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PSHE PowerPoint - Rights in the workplace & Rule of law
I have uploaded 2 PP presentations based on the topic of Rights in the workplace and rights and duties of citizens.

Year 8 French - End of Year Assessment
Here is a year 8 End of Year Assessment.
It includes GCSE reading tasks/ translation. Reading tasks/ short translations/ a gap-fill and a writing task.
I have included the assessment and the answers.

Sam's arrival - Extra en Español Ep 01: La llegada de Sam
A basic worksheet to go with episode 1 of extr@ series.

Seeed - Augenbling gap-fill task
I have created a gap fill for the song Augenbling by Seeed.
I had included the link to the song which you use in conjunction with the gap-fill.
Pupils can also use the gap-fill for translation tasks, dictionary work or writing tasks.

World Cup 2018 Russia/ Weltmeisterschaft 2018 Russland - Workbook
Here is a 10 page booklet that I have created to use in conjunction with the World Cup in Russia.
There is a variety of activities - translation/ describe the picture/ reading/ writing.
It took ages to make and I hope your pupils find it engaging and motivating!

Year 8 German - End of Year Assessment
Here is a year 8 End of Year Assessment.
It includes GCSE reading tasks/ translation. Reading tasks/ short translations/ a gap-fill and a writing task.
I have included the assessment and the answers.
This is for a middle/ higher ability group - adapt as necessary.

Teaching and Learning - Pupil feedback sheet
I have created a document to monitor and assess T&L within a lesson/ number of lessons.
I have used this with a project that I have conducted with classes that I teach. Pupils respond well with the plenary and are motivated and engaged by the role of the media within the sheet.
It promotes independence and provides pupils with the chance to assess their learning and analyse what skills they are using/ how they are overcoming challenges.
I have added hashtags # specific to my subjec/ name, but this can be adapted to your own subject/ name by changing it in word once you have downloaded.

Year 7 Spanish assessment with answers - family
I have created an end of topic assessment for my year 7 Spanish high ability group.
It includes all skills - Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening and translation.
I have attached
Assessment answers
Speaking slide for PP
Listening resource with answers
Speaking results marksheet and scheme with grading
My examples of WOW and EBI for speaking results on marksheet
It is on the topic of family.
Hope this resource saves you time!

End of School Year - QUIZ!
I have created an End of Year Quiz for pupils to complete during the last week of time - save yourself the hassle!
The quiz can be used in any lesson! There is a variety of questions, not based on just one subject.
There are 7 sections to the quiz;
World flags
Capital cities
General knowledge
National anthems (There will be a small box next to the question - click on this and press play in order to hear the audio file).
I have created the PP so you can either go through by clicking the next button on your computer, or you can click on the correct answer to take you to the next page. **This way the quiz can be complete either as a class or in groups.
There are 3 attachments to this upload.
a 77 slide End of Year Quiz PowerPoint
a 6 slide document which can be printed for 6 groups to input their answers.
The answers

Year 7 German - End of Year Assessment
Here is a year 7 End of Year Assessment.
It includes reading tasks/ translation from and into German/ a gap-fill, a writing task and speaking task.
I have included the assessment and the answers.

Year 9 - End of topic assessment - Media und Technologie
Here is a year 9 assessment for media and technology.
It includes a reading tasks/ translation, a gap-fill and a writing task.
I have included the assessment and the answers.
This is for a very weak near 9 group - therefore it could even be used from year 7 to year 9.

Ostern Workbook/ Easter Workbook
Here is a 12 page booklet that I have created to use leading up to the Easter holidays.
There is a variety of activities - translation/ describe the picture/ reading/ writing.
Can be used within class time as a full lesson(s)/ partially over the course of a few weeks or as cover work.

FIFA World Cup 2018 (and more...) QUIZ!
Здравствуйте! :)
I have created a quiz about the FIFA World Cup and more!
There are 60 questions all together! Enough to fill a lesson and more!
I have attached 3 resources:-
The Quiz (PowerPoint)
The Answers (PowerPoint)
The Team/ Group sheets (PowerPoint)
There are 7 rounds in this quiz and the quiz runs as followed:
ROUND 1: HISTORY (A brief history of FIFA events during the World Cup’s history).
ROUND 2: TRIVIA (Questions about players/ countries/ the World Cup in General).
ROUND 3: FLAGS (Knowledge of country flags).
ROUND 4: CAPITAL CITIES (Knowledge of capital cities of countries of the world).
ROUND 5: WHO AM I? (Do you know who the footballer is?).
ROUND 6: NATIONAL ANTHEMS (Pupils listen to a file and decide who the national anthem belongs to).
ROUND 7: LOGIC (Maths/ logic questions for pupils to work out).
**When the PowerPoint is presented on the screen, you will find a small box near to the question. You should hover over the box and you will be able to play the music file.

Past/ Present/ Future Lessons
3 lessons - past, present, future. Developing and recapping knowledge of the 3 tenses. Cultural starter for each lessons - a video and a sheet for pupils to fill in.

Asterix at the Olympic Games Worksheet
Asterix at the Olympic Games worksheet to support cultural/media aspect of the a film lesson.
Descriptive writing can be extended.
Cross-curricular with other subjects.

Spanish Easter Lesson
Here is a PowerPoint, gap fill task and recipe translation task that I have adapted/ created for my high ability year 7 Spanish class.
I have compiled a variety of resources into this one lesson - I hope it comes in useful if you decide to download it :)

World Cup 2018 - Reading task
I’ve created many resources to use during the world cup.
This is a perfect worksheet for pupils to workthrough to focus on reading skills and also translation skills. They could also write their own profile for a player to practise writing skills.

Weltmeisterschaft/ World Cup 2018 - Russia/Russland - Top Trump cards
I have created top trump cards for German and English players who are in the world cup squad for their respective country.
You could either have pupils play against each other, use this as a translation task and also have pupils create their own top trump card.
Hope they come in handy!
If used please credit - they took ages to make!!

Haben & Sein Conjugation display
Conjugations for haben and sein and also a sheet for pronouns to stick at the front of class. A3