human Rights & Interventions - Human Rights
Students will learn about how human rights have become important aspects of international law and international agreements
What are human rights
European Convention on Human Rights
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Human rights in the UK & objections to the ECHR
Aleppo Syria Case Study
This lesson contains:
QR codes to provide rapid access to students for all the embedded videos & extra reading
Detailed worksheet with exercises and exam questions to aid active recovery and learning during the lesson and within independent study.
Optional resources for printing
Edexcel A Level Geography Lesson - 4.3 Health, Human Rights and Interventions - Development Targets and Policies
Students will learn about how Governments and International Government Organisations play a significant role in defining development targets and policies.
Economic and Social Development
Social Spending Saudi Arabia Case Study
Social Spending France Case Study
Promoting Development
World Bank - Education and the Environment
International Monetary Fund and Poverty
The World Trade Organisation and environment
Millennium Development Goals
Sustainable Development Goals
This lesson contains:
QR codes to provide rapid access to students for all the embedded videos & extra reading
Detailed worksheet with exercises and exam questions to aid active recovery and learning during the lesson and within independent study.
Optional resources for printing
Edexcel A Level Geography Lesson - 4.1 Health, Human Rights and Interventions -Variations in human health and life expectancy
Students will learn about that there are notable variations in human health and life expectancy.
Variations in health and life expectancy in Africa
Democratic Republic of Congo Case Study
Algeria Case Study
Variations in health and life expectancy in developed countries
Variations within countries UK Case study
variations between ethnic groups Australia Case study
This lesson contains:
QR codes to provide rapid access to students for all the embedded videos & extra reading
Detailed worksheet with exercises and exam questions to aid active recovery and learning during the lesson and within independent study.
Optional resources for printing
Edexcel A Level Geography Lesson - 4.1 Health, Human Rights and Interventions - Human Development
Students will learn about concepts of human development and why they are complex and often contested
Intro to Hans Rosling and Factfulness
Human development
Measuring human development
Measuring economic inequality
Human development Index
Happy Planet Index
Sharia Law
Variations in education
Gender inequalities
This lesson contains:
QR codes to provide rapid access to students for all the embedded videos & extra reading
Detailed worksheet with exercises and exam questions to aid active recovery and learning during the lesson and within independent study.
Optional resources for printing
Edexcel A Level Geography Lesson - 4.12 Globalisation - Revision
Students will learn about how superpowers influence geopolitics and the tensions this creates
Revision videos
Exam Questions and model answers
Recall sheets
The lesson contain:
QR codes to provide rapid access to students for all the embedded videos & extra reading
Detailed worksheet with exercises and exam questions to aid active recovery and learning during the lesson and within independent study.
Optional resources for printing
Edecxel A or A/S Level Lessons Bundle -Regenerating places All eleven lessons
The 12 globalisation lessons bundle include:
Understanding globalisation
Defining globalisation
The key players in globalisation
TNC’s and Globalisation
“Switched on” and “Switched off” worlds
The global shift: Winners and losers
Global Interconnections
Towards a global culture
Closing the development gap
Rising tensions
These lesson contain:
QR codes to provide rapid access to students for all the embedded videos & extra reading
Detailed worksheet with exercises and exam questions to aid active recovery and learning during the lesson and within independent study.
Optional resources for printing
Edecxel A Level Lessons Bundle -Superpowers All eleven lessons
The 11 lessons in this pack include:
Hard and soft power - making an Impact
What is a superpower
Changing patterns of power
Emerging superpowers
Global networking
Players in international decision making
Contested places
Contested global influence
Challenges for the future
These lesson contain:
QR codes to provide rapid access to students for all the embedded videos & extra reading
Detailed worksheet with exercises and exam questions to aid active recovery and learning during the lesson and within independent study.
Optional resources for printing
Edexcel A Level Geography Lesson - 3.11 Superpowers - Revision
Students will learn about how superpowers influence geopolitics and the tensions this creates
Revision videos
Exam Questions and model answers
Recall sheets
The lesson contain:
QR codes to provide rapid access to students for all the embedded videos & extra reading
Detailed worksheet with exercises and exam questions to aid active recovery and learning during the lesson and within independent study.
Optional resources for printing
Edexcel A Level Geography Lesson - 3.10 Superpowers - Challenges for the future
Students will learn about how existing superpowers face an ongoing economic restructuring, which challenge their power
Economic Restucturing and deindustialisation
Debt problems and the financial crisis
Maintaining global military power
* Navel Power
* Nuclear Power
* AIr Power
* Intelligence services
* SPace exploration
Future uncertainties & Future superpower structures
This lesson contains:
QR codes to provide rapid access to students for all the embedded videos & extra reading
Detailed worksheet with exercises and exam questions to aid active recovery and learning during the lesson and within independent study.
Optional resources for printing
Edexcel A Level Geography Lesson - 3.9 Superpowers - Contesting global Influence
Students will learn about how developing nations have changing relationships with superpowers, with consequences for people and the physical environment.
Tension Over resources
Growing tension in Africa
the role of emerging powers and their influence
Attitudes to contrasting cultural ideologies
This lesson contains:
QR codes to provide rapid access to students for all the embedded videos & extra reading
Detailed worksheet with exercises and exam questions to aid active recovery and learning during the lesson and within independent study.
Optional resources for printing