This personalised/social story will help a child to understand about sitting on their chair properly There is a girl version and boy version of the story. A set of prompt cards to have in the classroom, a target sheet and a certificate when the target has been achieved.
The main purpose was for the child to identify different levels of anger. So for example, some things might annoy you, some things make you mad and some things make you furious. I chose just those three to make it as simple as possible. The members of the group came up with all these real life scenarios which I have put together as cards. I also included a sorting sheet. Obviously what makes one child mad might be just annoying for another child. What makes one child furious might make another child mad. You need to go through the scenarios with the child and find out their levels of anger. Each child would be unique in how they would react to each situation.
Target would be – To identify different levels of anger
This personalised/social story will help a child to understand when it is ok to laugh and when it is inappropriate. There is a girl version and boy version of the story. A set of prompt cards to have in the classroom, a target sheet and a certificate when the target has been achieved.
Emotions are just so important to mental health. The more children learn about them the better. These can be used as a way of discussing different emotions, looking at vocabulary and gauging how they are feeling.
This personalised/social story will help a child to understand about using good hygiene. There is a girl version and boy version of the story. A set of prompt cards to have in the classroom, a target sheet and a certificate when the target has been achieved.
This personalised/social story will help a child to understand about not pulling faces at others. There is a girl version and boy version of the story. A set of prompt cards to have in the classroom, a target sheet and a certificate when the target has been achieved.
This is a game where children race each other up to the pumpkin. You will need counters to play.
Included in the pack is a game board and 30 emotion/feeling words.
This ‘Finish the Emoji’ resource will combine emotional literacy with symmetry and art. There are full page mats where children need to finish the emoji face and then name the emotion or to take it a bit further there are worksheets with prompts. 14 emotions are covered with this resource.
Use this activity in the following ways:
Warm up or icebreaker at the beginning of your sessions
Emotional register at the beginning of your sessions
In numeracy lessons when working on numbers 1-10
With SEN children who need a bit more help with emotions or numbers to 10
In early years classrooms as independent activities
To learn about the 6 emotions included
This pack contains:
6 girl jigsaws numbers 1-5
6 boy jigsaws numbers 1-5
6 girl jigsaws numbers 1-10
6 boy jigsaws numbers 1-10
Mindfulness aims to reduce unpleasant emotions and feelings, help you feel relaxed, and allow space between you and your thoughts; giving you the opportunity to react more calmly. Mindfulness is simply allowing yourself to be in the present moment.
This pack of resources is perfect for mindful time, with a bonus of creating something unique and beautiful (perfect for decorating a Christmas Card). This will really help self-esteem too. It FEELS amazing to create something unique.
Not only is it perfect for ELSA sessions but also for whole classes especially around Christmas time when children need a little bit of calm time.
Included in the pack are *10 templates *Pattern sheet and practice sheet *Instructions
There are 21 different emotions in the pack. One set with ‘I feel’ and just the face and another set with ‘I feel’, the face and a suggested emotion/feeling.
Spaceships is a game where children must make as many spaceships as they can.
The aim of the game is to read a card and if correct keep it. Make as many spaceships as you can. The person who has the most full spaceships at the end of the session is the winner.
Snakes is a game where children must make as many snakes as they can.
The aim of the game is to read a card and if correct keep it. Make as many snakes as you can. The person who has the most full snakes at the end of the session is the winner.
Wally Worry the worry monster is for helping children to offload their worries.
Included in the pack: *Wally Worry banner, *Wally Worry Monster(with writing, without writing and with a white label for writing with a whiteboard pen), *Wally Worry slips for children to fill in *Pocket template for catching the worries(2 colours).
Although the monster can be used with the pocket another way would be to laminate and cut along the curved line on his tummy. Stick something at the back of him to catch the worries.
Wally Worry is meant for printing on A3 paper but you could make it bigger or smaller depending on your needs. We recommend Adobe Reader for opening our PDFs as this gives you some lovely print options. You can print as a poster and make him pretty huge if you want to and alternatively for one child you could just print him on A4 paper.
These growth mindset support cards can be used to help encourage a growth mindset in the classroom. They could be printed onto card and given to children to show their efforts are being recognised by the Teacher/TA/ ELSA. There are 20 cards – 4 to an A4 sheet so a handy size to hold. If you want them bigger then just print on A3.
20 emotions covered in this resource pack.
Simple folds make this unique and exciting for children.
Children will learn to identify the facial expression, what makes them feel that emotion, physical signs of the emotion and synonyms of the emotion.
A set of 15 Christmas puzzles. All you need is a die to play.
10 puzzles have questions on the back so you have 60 questions about Christmas and 5 puzzles are blank on the back so you can create your own questions.
These are great for warm ups or filling in a few minutes during the Christmas activities. If you group a few puzzles together then you could play as a group and children could try and make a puzzle each. There could be co-operation skills with trading pieces with each other to make their puzzles.
A lovely Christmas emotions bingo for the run up to Christmas. Pupils will learn to recognise 9 different emotions.
Included in the pack are:
*9 bingo boards, *calling cards *emotional register slips