30+ vocabulary cards, linked to White Rose Maths and associated schemes.
Suggested vocabulary for units 10-13.
Extra cards which can be laminated and used with dry-wipe markers to add your own vocabulary.
Great for working walls and promoting terminology and vocabulary in the new Ofsted framework.
50+ vocabulary cards, linked to White Rose Maths and associated schemes.
Suggested vocabulary for units 5-9.
Extra cards which can be laminated and used with dry-wipe markers to add your own vocabulary.
Great for working walls and promoting terminology and vocabulary in the new Ofsted framework.
30+ vocabulary cards, linked to White Rose Maths and associated schemes.
Suggested vocabulary for units 1-4 (with unit 2 split into parts A and part B for those following Power Maths).
Extra cards which can be laminated and used with dry-wipe markers to add your own vocabulary.
Great for working walls and promoting terminology and vocabulary in the new Ofsted framework.
These cute little cupcakes are perfect for practising formal methods of subtraction.
They contain column subtraction layout both with and without crossing ten (borrowing/ exchanging / regrouping), and a blank set for rolling your own numbers. There are two sets: one with T O for Tens and Ones, and one with T U for Tens and Units.
The cards would work perfectly cut and laminated to make an early finishing activity, grab and go box activity or maths rotation/station. You could also use them for early morning/bell ringer activities.
I’d love it if you could take time to review this product after purchasing - remember, reviews earn you credits against future purchases.
These cute little cupcakes are perfect for practising formal methods of addition.
They contain column addition layout both with and without crossing ten (carrying / exchanging / regrouping), and a blank set for rolling your own numbers. There are two sets: one with T O for Tens and Ones, and one with T U for Tens and Units.
The cards would work perfectly cut and laminated to make an early finishing activity, grab and go box activity or maths rotation/station. You could also use them for early morning/bell ringer activities.
I’d love it if you could take time to review this product after purchasing.
Three handy A3 sized posters for your classroom wall, PPA room or noticeboard.
Can be resized to A4 by selecting print options in Adobe, and still remains readable. Perfect for sticking inside teacher planners.
Great deal! Includes all three terms’ vocabulary cards!
100+ vocabulary cards, linked to White Rose Maths and associated schemes.
Suggested vocabulary for all units.
Extra cards which can be laminated and used with dry-wipe markers to add your own vocabulary.
Great for working walls and promoting terminology and vocabulary in the new Ofsted framework.
Tricky, Awesome & Fiendish Challenges
Inspired by the popular ‘Chilli Challenge’ system of rating tasks of increasing difficulty these 80+ pages of “Tricky, Awesome & Fiendish” (TAF) Challenges are perfect for Year 2 Provision, Moderation Evidence, Early Morning Work, or Early Finishers.
They make a great alternative or added supplement to TAF worksheets, and can be used really practically when supplemented by your classroom resources, such as base ten, coins, shapes etc.
Simply laminate / cut & laminate them and add to “Tuff Spot” trays or individual trays, and have iPads or tick lists on hand for recording your evidence.
Not every single activity is a TAF, but every single Maths TAF is in there! The reason for the extra activities is that I wanted to have three levels of challenge available for EVERYTHING so that all children could get the most out of it.
Each TAF has a small hashtag in the corner - feel free to disregard this, but I personally found it useful for tagging activities in apps like Tapestry, so I could search for all instances of that evidence (rather than tagging the full statement!).