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Politics revision notes and essays, ranging from British Politics to International Relations and Foreign Policy. I also provide English Literature notes, with a specific focus on Shakespeare.

Politics revision notes and essays, ranging from British Politics to International Relations and Foreign Policy. I also provide English Literature notes, with a specific focus on Shakespeare.
Labour Party Notes

Labour Party Notes

Notes on the Labour Party for Politics or History students. Covers a brief history of the evolution of the party, including information on important elections, turning points and key figures. Particular focus on New Labour from 1997 onward.
Conservative Party Notes

Conservative Party Notes

Notes on the Conservative Party for Politics or History students. Covers a brief history of the evolution of the party, including information on important elections, turning points and key figures.
Liberal Democrat Party Notes

Liberal Democrat Party Notes

Notes on the Lib Dem Party for Politics or History students. Covers a brief history of the evolution of the party, including information on important elections, turning points and key figures.


Notes on Constructivism, discusses the ‘nature vs nurture’ debate, as well as what it means to be ‘socially constructred.’ There is an overview of Wendt’s Three Cultures of Anarchy, as well as reflection on 2003 Iraq War and nuclear weapons debate.
Liberalism Notes

Liberalism Notes

Notes outlining the key features of Liberalism as a school of thought. Includes information on leading figures.
Weimar Constitution

Weimar Constitution

Notes on Weimar Constitution. Main features, comparison of 1871 and 1919 Constitutions, Proportional Representation, significance.
Nationalist Party Notes

Nationalist Party Notes

Notes on the Nationalist Parties in Britain for Politics or History students. Covers a brief history of the evolution of the parties, including information on important elections, turning points and key figures.
Why has it proven so difficult to define ‘terrorism’?

Why has it proven so difficult to define ‘terrorism’?

Essay on “Why has it proven so difficult to define ‘terrorism’?” - covers the issues that make it difficult to define, including general norms and the evolution of society through technology and the mass media. Includes a variety of academic references to support arguments presented. 2095 words. Achieved a 2:1.
What is the most significant problem facing the British media today?

What is the most significant problem facing the British media today?

Essay on “What is the most significant problem facing the British media today, in regard to how they handle politics?” - covers a variety of issues with a profound focus on the role of the rise of the internet and the pressures journalists within Britain face with strains on the quality of journalism they are able to produce. There is also a focus on bias. Includes a variety of academic references. 1881 words. Achieved a 2:1.
British Politics

British Politics

4 Resources
Notes on Britain’s main political parties. Conservative, Labour, Lib Dem and Nationalists. Cheaper than buying individually.