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BTEC L3 Applied Science: Introduction to Unit 7 Contemporary Scientific Issues

BTEC L3 Applied Science: Introduction to Unit 7 Contemporary Scientific Issues

Attached is a full introductory lesson created for the new BTEC Unit 7: Contemporary Scientific Issues. It is activity based, with instructions and answers, a recent case study to get students started, points for discussion, a video on the case study, explanation of terms ethical, environmental, social and economic along with reliability and validity. Gets students thinking about reliability of sources, bias, etc. Homeworks during the first few months of teaching (and tutorial sessions, if you have these) could include watching documentaries on scientific issues to broaden student’s knowledge of contemporary issues in general. You may wish to select these yourself (from Netflix, Youtube etc.) or ask the students to find 1 each for homework and bring to next lesson (to minimise your workload!) then you can decide which to watch as a class and use as a point for discussion etc. Link to video introducing Unit 7: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AMFkvxYIVfU