I have been a primary school teacher for 16 years and am now part of the senior leadership team. All the resources that I share have been used with children that I teach. Currently, I am strategic lead for Maths and Design Technology. Many of my resources will be based around these subjects. Please leave a review, along with your email address if you have found value in my resources. As a thank you, I will email you a free resource of the same value.
I have been a primary school teacher for 16 years and am now part of the senior leadership team. All the resources that I share have been used with children that I teach. Currently, I am strategic lead for Maths and Design Technology. Many of my resources will be based around these subjects. Please leave a review, along with your email address if you have found value in my resources. As a thank you, I will email you a free resource of the same value.
A total of 20 sessions. These daily arithmetic sessions will support year 6 in the run up to SATs to help them gain speed and fluency with arithmetic questions. I have found these invaluable as a year 6 teacher, and as a result of using them, arithmetic scores have rapidly improved. I have included them in two formats - publisher on squared paper which can simply be printed and completed on the sheet and in a word document for use in books.
I have adapted this quiz by including year 6 appropriate math questions to help children recall key facts ready for the end of KS2 assessments. My class loved it! Full sound effect adds to the excitement!
A seven page Activ Inspire, 3 times table teaching flip chart which can be included alongside your daily math lessons. I have also added the PPT for this session.
The first slide introduces children to the number 3 by showing different representations that they may see in every day life. It then leads them onto step counting using multi link cubes. Having these on children’s fingers works really well and promotes lots of enjoyment! My class love this! The third slide shows the calculation to the three times table, along with the arrays, to reinforce the representation. The idea is to slowly cover the answers up as the children gain their confidence. This should be a fast paced session aimed at rapid recall. The children really love this as well! We often divide the class into teams and sometimes boys versus girls to do this section. Finally, I have included some corresponding division facts with visuals.
4 times table teaching Activ Inspire flipchart (also in the format of a PPT) that you can use alongside your daily maths sessions. The first slide introduces children to different representations of the number 4 that children may see in every day life. This progresses onto children using concrete resources to show the multiples of 4. The next slide shows the times table calculations with the answers and arrays. First let the children see the answers and gain confidence in counting as a whole class. Then cover each answer in turn and continue whole class chanting. Cover the ones that the children are most confident on first - 1 X 4, 10 X 4 etc. This helps to build children’s memory and they love guessing which one has been covered. Eventually, all answers are covered. Do this with a good pace. The children will love learning their tables! Finally, there are some corresponding division facts, again using visual representations. Have the children using multlink cubes alongside this so they understand that they are sharing.
These lessons are to be used when first introducing the column method for subtraction. It builds upon previous methods of the number line and the expannded column subtraction.
I used this in a Year 4 class but it can also be used with Year 3 if that is the year they begin to use the method. It can also be adapted for Year 5 when modelling more than one exchange.
I am an advocate of using the CPA approach (concrete, pictoral and abstract) so this resource should be used alongide resources. I have included place value counters on the flipchart that can be moved easily. I would suggest using the base 10 resources as a scaffold for those learners who need to visually see the regrouping.
Finally, the ‘I Do, We Do, You Do’ are signals for teacher moedelling, whole class practice and independent practice.
A whole school times table rainbow resource which covers all tables from X2 - X12. Includes: weekly times table tests, personalised certificates, class times table tracker, times table rainbow display and lettering. Over 30 documents included!
I implemented this within my school as maths leader to monitor and assess pupils progress in times tables. It is a whole school initiative which runs from Year 2 right the way through to Year 6. Each class has a Times Table Rainbow Display and children’s names are added to it so they can track their own progress. Each week, children take a times table test and once they pass the same test 2 weeks in a row, they move up to the next times table. All tests follow the same format - children answer the tables in order, out of order, missing numbers and corresponding division facts. This needs to be implemented in addition to a taught weekly times table session which is teacher led to see the fastest results.
Once all times tables have been mastered, children move to the Bronze, SIlver and then Gold tests before they reach the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. These tests are aimed at Years 5/6 and are progressively harder - including square and cubed numbers.
My children gained so much enjoyment from this and they loved being able to track their own progress. There are times table certificates for each stage of the rainbow and then we included a prize of a scientific calculator once they had reached the pot of gold! You can be as creative as you like with this.
This is a great resource for maths leaders to implement if you need a consistent approach to the teaching and delivery of times tables. It enables you to keep track of pupil’s progress in each year group as well.
Times table teaching PPTs and Activ Inspire flipcharts that you can use alongside your daily maths sessions.
The first slide introduces children to different representations that they may see in every day life. This progresses onto children using concrete resources to show the multiples. The next slide shows the times table calculations with the answers and arrays. First let the children see the answers and gain confidence in counting as a whole class. Then each slide covers the answer of one or two calculations. This helps to build children’s memory and they love guessing which one has been covered. Eventually, all answers are covered. Do this with a good pace. The children will love learning their tables! Finally, there are some corresponding division facts, again using visual representations. Have the children using multlink cubes alongside this so they understand that they are sharing.
A 2 times table teaching PPT and Activ Inspire flipchart that you can use alongside your daily maths sessions. The first slide introduces children to different representations of the number 2 that they may see in every day life. This progresses onto children using concrete resources to show the multiples of 2. Having three multilink cubes on fingers works great here and helps children to visualise when they use their fingers to count in twos. The next slide shows the times table calculations with the answers and arrays. First let the children see the answers and gain confidence in counting as a whole class. Then each slide covers the answer of one or two calculations. This helps to build children’s memory and they love guessing which one has been covered. Eventually, all answers are covered. Do this with a good pace. The children will love learning their tables! Finally, there are some corresponding division facts, again using visual representations. Have the children using multlink cubes alongside this so they understand that they are sharing.