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Peter Slater's Shop: Finding a Path through the Trees

I'm an English teacher with many years' experience specialising mainly in GCSE English, although I teach at different levels. I am also an established GCSE English examiner in both Language and Literature. I consciously tailor my resources to meet the needs of those many pupils who can't yet quite get the hang of English analysis, but who are perfectly capable of gaining an excellent grade once understanding clicks.

I'm an English teacher with many years' experience specialising mainly in GCSE English, although I teach at different levels. I am also an established GCSE English examiner in both Language and Literature. I consciously tailor my resources to meet the needs of those many pupils who can't yet quite get the hang of English analysis, but who are perfectly capable of gaining an excellent grade once understanding clicks.
Creative Writing: flash fiction.  How to structure and write a complete very short story

Creative Writing: flash fiction. How to structure and write a complete very short story

Creative Writing. KS2 - GCSE English. Objectives: to plan, structure and write a complete short story in easy to follow steps. A creative writing resource aimed primarily at 15+ pupils, but would also suit younger. It is very adaptable: in practice it has been found that pupils of widely-varying abilities will all enjoy and profit from this. The activity very loosely follows the story structures outlined by Vladimir Propp in his 1928 study on Russian folktales, but is much, much simpler. The plan takes pupils through the writing of a story step by step and there is also a sample story based on the structure. The sample story may be laminated and cut up and matched with laminated headings corresponding to each stage of the story development. There are also story ideas and some suggested first lines.