EPQ / Extended Project whole course.
19 lessons to prepare students to conduct their Project Research including exemplars, concise guidance and activities.
Year calendar for students and supervisors
Handbooks for students
Supervisor role
Taster lesson and resources
Summer preparation.
Structure for EPQ projects.
Dates will need updating.
Originally created for the Edexcel specification but applicable to AQA.
6x approaches (Behaviourist, Biological, Humanistic, SLT, Cognitive and Psychodynamic) and includes basic assumptions, facts and one related humourous comic - I’ve based it around the AQA spec so it may need adjusting for others.
1x Hypothesis chart.
1x AO and Evaluation poster.
1x How to score highly on graph questions
1x measures of central tendency
1x PEEL and sentence starters
1x openers and connectives for essay writing
3x careers within psychology.
1x University entry requirement and map
1x Open Evening display
1x Sperry
1x Validity and Reliability key terms.
2x Literacy mat for desks.
1x psychology bunting
1x A3 timeline (8 pages)
1x brain diagram (4 pages)
The brain and connective posts can be found for free via a Google search.
Powerpoint includes 6 boards (one for each Year 1 topic).
Students roll dice and answer the question their counter lands on stay on the spot or progress.
Very easy to amend for Year 2, or to change the questions.
Unit 5 - Learning aim A and B only.
Includes a coursework guide for both Task 1 and Task 2 which is broke down per criteria into student-friendly language and a SV’d Distinction example.
2 Psychology taster lessons. One focuses on Attachment types and encourages students to complete a quiz to find out their own. It also included the ‘Marshmallow Test’ by Mischel. The second focuses on Biopsycholgy and labelling the brain.
There are various summer transition packs included.
Roughly 45 minutes, summer preparation booklets compliment these lessons.
4 Powerpoints with various real-life application and tasks to support learning. Information is tailored towards gender, ethnicity and age which were our chosen social groups for the coursework. Additional sources and references in the notes with relevant pass criteria and specification match-up on every slide.
If local to Addenbrookes Hospital, additional support is included.
What’s included:
An Intro to Sociology
Social Institutions
Sociological Perspectives
The Biomedical model and 2 alternatives
Concepts of health…
Contemporary links throughout.
LA.C / task 2 guide as it’s subjective to your local setting.
Unit 10 guide - in student friendly language.
BTEC Level 3 - Health and Social Care - Unit 11 - Learning Aim C (Examine how PP are applied in HSC settings) and B (Examine how PP contribute tot he understanding of management and treatment in HSC)
1 powerpoint which contains all of the content for Learning Aim C. Video links in the notes.
6 powerpoints for learning aim B with notes, videos and worksheets included.
Suitable for the old and new assignment brief (Oct, 2018)
A collection of revision resources for whole lessons or individual tasks. These are very easy to amend to whatever topic you want to focus on.
Rotating squares - Includes 11 essay questions. The aim is to give each student one essay question, give them a set time to complete the sections (AO1, I&D and AO3) then swap with another student for a set time, and again. Eventually, there will be several contributions for each essay.
Articulate - 60 Key terms of studies. Students work in teams. One student picks a card and must explain their word without saying the word. Others must figure out the word.
Revision clocks - Assign a topic. Give students 1 minute to complete each section of the clock.
Ask or answer - cut out cards. Student independently completes either asking the question that fits the answer or answering the question.
Someone who - You will need to add your own questions. Give students a sheet each, they need to ask their peers to tell them the answer and state who told them.
A03 burgers - interactive way to great effective AO3 paragraphs. In practice, I provided students with 'points' to guide them to create burgers.
'How to Revise Psychology' evidence based guide.
Issues and Debates synoptic activity
exam question brain dump
2 lessons
Covers basic beliefs of Buddhism and looks at how they are different from other religions including differentiated choice tasks.
Looks at the purpose of mandalas and a task to create them, again with differentiated tasks.
Workbook with activities and questions.
Features of a science
Peer Review and Psychology and the Economy
Reliability and Validity
Types of data and Levels of Measurement
Correlation and Co-efficient
Distribution of data / positive and negative skews
Content analysis and thematic analysis
Inferential statistics (The sign test and 7 others)
‘Design a study’ guide
Exam questions for all areas.
End of Topic test with Mark Scheme.
Available as part of an 11 powerpoint bundle. which covers the whole 2 year course.
Includes everything they need to know for the Gender Unit, ideal for revision as each slide nicely summarises each section of the module with colourful graphics, and a clear evaluation is given at the end of each sub-section.
Specification is clear throughout.
You will need:
A printer, counters and dice.
Included is the game board (A3) 18 Q&A cards and 6 blank Q&A cards (12 per A4)
Cut out the Question cards and stick the answers to the back.
This only covers the topics in Year 1 (Social Influence, Memory, Attachment, Approaches, Psychopathology and Research Methods) but the cards are easy to amend for Year 1/2.
This is a good revision or end of year activity - Get students into teams of your choice. Roll the dice, move your counter and answer the relevant colour question on the cards.
The aim is to collect all the colours before your opponents and finish in the middle.
9 ppts with key studies and exam questions on each topic.
Workbook included with revision materials.
TOK references throughout.
Videos included.
Workbook for students
IB Knowledge organisers.
This covers question 1 and 2 in the exam (Diagnosis and Aetiology). It doesn’t include treatment content.
Perfect for any classroom. Print onto plain, patterned or coloured paper.
Easy to edit for any spec - I’ve tried to choose common words but feel free to add or amend.