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A Level English Literature / A Level English Language / GCSE English Language / ESOL & EFL / Creative Writing




A Level English Literature / A Level English Language / GCSE English Language / ESOL & EFL / Creative Writing
Othello - Act 3.3 - Iago and Emilia

Othello - Act 3.3 - Iago and Emilia

LO1 To explore how Shakespeare develops the audience’s impressions of Emilia and Iago’s relationship in Act 3 scene 3 (AO2 and AO5) LO2 To analyse how Othello’s language reflects his state of mind in the second half of Act 3 scene 3 (AO2) LO3 To consider how Shakespeare creates an ominous and foreboding atmosphere at the end of Act 3 scene 3 (AO2) Extension and stretch and challenge activities are embedded throughout; the lesson has an overarching question which encourages the development of higher order thinking. Opportunities for paragraph writing and peer assessment are also utilised. AS/A Level English Literature (2015+) Paper 1, Section A: Shakespeare
Othello - Women

Othello - Women

LO1 to analyse the significance of Emilia’s role in Act 5 scene 2 (AO2) LO2 to consider the socio-political context for women in the 1600s (AO3) LO3 to create an academic revision poster about women in the play (AO1, AO2, AO3, AO5) Extension and stretch and challenge activities are embedded throughout; the lesson has an overarching question which encourages the development of higher order thinking. Opportunities for paragraph writing and peer assessment are also utilised. AS/A Level English Literature (2015+) Paper 1, Section A: Shakespeare
Tutorial - Eating Well at University

Tutorial - Eating Well at University

A half-hour tutorial lesson for Year 13 students on how to eat well and cheaply at university. This session was requested by my tutor group as they were feeling anxious about budgeting, The lesson gets students thinking about how much money they use each week, what meals are cheap and easy to cook, and leads them on to further research of recipes.
Blake, 'Holy Thursday' (Experience)

Blake, 'Holy Thursday' (Experience)

A full lesson, including a ‘do now’ activity as students settle, an overarching session question, detailed context, scaffolded guided questions for analysis of sound, language, figurative language, structure and form. EdExcel AS/A Level English Literature Paper 3: Poetry, Section B: The Romantics
Blake, 'The Tyger'

Blake, 'The Tyger'

A full lesson, including a ‘do now’ activity as students settle, an overarching session question, detailed context, scaffolded guided questions for analysis of sound, language, figurative language, structure and form. EdExcel AS/A Level English Literature Paper 3: Poetry, Section B: The Romantics
Agbabi, 'Eat Me' PPT

Agbabi, 'Eat Me' PPT

A full lesson on the poem ‘EAT ME’ by Patience Agbabi. Poems of Decade, Forward Poetry (2011) Edexcel AS/A English Literature, 2015+
Narrative Structure PPT and HO

Narrative Structure PPT and HO

A scaffolded lesson introducing students to different narrative structures using film stills and Kate Chopin’s ‘Story of an Hour’. Key content Freytag’s Pyramid Kurt Vonnegut’s Story Shapes Linear structure In medias res circular structure open structure closed structure framed narrative Chinese box structure Conflict
Heaney, 'Out of the Bag'

Heaney, 'Out of the Bag'

A full lesson on the poem ‘Out of the Bag’ by Seamus Heaney. Poems of Decade, Forward Poetry (2011) Edexcel AS/A English Literature, 2015+
Othello - Plot Revision

Othello - Plot Revision

A full lesson which revises the plot of Shakespeare’s Othello. The lesson gets students to revise over 40 key quotes from the text , considering their position in the text and their significance to the play as a whole. The powerpoint also includes a scene by scene synopsis and list of key quotes explained. The second half of the session revises the difference between the use of verse and prose in the text, with self-directive questioning encouraging learners to examine Othello and Iago’s speech throughout the play. Edexcel AS/A English Literature 2015+ Paper 2: Prose
Othello - Act 1.2

Othello - Act 1.2

This fully scaffolded lesson encourages learners to analyse how Shakespeare creates initial impressions of the characters in Act 1 Scene 2, discusses Shakespeare’s use of setting and context and culminates in learners crafting a paragraph which considers our initial impressions of Brabantio and conducting peer-asessment. Extension and stretch and challenge activities are embedded throughout; the lesson has an overarching question which encourages the development of higher order thinking. Opportunities for paragraph writing and peer assessment are also utilised. AS/A Level English Literature (2015+) Paper 1, Section A: Shakespeare
Othello - Act 2.1

Othello - Act 2.1

This fully scaffolded lesson explores the connotations of different settings used within Othello and the presentations of characters through dialogue, considers relevant context and how this enhances our interpretation and culminates in learners writing a paragraph in response to an exam question with a guided peer-assessment component. Extension and stretch and challenge activities are embedded throughout; the lesson has an overarching question which encourages the development of higher order thinking. Opportunities for paragraph writing and peer assessment are also utilised. AS/A Level English Literature (2015+) Paper 1, Section A: Shakespeare
Othello - Presentation of Iago

Othello - Presentation of Iago

LO1 To reflect on Shakespeare’s presentation of Iago (AO1/AO2) LO2 To closely analyse Iago’s language when manipulating a range of characters across in Act 2 (AO1/AO2) LO3 To consider, plan and write a paragraph in response to an exam question. (AO1/AO2/AO3) Extension and stretch and challenge activities are embedded throughout; the lesson has an overarching question which encourages the development of higher order thinking. Opportunities for paragraph writing and peer assessment are also utilised. AS/A Level English Literature (2015+) Paper 1, Section A: Shakespeare
Blake, 'Holy Thursday' (Innocence)

Blake, 'Holy Thursday' (Innocence)

A full lesson, including a ‘do now’ activity as students settle, detailed context, scaffolded guided questions for analysis of sound, language, figurative language, structure and form, and a final Marxist lense reading for developing arguments and context. EdExcel AS/A Level English Literature Paper 3: Poetry, Section B: The Romantics
Intro to Postcolonial Studies

Intro to Postcolonial Studies

A flipped learning introduction to postcolonial studies. LO1 to introduce postcolonialism as a critical lens (AO1, AO3, AO5) LO2 to apply this critical lens to different modes of text (AO2, AO5) LO3 to analyse an extract from each of the six novel extracts using a postcolonial perspective (AO2, AO5)