Various units included for the L3 HSC Diploma / Extended Certificate award.
Unit 1 - LA.A and LA.C only
Unit 2 - LA.B and LA.C only
Unit 4 - LA.A, B3 and LA.C only.
Unit 5 - LA.A and LA.B only
Unit 7 - LA.B only
Unit 8 - LA.A and LA.B only
Unit 10 - whole unit
Unit 11 - LA.B and LA.C only
Unit 14 - whole unit
Worth £69
1 hour taster lesson which introduces the course - very easy to amend for your units.
Includes a short task which combines different unit requirements.
Includes summer homework / transition work.
These 2 projects cover one whole term of work and allows students to work at their own pace whilst developing their skills.
Project one focuses on research methods (Psychology and the economy, peer review, reporting research and other baisc themes) and encourages student to research into a study of their choice and present the findings, exploring and critiquing the research methods before supporting them to conduct their own small scale research and present the findings.
Project two is enrichment and choice based, which allows students to work in groups to develop resources for the whole cohort, for themselves or for the next cohort.
Project 3 is a critical reading task.
44 slides which include an introduction to your course and information on how students learn including simple explanations on Schemas, Working Memory, Dual Coding, Cognitive Load, Learned Helplessness, Failure and Forgetting.
Easy to adapt.