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FergieBee's Shop

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If you’re looking for tried and tested physics resources, these will help get your course content across and make it interesting. Delivery and execution are down to your own personal style. My resources have all been tested on real classes and have been observed by respected colleagues, who are also excellent teachers. I work in one of the best (Outstanding) state schools in the UK. I retrained as a teacher in my 30s and have been teaching physics and some biology for twelve years.




If you’re looking for tried and tested physics resources, these will help get your course content across and make it interesting. Delivery and execution are down to your own personal style. My resources have all been tested on real classes and have been observed by respected colleagues, who are also excellent teachers. I work in one of the best (Outstanding) state schools in the UK. I retrained as a teacher in my 30s and have been teaching physics and some biology for twelve years.
P3f Crumple Zone

P3f Crumple Zone

Year 10/11 GCSE (Higher) FORCES FOR TRANSPORT OCR Gateway Science Suite Lessons 11-12 (P3f) 1) …active and passive safety features can make driving safer 2) …forces can be reduced when stopping a vehicle 3) …ideas of friction why ABS brakes reduce braking distance 4) …Evaluate the effectiveness of given safety features in terms of saving lives
P3g Falling safely

P3g Falling safely

Year 10/11 GCSE (Higher) FORCES FOR TRANSPORT OCR Gateway Science Suite Lessons 13-14 (P3g) 1) …Describe how objects falling though Earth’s atmosphere reach a terminal velocity. 2) …Explain, in terms of balanced forces, why objects reach a terminal velocity 3) …Recognise that acceleration in free-fall (g) is constant
P6b Sharing

P6b Sharing

Year 11 GCSE (Higher) ELECTRICITY FOR GADGET OCR Gateway Science Suite Lessons 3-4 (P6b) 1) …output potential difference of a potential divider from the value of the resistors using: Vout = Vin x (R2) / (R1 + R2) 2) …variable resistors can be used to provide an output pd with an adjustable threshold 3) …LDR or a thermistor can be used…
P1 L04 Heat and Temperature

P1 L04 Heat and Temperature

L04 Heat and Temperature Physics A (OCR Gateway Science) P1 Matter (2016) Key Stage 4 Lesson 4 of 14 Objectives: Describe how heating a system will change the energy stored within it Recognise that heat and temperature are not a measure of the same thing Recall temperature is measured in degrees Celsius or Kelvin Recall heat is thermal energy measured in joules Lesson presentation for projector including links to video clips, Worksheet and practical, Homework sheet and marking presentation New Curriculum
P1 L06 Specific Latent Heat

P1 L06 Specific Latent Heat

L06 Specific Latent Heat Physics A (OCR Gateway Science) P1 Matter (2016) Key Stage 4 Lesson 6 of 14 Objectives: Define the term ‘specific latent heat’ Describe how heating a system can lead to a change of state when the energy goes into breaking intermolecular bonds and the temperature remains constant Use the SLH equation to calculate energy change, mass or SLH Lesson presentation for projector, Worksheet, Homework sheet and marking presentation New Curriculum
P1 L09 Gas Pressure

P1 L09 Gas Pressure

L09 Gas Pressure Physics A (OCR Gateway Science) P1 Matter (2016) Key Stage 4 Lesson 9 of 14 Objectives: Explain how the motion of particles in a gas relates to both temperature and pressure Recall that pressure produces a net force at right angles to any surface Explain how an increase in volume can lead to a decrease in pressure Explain how doing work on a gas can increase its temperature Lesson presentation for projector, Homework, Homework sheet and marking presentation, Video of Can Pop New Curriculum
OCR Gateway Science Suite RADIATION FOR LIFE 25% OFF

OCR Gateway Science Suite RADIATION FOR LIFE 25% OFF

OCR Gateway Science Suite RADIATION FOR LIFE 25% OFF OCR Gateway Science Suite GCSE (Physics P4) 8 double lessons (100min) Lessons 1-2 (P4a) Sparks Lessons 3-4 (P4b) Uses of Electrostatics Lessons 5-6 (P4c) Safe Electricals Part I Lessons 7-8 (P4c) Safe Electricals Part II Lessons 9-10 (P4d) Ultrasound Lessons 11-12 (P4e) Treatment Lessons 13-14 (P4f) Threats to Earth Lessons 15-16 (P4g) What is Radioactivity 8 Lesson Presentations, 1 Class Practicals, 2 Hand outs. Curriculum
P1 L03 Changes of State

P1 L03 Changes of State

L03 Changes of State Physics A (OCR Gateway Science) P1 Matter (2016) Key Stage 4 Lesson 3 of 14 Objectives: Recall three states of matter and the transitions between them Describe how mass is conserved when substances change state Explain the differences between chemical and physical changes Lesson presentation for projector, Homework sheet and marking presentation New Curriculum
P1 L05 Specific Heat Capacity

P1 L05 Specific Heat Capacity

L05 Specific Heat Capacity Physics A (OCR Gateway Science) P1 Matter (2016) Key Stage 4 Lesson 5 of 14 Objectives: Define the term ‘specific heat capacity’ Apply the relationship between change in internal energy, mass, SHC and temperature change Use the SHC equation to calculate energy change, mass, SHC or temperature change Lesson presentation for projector, Worksheet, Homework sheet and marking presentation New Curriculum
L02 Energy Transfer ENERGY AND MATTER

L02 Energy Transfer ENERGY AND MATTER

L02 Energy Transfer Physics Key Stage 3 ENERGY AND MATTER Lesson 2 of 18 Objectives: Recognise types of stored energy and the processes by which it is released Describe energy changes within a system Use and rearrange the equation Energy Transferred = Force x Distance Activities: Energy Can Be Stored Inside Material, Energy is Transferred when a Force Moves an Object, Energy Transfer Equation, Energy Transfers in Plane Flight Energy Transfer Worksheet Energy Transfer Homework including marking presentation New Curriculum NB This is the second lesson of 18, the rest to follow over the coming weeks, including full SoW, homeworks, practicals and worksheets.
P1 L07 Investigating Heat Capacity

P1 L07 Investigating Heat Capacity

L07 Investigating Heat Capacity Physics A (OCR Gateway Science) P1 Matter (2016) Key Stage 4 Lesson 7 of 14 Objectives: Recall the equations for ‘specific heat capacity’ and ‘specific latent heat’ Investigate the specific heat capacity of water Measure the latent heat capacity of vaporisation and fusion for water Identify examples of SHC, LHCv and LHCf Lesson presentation for projector, Worksheet, Practical Measuring Specific Latent Heat of Fusion of Water, Practical Measuring Specific Latent Heat of Vaporisation of Water, Heat Capacity Quiz and Homework Mid Unit Test Revision Check List New Curriculum
P1h Stable Earth

P1h Stable Earth

Year 10 GCSE (Higher) ENERGY FOR THE HOME OCR Gateway Science Suite Lessons 15-16 (P1h) 1) …seismic waves transmitted through the Earth can be used to provide evidence for its structure: P-waves (longitudinal) S-waves (transverse) 2) …ozone layer protects the Earth from ultraviolet radiation. 3) …climate change as a result of natural or human activity.
P5g Refraction of Waves

P5g Refraction of Waves

Year 11 GCSE (Higher) SPACE FOR REFLECTION OCR Gateway Science Suite Lessons 13-14 (P5g) 1) Calculate refractive index using the equation: n = c / v 2) Use and manipulate Snell’s law in terms of angles of incidence and refraction: n = sin i / sin r 3) Calculate the critical angle from the refractive index using the equation: sin c = nr / ni
P5e Satellite Communication

P5e Satellite Communication

Year 11 GCSE (Higher) SPACE FOR REFLECTION OCR Gateway Science Suite Lessons 9-10 (P5e) 1) Explain that microwaves are sent as a thin beam because they diffract very little due to their short wavelength 2) Describe how diffraction depends on the size of the gap of obstacle 3) Describe that long wavelength radios waves carry signals by amplitude modulation (AM)
P1 Matter 2016 OCR Physics A 2016 Bundle (Leasons 1 - 7)

P1 Matter 2016 OCR Physics A 2016 Bundle (Leasons 1 - 7)

7 Resources
P1 Matter (2016) Physics A (OCR Gateway Science) Key Stage 4 Lessons 1 to 7 30% OFF Entire lessons for the first half of the unit. Includes: 7 complete lessons, 7 full lesson PowerPoint Presentations, 4 full practicals, 6 worksheets, 7 Homework Sheets, 6 Homework marking presentations, 1 Mid Unit check list. All you need to teach the first half of this new unit, designed to be taught from with everything you need. Simple but attractive presentation and interactive features including links to relevant videos. Who needs a text books? New Curriculum (Please note the mid unit test is not included due to copyright issues)
E=MC2 Assembly

E=MC2 Assembly

Sooner or later we all end up doing assemblies. This presentation is designed as an assembly lasting 15–20 minutes. It takes you though the most famous equation in science, E=MC2, explaining its implications in our everyday lives. I recommend having the 0.6g of lead in a plastic vial and a litre of water to pour into a bucket. This could equally be used in a lesson on energy, mass, space, etc.
  P4b Uses of Electrostatics

P4b Uses of Electrostatics

Year 11 GCSE (Higher) RADIATION FOR LIFE OCR Gateway Science Suite Lessons 3-4 (P4b) 1) …static electricity can be used for restarting the heart when it has stopped 2) …electrostatic dust precipitators to remove smoke particles etc from chimneys 3) …static electricity can be useful for paint spraying
P1 L01 The Particle Model

P1 L01 The Particle Model

L01 The Particle Model Physics A (OCR Gateway Science) P1 Matter (2016) Key Stage 4 Lesson 1 of 14 Objectives: Describe how and why the atomic model has changed over time Describe the structure of an atom and the location of its constituent subatomic particles Relate atomic structure to size, charge and mass of the component parts Recall the typical size of atoms and small molecules Lesson presentation for projector, Homework sheet and marking presentation New Curriculum
Science Quiz I

Science Quiz I

Science Quiz 1 End of term is coming. This quiz comprises eight rounds of ten questions. Fully menu driven so you can do it in any order, the whole thing or just a couple of rounds. The slides in each round are timed so you can start it and leave it, with the ability to go back, mark after each round or at the end. Includes two sound rounds which students love. Challenging from year 7’s to staff!
P3e Energy on the move FREE SAMPLE LESSON

P3e Energy on the move FREE SAMPLE LESSON

This is a FREE SAMPLE LESSON to show the quality of my work. Please take it, use it and enjoy it! I've uploaded the entire of the GCSE OCR Physics lessons P1-P6. P1 Energy for the home P2 Living for the future P3 Forces for transport P4 Radiation for life P5 Space for reflection P6 Electricity for gadgets Many of these have some very fun and simple practicals, linked homework sheets including marking PowerPoints and all are animated and have lots of pupil appeal. They contain a lot of my life with as many photos as possible taken of me and my family. The photo on the roller-coast is of me and my wife to be, our wedding photo is in digital images, the ultra sound scan is my eldest draught and the various animals are ours. This lesson is typical of my work but by no means my best! Please take a look at my other resources. Curriculum