Try out this free daily English task part of a much bigger 6 week pack!
You may like to look at the 6 Week Pack
Year 5 and 6 English CHALLENGING 5 a day task to prepare children for end of year SATs assessments - a comprehensive six-week program designed to boost your students’ English skills!
With a focus on spellings, grammar, vocabulary, and comprehension, these mini tasks are perfect for daily use as an early morning activity, after lunch, or as part of the main English lesson.
Each day, your students will be presented with a series of mini tasks, covering all the year 5 and 6 statutory spellings, along with a range of grammar and vocabulary exercises to improve their language skills.
The comprehension tasks are designed to cover a range of domains, including vocabulary, retrieval, summarising, predicting, and inference. This means that your students will not only improve their language skills, but also their ability to understand and analyse text. Children should be encouraged to work through as many questions as possible and perhaps work in partners to try to work out the trickier comprehension questions. Dictionaries will need to be at hand!
Whether you’re looking to supplement your current English curriculum, or simply want to provide your students with a fun and engaging way to improve their language skills, the Year 5 and 6 English 5 a day tasks are the perfect solution.
Free A4 PDF fetaures of a biography classroom poster.
This poster comes free with my biography prompt bookmarks (x30 PDF), link below:
Printable persuasive writing poster for your classroom.
PDF to print-simply download, print and laminate if required.
This free poster can be purchased with some Persuasive writing bookmarks prompts (x30 for every child in your class) link below
See my English writing units below. All units are based on beautiful KS2 (grades 4,5) fiction books.
Narrative writing classroom poster showing features of narrative writing.
This can also be purchased with some narrative writing prompt cards (x30 for each child) ready to print, laminate and slot inside children’s English books.
Also see my English units of work with high-quality writing ideas. Units are all based around popular KS2 (grades 4 and 5) fiction books and are cross-curricular.
A lovely reading list to give out to you children/parents. Includes many popular titles and a section for classic books too.
x30 PDFs to be printed and handed out.
Free classroom poster with features of an explanation text.
This poster can be purchased with some writing prompts (x30 ready to print and laminate for each child).
Please see my English units, all based on beautiful KS2 (grades 4,5) books.
A4 PDF letter writing prompt classroom poster. Simply print, laminate if required and display!
This poster can be purchased with my letter writing prompt bookmarks (x30 for each child) , link below:
Free A4 PDF classroom diary writing prompt poster.
Simply print, laminate if required and display.
This poster can be purchased with my diary writing prompt bookmarks (x30 for each child) link below:
Free A4 PDF report writing prompt poster. Simply print, laminate if required and display.
This poster can be purchased with my report writing prompt bookmarks (x30 for each child), link below:
This Split Digraph poster is designed to help children learn and master the essential skill of reading split digraph words!
png poster
These go alongside my Split Digraph Flashcards -link below:
x30 Printable narrative writing checklists and vocabulary prompt cards with a free classroom poster. Simply print and trim. These prompt cards can also be laminated and slotted inside children’s books.
Also see my English units of work with high-quality writing ideas. Units are all based around popular KS2 (grades 4 and 5) fiction books and are cross-curricular.
x30 Printable explanation writing checklists and vocabulary prompt cards. Simply print and trim. These prompt cards can also be laminated and slotted inside children’s books.
Also see my English units of work with high-quality writing ideas. Units are all based around popular KS2 (grades 4 and 5) fiction books and are cross-curricular.
Letter prompt bookmarks and letter writing prompt classroom poster for KS2 or grades 4/5
Simply print A4 PDF poster and laminate if required.
What I get:
1PDF poster A4 provided
1PDF set of x30 prompt bookmarks ready to print, laminate and slot inside children’s book.
This display goes with a much larger 6 week scheme of work around the stunning book ‘Darwin’s Dragons’ and other explorer resources. Links below.
Lovely classroom display for Darwin’s Dragons beautiful KS2 book.
This PDF has lettering and images that can be adapted to create any display of your choice-picture is just one example! A set of evolution and Galapagos vocabulary bookmarks also included which can be used on the display of printed and laminated for the children in your class.
x30 Printable persuasive writing checklists and vocabulary prompt cards. Free Persuasive writing classroom poster.
Simply print and trim. These prompt cards can also be laminated and slotted inside children’s books.
Also see my English units of work with high-quality writing ideas. Units are all based around popular KS2 (grades 4 and 5) fiction books and are cross-curricular.
Report prompt bookmarks and report writing prompt classroom poster for KS2 or grades 4/5
Simply print A4 PDF poster and laminate if required.
What I get:
1PDF poster A4 provided
1PDF set of x30 prompt bookmarks ready to print, laminate and slot inside children’s book.
Biography prompt bookmarks and biography writing prompt classroom poster for KS2 or grades 4/5
Simply print A4 PDF poster and laminate if required.
What I get:
1PDF poster A4 provided
1PDF set of x30 prompt bookmarks ready to print, laminate and slot inside children’s book.
These printable space vocabulary bookmarks and ready to print and laminate-children can slot them inside their science or English books.
These bookmarks will go alongside my space poetry lessons:
If you like my resources, visit my shop and see my KS2 units of work:
These schemes of work are all based on beautiful KS2 books and save teachers hours of work!
Teaching Comprehension Toolkit for 8-12 year-olds.
This toolkit is designed to empower teachers with a wide range of prompts and activities that can be applied to any comprehension task, fostering the development of essential reading comprehension skills in students.
Prompt sheets cover the domains of reading comprehension: retrieval, vocabulary, inference, prediction, explanation, and summarisation. These prompts serve as valuable tools to guide students’ thinking, encouraging them to delve deeper into the text and extract meaning from what they read. With this prompt sheet, teachers have a handy reference that can be used across various texts and reading materials.
Worksheets include a reading organiser, word log and reflection sheet to accompany any reading comprehension task.
Think, Pair, Share cards encourage discussion partner work to help your class explore the reading task.