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Apple Harvest Felt Board Pattern eBook
Felt Board Pattern eBook includes patterns for 11 apple themed songs, rhymes, stories and games exploring and investigating numbers, counting, size, colours and letter recognition.
Patterns included for:
Way Up High in the Apple Tree
Little Worm Hide and Seek
Farmer Brown has Five Red Apples
A P P L E – like BINGO
Five Apples in a Basket
Ten Red Apples – Adding and Subtracting
Apple Counting Baskets
Apple Seed Counting
10 Apples Up on Top Dr Seuss
A is for Apple
Apple Colour Sorting
Each Pattern includes:
A complete list of felt and supplies required
Full sized patterns – just print and use – no need to enlarge, reduce, trace or duplicate
Detailed step-by-step instructions
A song/rhyme/activity card template ready to print, laminate and use

Discover the Weather Felt Board Pattern eBook
Discover the Weather Felt Board Pattern eBook includes 15 patterns for 20 weather themed songs, rhymes and games exploring and investigating numbers, counting, colours and letter recognition.
Patterns included for:
What’s the Weather?
Sing a song of sunshine
Bright Sun Shining Down
Five Little Kites – Counting Up
Five Little Kites – Counting Down
Counting and Colour Matching Kites
Five Little Leaves
Five Little Clouds
Five Little Raindrops – Counting Up
Five Little Raindrops – Counting Down
Five Little Raindrops Dancing on the Walk
Rainy was the Weather
Cloud and Raindrop Counting
Five Little Umbrellas Waiting for Rain to Pour
Five Coloured Umbrellas
It’s a Rainbow
Five Little Snowflakes – Counting Up
Five Little Snowflakes – Counting Down
Five Little Snowmen
Build a Snowman
Each Pattern includes:
A complete list of felt and supplies required
Full sized patterns – just print and use – no need to enlarge, reduce, trace or duplicate
Detailed step-by-step instructions
A song/rhyme/activity card template ready to print, laminate and use

What’s the Weather Felt Board Set Digital Pattern
This is a wonderful felt set to use when exploring the weather.
This felt set is easy to make. No sewing at all.
The pieces in this set are large – the sun is over 12cm across – the clouds are 17cm across.
You will receive patterns to make 8 Pieces
Sunny Cloud
Rain Cloud
Snow Cloud
What’s the weather?
What’s the weather?
What’s the weather like today?
Is it windy?
Is it cloudy?
Is there rain?
Or is there sun?
Tune: Oh My Darling

Celebrate Christmas: All Around the Christmas Tree Felt Board Pattern eBook
All Around the Christmas Tree Felt Board Pattern eBook includes patterns for 9 Christmas Rhymes and Songs using one large Christmas tree.
O Christmas Tree
Twinkle, twinkle Christmas Star
Ten Little Christmas Lights
Five Christmas Ornaments
Christmas Presents
Five Little Candy Canes Handing on the Tree
The Toys under the Christmas Tree
Five Little Candles
The Lights on the Tree
Each Pattern includes:
A complete list of felt and supplies required
Full sized patterns – just print and use – no need to enlarge, reduce, trace or duplicate
Detailed step-by-step instructions
A song/rhyme/activity card template ready to print, laminate and use

Egg Hunt Easter Felt Board Pattern eBook
Egg Hunt Felt Board Pattern eBook includes patterns for 10 bunny, chicken and Easter Egg themed songs, rhymes, games and activities exploring and investigating numbers, counting, size, colours and letter recognition.
Hippety-Hop, Hippety-Hay
Five Little Easter Eggs
Egg Hunting Baskets
Little Chick, Little Chick Hide and Seek Colours Game
Hildy the Hen
Little Bunny, Little Bunny Hide and Seek Sizes game
Easter Egg Decorating
Al and Etta Jelly Bean Colours Song
Spotty Egg Counting
Each Pattern includes:
A complete list of felt and supplies required
Full sized patterns – just print and use – no need to enlarge, reduce, trace or duplicate
Detailed step-by-step instructions
A song/rhyme/activity card template ready to print, laminate and use

Apple Seed Counting Felt Board Pattern PDF
his set can be used to develop:
Counting—how many seeds on each apple, counting apples, counting to five
Matching—numerals, number word, and quantity of seeds
Ordering— put the apples in sequence
Numeral and number word recognition
This Pattern includes:
A complete list of felt and supplies required
Full sized patterns – just print and use – no need to enlarge, reduce, trace or duplicate
Detailed step-by-step instructions
A song card template containing the words to the song ready to print, laminate and use

Incy Wincy Spider Felt Board Set Digital Pattern Itsy Bitsy Nursery Rhymes
Incy Wincy Spider climbed up the water spout.
Down came the rain and washed poor Incy out.
Out came the sunshine and dried up all the rain.
And Incy Wincy Spider climbed up the spout again.
The water spout is 31cm x 23.5cm(12 x 9 inches)
and the spider is 21cm x 6cm wide (8 x 2.5 inches).
This Pattern includes:
A complete list of felt and supplies required
Full sized patterns – just print and use – no need to enlarge, reduce, trace or duplicate
Detailed step-by-step instructions
A song card template containing the words to the song ready to print, laminate and use.

The Lights on the Tree Felt Board Set Digital Pattern Christmas
(Tune : The Wheels on the Bus)
The lights on the tree go blink, blink, blink
Blink, blink, blink
Blink, blink, blink
The lights on the tree go blink, blink, blink
All Christmas day.
The Christmas tree is 45cm (18 inches) by 45 cm (18 inches)
This Pattern includes:
A complete list of felt and supplies required
Full sized patterns – just print and use – no need to enlarge, reduce, trace or duplicate
Detailed step-by-step instructions
A song card template containing the words to the song ready to print, laminate and use.

Five Little Snowmen Felt Board Set Digital Pattern
Five Little Snowmen Felt Board Pattern PDF Digital Download
Five little snowmen all made of snow,
five little snowmen standing in a row.
Out came the sun and stayed all day
and one little snowman melted away.
Each snowman is about 17cm tall (7 inches).
This Pattern includes:
A complete list of felt and supplies required
Full sized patterns – just print and use – no need to enlarge, reduce, trace or duplicate
Detailed step-by-step instructions
A song card template containing the words to the song ready to print, laminate and use.

Five Apple in a Basket Felt Board Set Digital Pattern
Five Apples in a Basket Felt Set Pattern PDF Digital Download
The first apple in the basket was bright and shiny red.
The second apple in the basket said “My ,what a cosy bed”
The third apple in the basket said “Make room for me your pair”
The fourth apple in the basket said “Please, move over there”
The fifth apple in the basket said “Oh dear, oh me, oh my!”
This basket looks like pastry—I think we’re in a pie!”
The pie is 28cm wide.
This Pattern includes:
A complete list of felt and supplies required
Full sized patterns – just print and use – no need to enlarge, reduce, trace or duplicate
Detailed step-by-step instructions
A song card template containing the words to the song ready to print, laminate and use.

Five Christmas Cookies Felt Board Set Digital Pattern
Five little Christmas Cookies
With frosting galore
One was eaten and then there were four.
Four little Christmas cookies
Two and two you see
One was eaten and then there were three.
Three little Christmas cookies
But before I knew
One was eaten and then there were two……
Each cookie is approximately 8.5cm tall (3.25 inches).
This Pattern includes:
A complete list of felt and supplies required
Full sized patterns – just print and use – no need to enlarge, reduce, trace or duplicate
Detailed step-by-step instructions
A song card template containing the words to the song ready to print, laminate and use.

Little Fox, little Fox Hide and Seek Game Felt Board Pattern PDF
Little fox, little fox
Playing hide and seek,
Are you in the (colour) box?
Let’s take a peek
Little fox, little fox
Playing hide and seek,
Are you in the large, medium, or small box?
Let’s take a peek
This Pattern includes:
A complete list of felt and supplies required
Full sized patterns – just print and use – no need to enlarge, reduce, trace or duplicate
Detailed step-by-step instructions
A song card template containing the words to the song ready to print, laminate and use

Way Up High in the Apple Tree Felt Board Set Digital Pattern
Way Up High in the Apple Tree Felt Set Pattern PDF Digital Download
Way up high in the apple tree
Two little apples smiled at me
I shook that tree as hard as I could
Down came the apples
Yum they were good
The Apple Tree is 21 cm tall (about 8 inches) and 16 cm wide (about 6.5 inches).
This Pattern includes:
A complete list of felt and supplies required
Full sized patterns – just print and use – no need to enlarge, reduce, trace or duplicate
Detailed step-by-step instructions
A song card template containing the words to the song ready to print, laminate and use.

Three Jelly Fish Felt Board Set Digital Pattern
Three jelly fish, three jelly fish,
Three jelly fish sitting on a rock
one fell off, ohhhh.
Two jelly fish, two jelly fish,
Two jelly fish sitting on a rock
another one fell off, ohhhh.
Each jelly fish is 8.5cm wide ( about 3.5 inches) and 18cm long ( 7 inches) . The rock is 28cm wide (11 inches).
This Pattern includes:
A complete list of felt and supplies required
Full sized patterns – just print and use – no need to enlarge, reduce, trace or duplicate
Detailed step-by-step instructions
A song card template containing the words to the song ready to print, laminate and use.

Ten Red Apples Adding and Subtracting Felt Board Set Digital Pattern
Ten red apples hanging in a tree
The juiciest apples you ever did see
The wind came by with an angry frown,
(make wind blowing sound)
And one red apple came tumbling down.
(“tumble one apple to the ground)
Now one red apple is on the ground!
The apple tree is 28cm high (11 inches) and 25 cm wide (almost 10 inches).
This Pattern includes:
A complete list of felt and supplies required
Full sized patterns – just print and use – no need to enlarge, reduce, trace or duplicate
Detailed step-by-step instructions
A song card template containing the words to the song ready to print, laminate and use.

Ten Apples Up on Top Dr Seuss Felt Board Set Digital Pattern
Retell Ten Apples Up on Top by Dr Seuss using this felt set.
First put the dog, the lion and the tiger on the felt board.
Read the first page of the book and demonstrate how to use the apples to act out the story.
Encourage children to take over adding apples as each page is read.
This felt set is easy to make. No sewing at all.
The lion is 11cm x 10cm ( About 4.5 x 4 inches)
This Pattern includes:
A complete list of felt and supplies required
Full sized patterns – just print and use – no need to enlarge, reduce, trace or duplicate
Detailed step-by-step instructions
A song card template containing the words to the song ready to print, laminate and use.

Five Little Elves Felt Board Set Digital Pattern
These cute elves just demand to be counted at Christmas time.
This felt set is easy to make. No sewing at all.
Each elf is 11.5 cm (about 4.5 inches) and 12 cm wide (about 5 inches).
Five little elves jumping on the sleigh,
One jumped off and ran away
Rudolph called Santa and Santa said
“No more elves jumping on the sleigh.”
This Pattern includes:
A complete list of felt and supplies required
Full sized patterns – just print and use – no need to enlarge, reduce, trace or duplicate
Detailed step-by-step instructions
A song card template containing the words to the song ready to print, laminate and use.

Kitty Cat, Kitty Cat Party Hat Hide and Seek Game Felt Board Set Digital Pattern
This is a fun interactive game which encourages vocabulary development, colour and pattern recognition and turn taking. Depending on the concepts you are trying to develop you can make the party hats using ether plain coloured fabric or patterned.
First, talk about the party hats, highlighting colours and patterns and any distinguishing features.
Then, hide the cat underneath one of the party hats.
Then chant with the children:
Kitty Cat, Kitty Cat
Playing hide and seek.
Are you under the [colour or pattern] party hat?
Let’s take a peek.
Children take turns guessing which party hat the cat is hiding under by identifying a party hat by colour or pattern and removing it to search underneath for the cat.
For example:
Are you under the pink party hat?
Are you under the stripy party hat?

Five Little Leaves in the Tall Tree Felt Board Set Digital Pattern
Five Little Leaves in the Tall, Tall Tree Felt Set Pattern PDF Digital Download
Five little leaves in the tall, tall tree
As bright and pretty as they can be
Along came the wind
Blowing all around
And one bright leaf fell to the ground
The leaves range in size from 10 cm (4 inches) to 14 cm (5.5 inches)
This Pattern includes:
A complete list of felt and supplies required
Full sized patterns – just print and use – no need to enlarge, reduce, trace or duplicate
Detailed step-by-step instructions
A song card template containing the words to the song ready to print, laminate and use.

Five Little Raindrops Felt Board Set Digital Pattern
his felt set pattern comes with two rhymes:
Counting Down
Five little raindrops plopping on the floor,
One plopped away, and then there were four.
Four little raindrops dripping on the trees,
One dripped away, and then there were three.
Three little raindrops splashing on my shoe,
One splashed away, and then there were two……
Counting Up
One little raindrop in the dark, dark sky
Two little raindrops watch the clouds roll by….
The cloud is 18 cm (7 inches) wide and each raindrop is 4.5cm long (1.75 inches).