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Think Better BYUK

Enhance your child's success with our comprehensive set of resources designed to improve reading skills and facilitate effective retrieval practice in both Mathematics and Literacy. These resources are meticulously crafted.

Enhance your child's success with our comprehensive set of resources designed to improve reading skills and facilitate effective retrieval practice in both Mathematics and Literacy. These resources are meticulously crafted.
Early Morning Activity Year 5 Autumn 1 Week 2

Early Morning Activity Year 5 Autumn 1 Week 2

Enhance your child’s success with our comprehensive set of resources designed to improve reading skills and facilitate effective retrieval practice in both Mathematics and Literacy. These resources are meticulously crafted.
Early Morning Activity Year 5 Autumn 1 Week 1

Early Morning Activity Year 5 Autumn 1 Week 1

The PowerPoint gives an arithmetic and reading comprehension starter for the first 3 days. Then, the PowerPoint gives an arithmetic and creative writing starter for the next 2 days. This is a great resource that helps children with retrieval. LEave the questions on the board. Make sure that the text is printed and given to the children. Ensure that the answers re gone through at the end.