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FullShelf Resources

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Thanks to the wonderful teachers from around the world who have chosen my resources. I care passionately about quality and value and want you to fill your teaching ‘shelf’ with confidence, saving precious time. Hopefully they won’t be staying on the shelf for long as you’ll use them again and again! I’m a Primary Teacher and published writer with an English degree and French A-level. My resources are mostly Primary but some suit Secondary classes too. I hope your students enjoy using them.




Thanks to the wonderful teachers from around the world who have chosen my resources. I care passionately about quality and value and want you to fill your teaching ‘shelf’ with confidence, saving precious time. Hopefully they won’t be staying on the shelf for long as you’ll use them again and again! I’m a Primary Teacher and published writer with an English degree and French A-level. My resources are mostly Primary but some suit Secondary classes too. I hope your students enjoy using them.
French Weather (La Meteo) KS2 KS3

French Weather (La Meteo) KS2 KS3

Quel temps fait-il? Weather in French PowerPoint lesson presentation and activities (88 slides), together with flash cards in PDF - to teachLa Météo en Français / Le Temps phrases, vocabulary and questions. Includes seasons and weather maps / forecast.   My FSL / MFL French basics resources and units suit students beginning French, near beginners (and intermediate learners for revision) in: Upper Primary (Key Stage 2 KS2) - Year 4, 5, 6 (Y4 Y5 Y6) Secondary (Key Stage 3 KS3) - especially Year 7 and 8 (Y7 / Y8) Equivalents such as Grades 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 Core French in Canada May suit others, depending on experience   Please check the preview. Within the Zip file is the PPT (plus an additional PDF version) and a 14-page PDF of flash cards. SAVE: Get this in my French Weather BUNDLE together with French Weather Worksheets and Puzzles and French Weather Games. ALSO INCLUDED IN: French KS2 / KS3 MEGA BUNDLE 1 French Presentations MEGA BUNDLE This presentation: Introduces 12 weather phrases (il pleut, il neige, il gèle, il fait beau, il fait mauvais, il fait chaud, il fait froid, il y a des nuages, il y a du brouillard, il y a de l’orage, il y a du soleil, il y a du vent). Teaches key questions such as ‘Quel temps fait-il aujourd’hui?’ Includes describing what the weather is like in different seasons and in different towns and countries. Many slides feature answers that appear on screen when clicked. (The PDF version does not retain this functionality). Slides with a weather map of both France and Canada ‘Ce n’est pas vrai!’ photo game - in each round students must work out which of the 3 weather phrases do not apply (10 photo slides). ‘Kim’s game’ - memory game where students work out the missing French weather image each round. ‘Frappez la Météo’ game - students hit correct weather image when teacher says it in French. Hexagons interactive game - teams make a path across screen by translating weather phrases Additional PDF version of the presentation helps you teach this topic if you do not have PowerPoint. The Hexagons game is not compatible with PDF and is only included in PowerPoint. Printable flashcards for 12 key weather phrases are included in 2 versions.     Thank you.   YOU MIGHT LIKE… French KS2 / KS3 MEGA BUNDLE 2 French KS2 / KS3 MEGA BUNDLE 3
Multiplication and Division Word Problems

Multiplication and Division Word Problems

Use as challenge cards for early finishers, extension and revision etc in Upper Key Stage 2 (KS2) Year 5 and Year 6 (Y5 and Y6) - or Second Level, Primary 6 and 7 in Scotland). Multiplying and dividing problem solving skills (mostly multi-step) are practised in a range of contexts with these 48 word problem maths task cards plus a double-sided worksheet. ALL ANSWERS INCLUDED. The cards are designed to be self-checking. Includes some UK money word problems. One of my most popular resources. DUE TO DEMAND, DOLLAR VERSIONS NOW INCLUDED. PDF with 21 pages (and dollar versions). These problem-solving activities will suit some Year 7 (Y7) too. The cards work well as an early finisher challenge or as part of your multiplying and dividing focus. SAVE by purchasing this as part of a Word Problems Four Operations BUNDLE, alongside my equivalent pack of Addition and Subtraction Word Problems. If you prefer to buy the 2 word problem packs along with some times table games and mental maths puzzles: Maths Revision Activities BUNDLE This Multiplication and Division Pack features: 48 word problem cards (and answer sides) 1-page answer key 1-page recording sheet 3-page recording sheet (with space for working out) Double-sided worksheet (and answers) with another 8 problems Concepts: Multiplication and division by single digits and by multiples of 10 and 100 Includes decimals Includes fractions Money problems (in pounds - with alternative dollar versions in another file) Metric measure Many multi-step (2 and 3-step) problems Some addition and subtraction is required too In the file, the question sides of the cards are on the odd numbered pages and the answer sides on the even numbered pages. You can set your printer to print the answers on the reverse but if you do not have a double-sided printing option, print the odd numbered pages, then put the card or paper back in the printer in the correct order and print the even numbered pages on the other side. You can laminate and have students work individually or in groups, checking the answer on the back once they’ve had a go. Alternatively, make it competitive and have individuals or pairs race to solve them, using a timer. A separate card featuring all answers is included if you prefer not to print the answers on the back of the cards. Recording sheets (2 versions) can be printed too if required. Use the double-sided worksheet for classwork or homework. Also popular: Mental Maths Bundle Year 5 / 6 Thank you. FullShelf Resources
Decimals Place Value Game Year 5 / 6

Decimals Place Value Game Year 5 / 6

KS2 well-differentiated Four-in-a-Row Game Boards and cards for consolidation of decimal place value understanding and ordering decimal numbers (1, 2 and 3 decimal places). Ideal for starters, warm ups, early finishers activities etc. Originally designed for Key Stage 2 Y5 and Y6 - or Second Level, Primary 6 and 7 in Scotland. PDF format. Full instructions included. Please check the previews to see if it is suitable. SAVE by purchasing this as part of a BUNDLE: Place Value Activities BUNDLE KS2 Maths Games BUNDLE Decimals Activities BUNDLE DECIMAL NUMBERS FOUR IN A ROW: • Two sets of 54 decimal number cards featuring numbers from 0.001 to 2.01 (1 set includes numbers up to 2 decimal places, the other up to 3 decimal places) • Two A3 Four in a Row boards. The 1 star version was originally designed to go with the cards to 2 decimal places, while the more challenging 2 star version was designed for the cards to 3 decimal places. However, both sets of cards would work with either board. It works especially well in A3, however, you could scale down the board to A4 and use the smaller card set supplied. You could have pairs take on other pairs. Each team of two starts with a set of cards (print each set on different coloured card if you don’t have coloured printing that would allow you to print the different coloured cards supplied, then laminate to use again and again). It works well if each team shuffles their cards, puts them in a pile and takes one from the top at a time, which they then put down on the board if there’s a suitable empty box. They aim to get four of their cards in a row. Each box has a stipulation about the numbers that can be placed on it (no tenths, < 1.5, > 0.31, < 0.56, five hundredths etc). To save printing you could split a set between 2 or 3 boards as a single team won’t require all 54 cards. The cards can also be used separately from the game boards for ordering activities. Other popular KS2 Maths / Numeracy resources: Mental Maths Bundle Multiplication / Division Bundle Angles / Symmetry Bundle Please explore more: FullShelf Resources
Addition Subtraction Practice Year 1 and 2

Addition Subtraction Practice Year 1 and 2

Fun maths revision for adding and subtracting! Key Stage 1 add and subtract within 50 Mental Maths printable activities for independent work, starters, warms ups, early finisher tasks etc: A set of 36 self-check mixed addition and subtraction to 50 trail cards to be laminated for students to complete with wipeable pens. These KS1 Maths / Numeracy resources were originally designed for Y1 and Y2 (or First Level, Primary 2 and 3 in Scotland) but could suit KS2 (Second Level) students requiring consolidation.   CHEESE CHASE Each editable card contains 14 mental maths calculations - over 500 calculations across the whole set. ALL ANSWERS INCLUDED. A fun activity for regular practice of addition and subtraction facts / number bonds within 50. They can be used by individuals or you could have pairs or small groups racing against each other to complete trails accurately. Great for starters, early finishers etc. It promotes speed and accuracy and is a more engaging alternative to worksheets. Starting at the mouse and working their way around the card in a spiral, children write the answer to each calculation in the box, creating a running total. The final answer is printed next to the cheese in the middle of the card so they can see if they have correctly completed it. If not, children can check to see where they have gone wrong. Answer cards can be used by the pupils themselves or by the teacher to see at a glance where pupils have gone wrong. Print and laminate if required.   You might be interested in the other versions of these resources, to practise different aspects of adding and subtracting. They are available with this one in a great value bundle. Add and Subtract to 20 Activities Add and Subtract 9, 10 and 11 Activities Add and Subtract Multiples of 10 Activities SAVE by purchasing all 4 in this Basic Addition and Subtraction Write and Wipe Trails BUNDLE.   You might also like: Basic Addition and Subtraction Fluency Puzzles Worksheets   For engaging, time-saving printables and presentations to plan Primary Literacy, Maths and French lessons, please visit FullShelf Resources
Factors and Multiples Y5 Y6

Factors and Multiples Y5 Y6

Fun Upper Primary Maths games and activities for Key Stage 2 (KS2) Year 5 and 6 - or Primary 6 and 7 in Scotland. Factors and Multiples starters, warm ups, early finishers tasks, revision etc. A differentiated set of over 70 cards to be used for self-checking factors work or for fun games, plus 6 game boards and 36 cards for multiples bingo / lotto. FACTORS: Lower ability file features numbers up to 100. Higher ability file includes many more challenging numbers, up to 16,000. The cards are designed to be printed double-sided with the answers (all factors of the number) on the back. Once you have printed the front side, pop your paper or card back in the printer and print the answers. This works especially well as an early finisher activity. Pupil Instruction Card is included for ‘Factors Frenzy’ game, where children compete to find as many factors of a number as they can. It could get quite competitive! MULTIPLES: 6 bingo boards, each featuring 6 numbers between 2 and 12. Print and laminate these as well as the 36 number cards (which each feature four numbers). When picking up a card, players must decide if the four numbers on their card are ALL multiples of a single number on their board. If so, they can place it over that number. If not, they put it back. There’s tactical thinking in this game as some children will realise that all multiples of i.e. 12 are also multiples of 6, 4, 3, 2 - so they will need to prioritise covering the numbers for which there are fewer cards. A couple of cards will not be able to be placed on anyone’s board as there is no common multiple. As usual, the first to cover all numbers is the winner. A Pupil Instruction Card is included for this game too. It comes in both colour and black and white. These are available for a saving in a bundle (see below). I hope your pupils enjoy using them and that they save you time. You might be interested in some of my other Maths resources, including these KS2 Maths Puzzles, my fastest-selling resource of all: KS2 Mental Maths Puzzles Angles Game Angles Activity Pack Line Symmetry Games Area / Perimeter Bundle Please visit FullShelf Resources
Scale Drawings / Scale Factors

Scale Drawings / Scale Factors

KS2 (Year 5 / Year 6 - Y5 and Y6) Scale Drawings Maths Game: An engaging and differentiated game to consolidate understanding of scale drawing / scale factors in a fun way. It’s also an enjoyable way of practising times tables (if using the standard version) or decimal multiplication (if using the Challenge version). The children act as engineers, working their way around the board using scale drawings (24 cards included) and throwing a counter onto a target to discover which scale - in ratio notation - to apply each time, once they have made a measurement of the drawing. Teaching Notes and Pupil Instruction Card included. Differentiation: Alongside the standard version there’s a Challenge Version for older/more able learners that requires pupils to deal with decimal lengths (a second set of 24 cards included) and to convert between cm, m and km, using a separate scale target board when scaling up. I recommend blowing the gameboards up to A3 for use with bigger groups although A4 would be fine. I suggest printing the cards on different coloured paper to help keep sets separate, especially if using both versions with different groups. The Scale Target boards are colourful so black and white versions are included should you prefer. I hope your pupils enjoy playing it. If you can spare a moment I would be grateful for a review. Many thanks. Some of my other popular KS2 Maths / Numeracy resources: Mental Maths Bundle Year 5 Year 6 Multiplication / Division Bundle Angles / Symmetry Activities Bundle Area and Perimeter Game Pack For engaging, time-saving printables and presentations to help plan Primary Literacy, Maths and French lessons, please visit FullShelf Resources
Addition Subtraction within 20 Y1 Y2

Addition Subtraction within 20 Y1 Y2

Maths revision of adding and subtracting and number bonds etc. Year 1 and Year 2 (KS1) maths facts / number bonds within 20 add and subtract mental maths printable activities for independent work, starters, warms ups, early finishers tasks and revision. Help children master addition and subtraction facts with a set of 36 self-check write and wipe trail cards to be laminated for pupils to complete with whiteboard pens. These Primary numeracy activities were designed for Key Stage 1 (First Level - Primary 2 and 3 in Scotland) but could suit KS2 (Second Level) students requiring consolidation. PDF format.   For older or more able children, you might like the same resource with more challenging calculations: Addition and Subtraction within 50 Buy the two together in this Addition and Subtraction within 20 and 50 Trails BUNDLE . SAVE by purchasing these 2 resource packs alongside 2 others as part of my KS1 Mental Maths Activities BUNDLE   You might also like these Basic Addition and Subtraction Fluency Puzzles Worksheets, which is available together with this resource in… Basic Addition and Subtraction Activities BUNDLE.   SPIDER SPIRALS: Each card contains 14 mental maths calculations - over 500 calculations across the whole set. ALL ANSWERS INCLUDED. They can be used by individuals - or pairs or small groups could race against each other to complete trails accurately. Great for starters, early finishers etc. It promotes speed and accuracy and is a more engaging alternative to worksheets. Starting at the spider and working their way around in a spiral, children write each answer in the box, creating a running total. The final answer is printed next to the web in the middle of the card so they can see if they have correctly completed it. If not, children can check to see where they have gone wrong. Answer cards can be used by the children themselves or by the teacher to see mistakes at a glance. Print and laminate if required.   You might also be interested in my popular KS1 Literacy resource: KS1 Jumbled Sentences.   Thank you for considering my resources. For engaging, time-saving printables and presentations to help plan Primary Literacy, Maths and French lessons, please visit FullShelf Resources
Jumbled Sentences KS1

Jumbled Sentences KS1

3 Resources
This is a BUNDLE of popular hands-on sentence ordering Key Stage 1 Writing resources. It contains 3 different full class sets or reusable simple sentence construction activities and is great for differentiation. The jumbled sentences sets now also come with additional worksheet versions of all 90 boards. Originally designed for Year 1 (Primary 2 in Scotland) SPaG / Grammar lessons, these activities could be used elsewhere in EYFS / Reception (Primary 1) and Key Stage 1, depending on ability. Emergent writers love lifting the words off the boards to unscramble them to find the hidden simple sentence. With an engaging picture clue and title on each board, these word sequencing Literacy Basic Skills resources suit a range of learning styles. After carefully reading the jumbled words, your early writers correctly rearrange them on the board before writing the sentence out on the lines provided, using a dry-wipe pen. Regular practice with scrambled sentences should help children begin to form sentences independently. There are 3 x 65-page PDF documents in Zip files, together with additional editable Word documents of the word cards only, in case you wish to change the font or colour of the words. Each mixed-up sentence contains a word beginning with a capital letter to help children identify the first word and to reinforce this important punctuation rule, and a full stop (or question mark) to pick up and place at the end of their sentence. While constructing these sentences, children also learn about word order, parts of speech and about the fact that a sentence must make sense on its own. This bundle contains: A set of 30 4-5 word sentence boards A set of 30 6-8 word sentence boards A set of 30 question sentence boards Worksheet versions of all 90 boards (for use without the word cards) An answer key for all 3 sets, listing the correctly rearranged sentences for your convenience Teacher notes / instructions Please see the individual resources for detailed previews. If you decide to buy them I hope your children have a lot of fun using them and if you can spare a moment to review them, I would be very grateful. INSTRUCTIONS: Print in colour on quality card to make it sturdy and laminate for repeated use. It’s ideal for using as a regular activity, with children working on a different one each session. Or choose the ones you make up if working with a smaller group. It could be used with SEN / ASN groups or others requiring support with writing. Words are printed in faint grey on each sheet in a random order. Once laminated, cut the word strips and stick each word on top of this faint type, using Blu Tack, Blu Tack ‘Glu Dots’ or equivalent. Each strip is in a different colour to help identify the board it is from. Train the children to replace the words to these starting positions and to wipe boards before putting them back. Good quality laminating pouches and easy-wipe pens will help with this! Click here for a FREEBIE set of KS1 Maths printable trail cards for use as regular starter or early finisher mental maths tasks. If you like them, you may be interested in the full set: KS1 Addition and Subtraction Trail Cards Please visit FullShelf Resources Thank you very much for your interest in my resources.
Angles Activities Year 5 / 6

Angles Activities Year 5 / 6

Identifying, estimating, and measuring angles activities for Upper Key Stage 2 (KS2): 36 cards for a variety of fun, self-directed practical activities and games to consolidate naming (identifying / classifying) , estimating, measuring and drawing angles (acute, right, obtuse, straight and reflex). Originally designed for a mixed ability Y5 (Primary 6 in Scotland) but could be used for Y6 (Primary 7) for revision or differentiation. Answer Card (angle type and measurement) and Pupil Instruction Cards for all activities included. There’s Teaching Notes with further explanations and learning intentions. To consolidate or review understanding of angle types, Snap can be played, pupils calling ‘Acute!’ or ‘Reflex!’ etc as appropriate instead of ‘Snap!’ Alternatively, print out the Angle Type name cards included in the pack and play a game of Which Angle?. More able learners can combine their estimation of angle size with mental addition in the 2 Estimation Challenges. Of course they can just be used for practising estimating angle size and then calculating the degrees using a protractor. Also included is an instruction card for angle drawing challenges that don’t involve any cards. Finally, there’s a set of 20 acute, obtuse or right angles for younger or lower ability pupils to do a sorting activity Acute, Obtuse or Right? They’re smaller as they don’t need to be measured. There’s an answer card for this set too so pupils can check angle names. I hope your class enjoy investigating angles with these resources. Also available in my Angles BUNDLE and Angles / Symmetry BUNDLE You might also like: Angles Game Race Angles Hidden Word Puzzles Line Symmetry Games Also popular: Mental Maths Bundle Year 5 Year 6 Area / Perimeter Games Bundle For time-saving, engaging resources to plan Primary Literacy, Maths and French lessons, visit FullShelf Resources
Jumbled Sentences (Questions) KS1

Jumbled Sentences (Questions) KS1

This hands-on making sentences word ordering resource (questions version) is a full class set of 30 different reusable question building activity boards and also comes with an additional worksheet version of all boards. Originally designed for Year 1 (Y1) - or Primary 2 in Scotland -, these simple sentence construction SPaG / Grammar activities could be used elsewhere in EYFS / Reception (Primary 1) and Key Stage 1, depending on ability. Emergent writers love lifting the words off to sort and unscramble them to find the hidden simple question. With an engaging picture clue and title on each, this word sequencing Literacy Basic Skills resource suits a range of learning styles. After carefully reading the jumbled words, your early writers correctly rearrange them on the board before writing the question out on the lines, using a dry-wipe pen. Regular practice of making question sentences should help children begin to form questions independently. This is a 67 page PDF document in a Zip file, together with an additional editable Word document of the word cards only. Each mixed-up question contains a word beginning with a capital letter to help identify the first word and to reinforce this key punctuation rule, and a question mark to place at the end. While constructing sentences, children learn about word order in questions and as it features a range of question starters (What?/When?/How?/Who?/Did? etc), it helps children begin to use a wider variety. Also available are 2 more sets of scrambled sentences boards (non-questions), one with 4-5 words per sentence and a more challenging one with 6-8 words. SAVE by purchasing all 3 in a bundle. Jumbled Sentences (4-5 words) Jumbled Sentences (6-8 words) Jumbled Sentences BUNDLE Colour print on quality card to make it sturdy and laminate for repeated use. It’s ideal for using as a regular activity, with children working on a different one each session. Or choose the ones you make up if working with a smaller group. It could be used with SEN / ASN groups or others requiring support. Words are printed in faint grey on each sheet in a random order. Once laminated, cut the word strips and stick each word on top of this, using Blu Tack, Blu Tack ‘Glu Dots’ or equivalent. Each strip is coloured differently to help identify the board it is from. Train students to replace the words and to wipe boards before putting them back. Quality laminating pouches and easy-wipe pens help! A one-page ANSWER KEY is included. Please visit FullShelf Resources
Sentence Building (Jumbled) KS1

Sentence Building (Jumbled) KS1

This is a popular hands-on Year 1 making sentences word ordering resource. It’s a full class set of 30 different reusable simple sentence building activity boards and now also comes with an additional worksheet version of all boards. Originally designed for Year 1 (Y1) (or Primary 2 in Scotland), these sentence construction SPaG / Grammar activities could be used elsewhere in EYFS / Reception (Primary 1) and Key Stage 1, depending on ability. Emergent writers love lifting the words off the boards to sort and unscramble them to find the hidden sentence. With an engaging picture clue and title on each board, this word sequencing Literacy Basic Skills resource suits a range of learning styles. After carefully reading the jumbled words, your early writers correctly rearrange them on the board before writing the sentence out on the lines provided, using a dry-wipe pen. Regular practice with scrambled sentences should help children begin to form sentences independently. This is a 66 page PDF document in a Zip file, together with an additional editable Word document of the word cards only. Each mixed-up sentence contains a word beginning with a capital letter to help identify the first word and to reinforce this important punctuation rule, and a full stop to pick up and place at the end. While constructing these sentences, children also learn about word order, parts of speech and that a sentence must make sense on its own. These sentences contain 6-8 words. A simpler set featuring scrambled 4-5 word sentences is available, as is a muddled up questions version. SAVE by purchasing all 3 Sentence Ordering sets in a bundle. Jumbled Sentences (4-5 words) Jumbled Questions Jumbled Sentences BUNDLE Print in colour on quality card to make it sturdy and laminate for repeated use. It’s ideal for using as a regular activity, with children working on a different one each session. Or choose the ones you make up if working with a smaller group. It could be used with SEN / ASN groups or others requiring support with writing. Words are printed in faint grey on each sheet in a random order. Once laminated, cut the word strips and stick each word on top of this faint type, using Blu Tack, Blu Tack ‘Glu Dots’ or equivalent. Each strip is in a different colour to help identify the board it is from. Train the children to replace the words to these starting positions and to wipe boards before putting them back. Good quality laminating pouches and easy-wipe pens will help with this! Pleae visit FullShelf Resources
Basic Sentences KS1

Basic Sentences KS1

This is a popular hands-on Year 1 (Y1) making sentences or jumbled sentences word ordering resource. It’s a full class set of 30 different reusable simple sentence building activity boards, which now also comes with an additional worksheet version of all boards. Originally designed for Year 1 (or Primary 2 in Scotland), these sentence construction SPaG / Grammar activities could be used elsewhere in EYFS / Reception (Primary 1 in Scotland) and Key Stage 1, depending on ability. Emergent writers love lifting the words off the boards to sort and unscramble them to find the hidden sentence. With an engaging picture clue and title on each board, this word sequencing Literacy Basic Skills resource suits a range of learning styles. After carefully reading the jumbled words, your early writers correctly rearrange them on the board before writing the sentence out on the lines provided, using a dry-wipe pen. Regular practice with scrambled sentences should help children begin to form sentences independently. This is a 65 page PDF document in a Zip file, together with an additional editable Word document of the word cards only. Each mixed-up sentence contains a word beginning with a capital letter to help identify the first word and to reinforce this important punctuation rule, and a full stop to pick up and place at the end. While constructing these sentences, children also learn about word order, parts of speech and that a sentence must make sense on its own. These contain 4-5 words. A more challenging set featuring 6-8 word sentences is available, as is a muddled up questions version. SAVE by buying all 3 Sentence Ordering packs in a bundle. Jumbled Sentences (6-8 words) Jumbled Sentences (Questions) Jumbled Sentences BUNDLE Colour print on quality card to make it sturdy and laminate for repeated use. It’s ideal for using as a regular activity, with children working on a different one each time. Or choose the ones you make up if working with a small group. It could be used with SEN / ASN groups or others requiring writing support. Words are printed in faint grey in a random order. Once laminated, cut the word strips and stick each word on top of this faint type, using Blu Tack, Blu Tack ‘Glu Dots’ or equivalent. Each strip is in a different colour to help identify the board it is from. Train the children to replace the words to these starting positions and to wipe boards before putting them back. Good quality laminating pouches and easy-wipe pens will help with this! Please visit: FullShelf Resources
Angles Game Year 5 / 6

Angles Game Year 5 / 6

Upper Key Stage 2 (KS2) Year 5 / 6 printable activity for classifying angles (identifying angle types), turns, 8-point compass, missing angles etc. A game board and 80 question cards (differentiated at two levels) to add variety and fun to angles work in Upper Primary Y5 and Y6 (or Second Level Primary 6 and 7 in Scotland). It could suit other ages for differentiation and revision. It mixes up different aspects of the topic in a fun self-checking learner-directed activity, allowing the teacher to work with other groups. There are additional challenges for the children to complete as they move around the board. All in a 15-page PDF file. Differentiation: There’s a more challenging Green version, while the Blue one is for younger or less able learners. A different set of question cards is provided for each game. In the Green version, questions 1-20 focus on identifying angle types / names (acute, right, straight, obtuse, reflex) and 21-40 involve turns and the 8-point compass. Questions 40-50 deal with working out missing angle sizes on a straight line, vertically opposite angles, angles around a point etc. It should be simple for you to weed out any questions that have not yet been covered. In the Blue version, questions 1-20 focus on less challenging questions about identifying angles and 21-30 bring in turns and the 8-point compass. I used different coloured card for additional sets so they didn’t get muddled, and laminated them. I recommend blowing up game boards to A3 for use with bigger groups. SAVE with my Angles BUNDLE or Angles / Symmetry BUNDLE. You might also like: Angles Activities Pack Angles Hidden Word Puzzles Line Symmetry Games **KS2 Mental Maths Puzzles BUNDLE ** Area / Perimeter Games Mental Maths Bundle Year 5 Year 6 For time-saving, engaging printables and presentations to plan Primary Literacy, Maths and French lessons, visit FullShelf Resources
Line Symmetry in Shapes Games

Line Symmetry in Shapes Games

A fun Upper Primary maths game for line symmetry in 2D shapes: Contains a set of 54 shape cards for consolidation of lines of symmetry through fun activities such as snap, pairs and by using the game board that is also included (self-checking – answer card included). Originally designed for Key Stage 2 (KS2) Year 4 / Year 5 (Y4 and Y5) - or Second Level Primary 5 and 6 in Scotland - but may suit older classes for revision. Ideal as a challenge for early finishers. Symmetrical shapes such as squares, rectangles, other quadrilaterals, triangles, pentagons, hexagons and other polygons (regular and irregular) are included, plus shapes that are non-symmetrical. PDF format. Colour and black and white versions included.   SAVE as part of this Angles and Symmetry Activities BUNDLE   Print and laminate for repeated use Consider using different coloured card for additional sets so as not to muddle them up You might want to enlarge board to A3 if using with larger groups Teacher’s notes and student instruction cards included The cards can be used on their own too, with students working in pairs on a pile and self-checking with the answer card To differentiate for less able learners, provide mirrors Students could also draw lines of symmetry onto laminated cards using a dry-wipe pen to see if they would reflect in them   MORE KS2 MATHS ACTIVITIES… Angles Activities BUNDLE Area and Perimeter Activities BUNDLE Maths Word Problems Year 5 / 6 BUNDLE Maths Puzzles Worksheets (Fun KS2 Challenges) BUNDLE Mental Maths Activities Year 5 /6 BUNDLE Money Games BUNDLE Multiplication and Division Activities BUNDLE Place Value Activities BUNDLE Please explore more at FullShelf Resources
Complex Sentences Improving Writing KS2

Complex Sentences Improving Writing KS2

Super Sentences is a fun creative writing VCOP activity or SPaG game (spelling, punctuation and grammar), ideal for Key Stage 2 (KS2) and early KS3, Year 5, 6 and 7 (Y5, Y6 and Y7) which promotes ambitious vocabulary and variety in sentence structures. Improve sentences by using it again and again! PDF format. 40 printable sentence-formation cards Colour and black and white versions Great as a regular morning starter, early finisher task or warm up for writing. An introductory card models ways to add interest and variety to sentences. Encourages building complex and compound sentences, using subordinate clauses etc. Let students write as silly a sentence as they want and relish playing with words to banish boring sentences!   Also available is Sensational Sentences, featuring even more ambitious vocabulary for older or more able students. SAVE BY GETTING BOTH PACKS IN: Complex Sentences Cards BUNDLE MORE BUNDLE OPTIONS FOR THIS RESOURCE: Improving Sentences BUNDLE Literacy and Maths Time Fillers Year 5 / 6   MORE INFO: Designed as a dice game, it can be used in other ways. As individuals, in pairs or in groups, students roll to find out which 3 words they must incorporate into a sentence (Instructions are on the cards). There are 6 groups of words on each card – openers/connectives, verbs, adjectives, adverbs and two groups of nouns. Students place the selected words anywhere in their sentence, as long as it makes sense, recording the sentence on paper or a mini whiteboard. You may wish to allow flexibility (changing verb tense, using the verb as an adjective etc.) To cater for different situations and abilities, change the number of words they roll for, have students team up with a partner or select any words they want from the card. I encourage dictionary use for unfamiliar words and urge students to keep sentences they are especially proud of for use in longer pieces of writing. The activity might spark a whole story! Print on card or paper and laminate for repeated use. With a smaller group, choose the ones you print and/or laminate cards back to back. Alternatively, display cards on the screen for whole class use.   YOU MIGHT LIKE… Editing SPaG Puzzles Worksheets Creative Writing Prompt Cards First and Third Person Lesson
Complex Sentences Improving Writing KS3

Complex Sentences Improving Writing KS3

Get students using ambitious vocabulary with this Sensational Sentences creative writing game or set of 40 grammar / vocabulary cards. This activity, which can be used often, will promote outstanding narrative writing and variety in sentence structures in Key Stage 3 (KS3) English (Year 7, 8 and 9 - Y7, Y8, Y9) - or Third Level in Scotland - and will also challenge very capable writers in KS2 Year 5 and 6 - Y5, Y6 (Second Level). PDF format. 40 printable sentence-formation cards Colour and black and white versions Great as a regular morning starter, early finisher task or warm up for writing. An introductory card models ways to add interest and variety to sentences. Encourages building complex and compound sentences, using subordinate clauses etc. Let students write as silly a sentence as they want and relish playing with words to banish boring sentences!   Also available is Super Sentences, featuring less challenging vocabulary, originally designed for Year 5, 6 and 7. With the same layout across the two, a mixture can be used in the same class for differentiation. BUY BOTH PACKS AND SAVE WITH THIS BUNDLE: Complex Sentences Cards BUNDLE   MORE INFO: Designed as a dice game, it can be used in other ways. As individuals, in pairs or in groups, students roll to find out which 3 words they must incorporate into a sentence (Instructions on cards). There are 6 groups of words on each card – openers/connectives, verbs, adjectives, adverbs and 2 groups of nouns. Students place the selected words anywhere in their sentence, as long as it makes sense, recording the sentence on paper or a mini whiteboard. You may wish to allow flexibility (changing verb tense, using the verb as an adjective etc.) To cater for different situations and abilities, change the number of words they roll for, have students team up with a partner or select any words they want from the card. I encourage dictionary use for unfamiliar words and urge students to keep sentences they are especially proud of for use in longer pieces of writing. The activity might spark a whole story! Print on card or paper and laminate for repeated use. With a smaller group, choose the ones you print and/or laminate cards back to back. Alternatively, display cards on the screen for whole class use.   YOU MIGHT LIKE… Improving Sentences Writing Trails Worksheets Editing SPaG Puzzles Worksheets Creative Writing Prompt Cards