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A Level English Literature / A Level English Language / GCSE English Language / ESOL & EFL / Creative Writing




A Level English Literature / A Level English Language / GCSE English Language / ESOL & EFL / Creative Writing
ESOL/EFL - Advanced - Concessional Clauses

ESOL/EFL - Advanced - Concessional Clauses

This advanced vocabulary and grammar lesson teaches concessional clauses to give information that contrasts with the information in a main clause declarative. This lesson is adapted from the Speak Out! Advanced ed.2, 6.2, ‘A Global Language?’, (pp.71-2).
Prose - Terminology and Techniques Final Revision

Prose - Terminology and Techniques Final Revision

A revision session for Edexcel’s AS/A Level English Literature Paper 2: Prose, which revises some forty terms suitable for most prose texts, and includes two highly developed model examples which focus on the integration of terminology. There are two online activities - a mentimeter warmer and a padlet final task, which can easily be set up/restarted by teachers. Edexcel AS/A Level English Literature 2015+ Paper 2: Prose
Introduction to Drama Scripts

Introduction to Drama Scripts

A lesson which explores key structural features of drama texts using a very short one act play. Key content a comparison of script for stage and script for radio a recap of Freytag’s Pyramid Aristotle’s Thee Unities Key terminology explained: peripietia, hamartia, hubris, dues es machina, anagnorisis, catharsis a comparison of drama to poetry and prose scaffolded options for a creative editing task
Introduction to TEFL - Language Learning Games

Introduction to TEFL - Language Learning Games

This lesson is part of a short course designed to introduce some of the principles and skills required to teach English as a second or other language. This first lesson of the course outlines the course and includes games. The lesson has been designed so it may be delivered as flipped, blended or as in class learning.
Frankenstein - Chapters 9 and 10

Frankenstein - Chapters 9 and 10

A complete lesson on Chapters 9 and 10 from Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein ( 1831 ed.). The lesson recaps earlier concepts covered on the course, such as the Sublime, the Romantic protagonist and the Gothic. An exploration of allusions, such as P. B. Shelley’s poem ‘Mutability’ and Milton’s Paradise Lost (1667), and theory, such as the Gothic double, doppelgangers, and Julia Kristeva’s ‘Abjection’ are included, alongside concept checking questions and close analysis of extracts from Chapters 9 and 10. **EdExcel AS/A Level English Literature 2015+. Paper 2: ‘Science and Society’. **
Copus, 'An Easy Passage'

Copus, 'An Easy Passage'

A full lesson on ‘An Easy Passage’ by Julia Copus. Resource updated July 2020, responding to feedback in comments. Poems of Decade, Forward Poetry (2011) Edexcel AS/A English Literature, 2015+
Frankenstein - Chapters 13, 14 and 15

Frankenstein - Chapters 13, 14 and 15

A full lesson, suitable for flipped learning, on Chapters 13-15 of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein (ed. 1831). This lesson guides students to analyse the characterisation and narrative purpose of the DeLacey family, evaluate Safie’s embedded narrative and research the significance of the books the Creature reads in Chapter 15, along with concept checking qeestions for the three chapters. AS/A Level English Literature (2015+) Paper 2: Prose Comparision, 'Science and Society
Never Let Me Go - Chapter 1

Never Let Me Go - Chapter 1

An Introduction to Kazuo Ishiguro’s Never Let Me Go (2005). Genre, terminology, and scaffolded questions for Chapter 1. Key Terminology First person unreliable limited intradiegetic protagonist Narratee Epistolary form Non-linear Foreshadowing ‘The Other’ (AO3/5) Nominalisation & Euphemism (link to genre Sci-fi/New Realism – AO3) Pathos Ecriture feminine Fictive autobiography Flashback Fragmented narrative Metanarrative **EdExcel AS/A Level English Literature 2015+. Paper 2: ‘Science and Society’. **
Frankenstein - Letters 1-4

Frankenstein - Letters 1-4

A complete lesson on ‘Letters 1-4’ from Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein ( 1831 ed.). The lesson explores and analyses the characterisation of Walton, Margret Saville, and Victor Frankenstein, along with focused questions on Letters 1-4. Finally, there is an essay practice activity with a scaffold: ‘Why might Shelley have wanted to use Walton’s letters Ishiguro have wanted to also use the epistolary form in Never Let Me Go?’ **EdExcel AS/A Level English Literature 2015+. Paper 2: ‘Science and Society’. **
Shelley, 'Ode to the West Wind'

Shelley, 'Ode to the West Wind'

A full lesson, including a ‘do now’ activity as students settle, an overarching session question, detailed context, scaffolded guided questions for analysis of sound, language, figurative language, structure and form. Includes a Massolit llecture link, but your school will have to have a subscription to access it (lbut the lesson is still complete without it!) EdExcel AS/A Level English Literature Paper 3: Poetry, Section B: The Romantics
Frankenstein - Chapters 1-3

Frankenstein - Chapters 1-3

An Introduction to Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein ( 1831 ed.). Genre, terminology, context and scaffolded questions for Chapter 1-3. **EdExcel AS/A Level English Literature 2015+. Paper 2: ‘Science and Society’. **
Frankenstein - Chapters 6 and 7

Frankenstein - Chapters 6 and 7

A full lesson exploring Chapters 6 and 7 of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, (ed.1831). This session introduces the Sublime, with reference to Edmund Burke and William Wordsworth, as well as concept checking questions for the end of Chapter 5, Chapter 6 and Chapter 7. **EdExcel AS/A Level English Literature 2015+. Paper 2: ‘Science and Society’. **
Frankenstein - Chapters 4 and 5

Frankenstein - Chapters 4 and 5

A complete lesson on Chapters 4 and 5 from Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein ( 1831 ed.). The lesson explores and analyses Victor’s obsession and the dangers of knowledge as well as the birth scene. Allusion to Dante’s inferno explored, as well as critical reception of the birth scene from Anne K. Mellor and Marilyn Butler. **EdExcel AS/A Level English Literature 2015+. Paper 2: ‘Science and Society’. **
Othello - Act 5.2

Othello - Act 5.2

LO1 To analyse Othello’s opening soliloquy in Act 5 scene 2 and consider how he finds ‘cause’ for Desdemona’s death (AO2) LO2 To explore the final fate of each character at the end of the play and consider whether there was ‘cause’ for their ending (AO2 and AO5) LO3 To reflect on whether there is any justice in the play overall (AO5) Extension and stretch and challenge activities are embedded throughout; the lesson has an overarching question which encourages the development of higher order thinking. Opportunities for paragraph writing and peer assessment are also utilised. AS/A Level English Literature (2015+) Paper 1, Section A: Shakespeare
Frankenstein - Chapter 8

Frankenstein - Chapter 8

A complete lesson on Chapter 8 from Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein ( 1831 ed.). The lesson explores the trial of Justine, including close text analysis ‘Enquiry Concerning Political Justice’ (1793) and four guided group analysis tasks. **EdExcel AS/A Level English Literature 2015+. Paper 2: ‘Science and Society’. **