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AQA paper 2 Q5 Sustainability Speech

AQA paper 2 Q5 Sustainability Speech

Development of speech writing using videos about plastic/ sustainability and preservation of our environment students develop through a template and guided tasks. 2-3 lessons depending on your group ability. *Please note that the videos are not part of the sale and can be found on youtube.
Emotions word wheel

Emotions word wheel

I have used this in form and in English class to help students with understanding expressing emotions and in their descriptive and persuasive writing.
Functional skills - L1/2  Audience and purpose

Functional skills - L1/2 Audience and purpose

full lesson based around audience and purpose. There, their and they’re homophone starter task. 4 short texts for students to work out the audience and purpose. Comprehension questions for the Army ‘Snowflake rec’ (article included)
AQA paper 2 Ed Gein and Jack the Ripper

AQA paper 2 Ed Gein and Jack the Ripper

Paper 2 based around Ed Gein murders and the Jack th Ripper murders. Simple talk through power point with a work book/ exam style booklet designed to give planning ideas and easy marking. The videos can be found on Youtube and are not my own If you like the resource please give me a little review :-)
'Mametz Wood' Annotations

'Mametz Wood' Annotations

Poem annotations. The annotations are a mix of my own and found on various other sources. I have used these before as catch-up notes and revision