Whether you’re a teacher of STEM, information technology, humanities, careers or social studies, we want to help you with all of these challenges and put the ‘wow’ into classrooms. We want to support you with resources that aim to engage all students regardless of their gender, ethnicity or background. There are multiple organisations and global initiatives that are focused on this mission, and our aim is to bring these resources together so that you can access them quickly and easily – For Free
Whether you’re a teacher of STEM, information technology, humanities, careers or social studies, we want to help you with all of these challenges and put the ‘wow’ into classrooms. We want to support you with resources that aim to engage all students regardless of their gender, ethnicity or background. There are multiple organisations and global initiatives that are focused on this mission, and our aim is to bring these resources together so that you can access them quickly and easily – For Free
Suitable for 14-19-year olds (secondary and high schools, and college), this article and accompanying activity sheet can be used in the classroom, STEM clubs and at home.
This resource links to KS4 and KS5 engineering and technology.
It can also be used as a careers resource and links to Gatsby Benchmarks:
Gatsby Benchmark 2: Learning from career and labour market information
Gatsby Benchmark 4: Linking curriculum learning to careers
• This teaching resource explains the work of Professor Peter Gammon, an electronics engineer at the University of Warwick. He is developing silicon carbide technology to improve the efficiency of electric vehicles, satellites and the National Grid.
• This resource also contains an interview with Peter. If your students have questions for Peter, they can send them to him online. All they need to do is to go to the article online (see the Futurum link below), scroll down to the end and type in the question(s). Peter will reply!
• The activity sheet provides ‘talking points’ (based on Bloom’s Taxonomy) to prompt students to reflect on Peter’s research and challenges them to discover how the electrification of fossil fuel systems will contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
• The PowerPoint reiterates the key points in the article.
• An animation about Peter’s work, with downloadable script, is available through the link below.
This resource was first published on Futurum Careers, a free online resource and magazine aimed at encouraging 14-19-year-olds worldwide to pursue careers in science, tech, engineering, maths, medicine (STEM) and social sciences, humanities and the arts for people and the economy (SHAPE).
If you like these free resources – or have suggestions for improvements –, please let us know and leave us some feedback. Thank you!
Suitable for 14 to 19-year-olds (secondary and high schools, and college), this article and accompanying activity sheet can be used in the classroom or shared with students online.
This resource links to KS4 and KS5 French.
It can also be used as a careers resource and links to Gatsby Benchmarks:
Gatsby Benchmark 2: Learning from career and labour market information
Gatsby Benchmark 4: Linking curriculum learning to careers
• This French language teaching resource explains the work of Dr Jonathan Grainger, a cognitive psychologist who has made some fascinating insights into how we read.
• This resource also contains an interview with Jonathan. If you or your students have a question for him, you can submit it online – go to the article using the Futurum link below and scroll to the bottom of the page. Jonathan will reply!
• The activity sheet provides ‘talking points’ (based on Bloom’s Taxonomy) to prompt students to reflect on Jonathan’s research, and challenges them to conduct their own reading experiment.
This resource was first published on Futurum Careers, a free online resource and magazine aimed at encouraging 14-19-year-olds worldwide to pursue careers in science, tech, engineering, maths, medicine (STEM) and social sciences, humanities and the arts for people and the economy (SHAPE).
If you like these free resources – or have suggestions for improvements –, please let us know and leave us some feedback. Thank you!
Suitable for 14-19-year olds (secondary and high schools, and college), this article and accompanying activity sheet can be used in the classroom, STEM clubs and at home.
This resource links to KS4 and KS5 geology and geography.
It can also be used as a careers resource and links to Gatsby Benchmarks:
Gatsby Benchmark 2: Learning from career and labour market information
Gatsby Benchmark 4: Linking curriculum learning to careers
• This teaching resource explains the work of Professor Peter Clift, a sedimentary geologist at Louisiana State University, USA. He is investigating impact of the Asian monsoon on the Himalayas and on ancient civilisations.
• This resource also contains an interview with Peter and offers an insight into careers in sedimentary geology. If your students have questions for Peter, they can send them to him online. All they need to do is to go to the article online (see the Futurum link below), scroll down to the end and type in the question(s). Peter will reply!
• The activity sheet provides ‘talking points’ (based on Bloom’s Taxonomy) to prompt students to reflect on Peter’s research and challenges them to design their own geological expedition.
• The accompanying PowerPoint reiterates the key points in the article.
This resource was first published on Futurum Careers, a free online resource and magazine aimed at encouraging 14-19-year-olds worldwide to pursue careers in science, tech, engineering, maths, medicine (STEM) and social sciences, humanities and the arts for people and the economy (SHAPE).
If you like these free resources – or have suggestions for improvements –, please let us know and leave us some feedback. Thank you!
Suitable for secondary, high school and college students, this article and accompanying activity sheet can be used in the classroom, school clubs and at home.
This resource links to KS4 and KS5 geography, Earth science and chemistry.
It can also be used as a careers resource and links to Gatsby Benchmarks:
Gatsby Benchmark 2: Learning from career and labour market information
Gatsby Benchmark 4: Linking curriculum learning to careers
• Climate scientists widely agree that measures to reduce and capture our greenhouse gas emissions are not happening at a fast enough rate to prevent dangerous levels of climate change. Could artificially cooling Earth’s climate help? Dr Ben Kravitz, a climate modeller at Indiana University Bloomington in the US, is exploring how climate change could be addressed with the aid of geoengineering.
• This resource also includes an interview with Ben about his career path, as well as a section dedicated to careers in his field. If your students (or you) have questions for Ben, you/they can send them to him online. All you need to do is to go to the article online (see the Futurum link below), scroll down to the end and type in the question(s). Ben will reply!
• The activity sheet provides ‘talking points’ (based on Bloom’s Taxonomy) and activities to prompt students to reflect on Ben’s research.
This resource was first published on Futurum Careers, a free online resource and magazine aimed at encouraging 14-19-year-olds worldwide to pursue careers in science, tech, engineering, maths, medicine (STEM) and social sciences, humanities and the arts for people and the economy (SHAPE).
If you like these free resources – or have suggestions for improvements –, please let us know and leave us some feedback. Thank you!
Suitable for 14 to 19-year-olds (secondary and high schools, and college), this article and accompanying activity sheet can be used in the classroom, STEM clubs and at home.
This resource links to KS4 and KS5 Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.
It can also be used as a careers resource and links to Gatsby Benchmarks:
Gatsby Benchmark 2: Learning from career and labour market information
Gatsby Benchmark 4: Linking curriculum learning to careers
• This teaching resource introduces the STEAM Team Academy, the brainchild of Dr Odesma Dalrymple, Dr Joi Spencer and Dr Perla Myers of the University of San Diego, USA. The academy highlights the importance of hands-on, community based learning in allowing students to connect concepts from STEAM to every aspect of their lives.
• This resource also contains interviews with Odesma, Joi and Perla. If you or your students have a question for them, you can submit it online – go to the article using the Futurum link below and scroll to the bottom of the page. They will reply!
• The activity sheet provides ‘talking points’ (based on Bloom’s Taxonomy) to prompt students to reflect on the team’s work, and provides instructions for playing Inequity Monopoly.
This resource was first published on Futurum Careers, a free online resource and magazine aimed at encouraging 14-19-year-olds worldwide to pursue careers in science, tech, engineering, maths, medicine (STEM) and social sciences, humanities and the arts for people and the economy (SHAPE).
If you like these free resources – or have suggestions for improvements –, please let us know and leave us some feedback. Thank you!
Suitable for 14 to 19-year-olds (secondary and high schools, and college), this article and accompanying activity sheet can be used in the classroom, STEM clubs and at home.
This resource links to KS4 and KS5 Business, Economics and PSHE.
It can also be used as a careers resource and links to Gatsby Benchmarks:
Gatsby Benchmark 2: Learning from career and labour market information
Gatsby Benchmark 4: Linking curriculum learning to careers
• This teaching resource explains the work of Professor Muhammad Azizul Islam at the University of Aberdeen in the UK, an expert in sustainability accounting who is investigating modern slavery in the ready-made garment industry in Bangladesh.
• This resource also contains an interview with Aziz and two of his colleagues. If you or your students have a question for them, you can submit it online – go to the article using the Futurum link below and scroll to the bottom of the page. They will reply!
• The activity sheet provides ‘talking points’ (based on Bloom’s Taxonomy) to prompt students to reflect on the team’s research, and challenges them to think about the choices they make as consumers.
This resource was first published on Futurum Careers, a free online resource and magazine aimed at encouraging 14-19-year-olds worldwide to pursue careers in science, tech, engineering, maths, medicine (STEM) and social sciences, humanities and the arts for people and the economy (SHAPE).
If you like these free resources – or have suggestions for improvements –, please let us know and leave us some feedback. Thank you!
Suitable for 14 to 19-year-olds (secondary and high schools, and college), this article and accompanying activity sheet can be used in the classroom, STEM clubs and at home.
This resource links to KS4 and KS5 Science, Engineering, Design Technology and Economics.
It can also be used as a careers resource and links to Gatsby Benchmarks:
Gatsby Benchmark 2: Learning from career and labour market information
Gatsby Benchmark 4: Linking curriculum learning to careers
• This teaching resource introduces the PIRI project, am ambitious innovation led by Peterborough City Council that seeks to deliver energy for the Peterborough community through an integrated renewable energy system. The PIRI project could be a blueprint for other cities in the UK and beyond.
• This resource also contains an interview with a range of people involved and provides insights into their career paths. If you or your students have a question for them, you can submit it online – go to the article using the Futurum link below and scroll to the bottom of the page. The team will reply!
• The activity sheet provides ‘talking points’ (based on Bloom’s Taxonomy) to prompt students to reflect on PIRI, and challenges them to devise their own sustainable development project.
This resource was first published on Futurum Careers, a free online resource and magazine aimed at encouraging 14-19-year-olds worldwide to pursue careers in science, tech, engineering, maths, medicine (STEM) and social sciences, humanities and the arts for people and the economy (SHAPE).
If you like these free resources – or have suggestions for improvements –, please let us know and leave us some feedback. Thank you!
Thank you for downloading this free resource. Let us know how we are doing and leave us a review.
Suitable for 14-19-year olds (secondary and high schools, and college), this article and accompanying activity sheet can be used in the classroom, STEM clubs and at home.
This resource links to KS4 and KS5 Psychology and PSHE.
It can also be used as a careers resource and links to Gatsby Benchmarks:
Gatsby Benchmark 2: Learning from career and labour market information
Gatsby Benchmark 4: Linking curriculum learning to careers
• This teaching resource explains the work of Professor Sander Thomaes who leads GREENTEENS, an international programme investigating how to motivate adolescents to adopt sustainable behaviours.
• This resource also contains an interview with Professor Thomaes. If you or your students have a question for him, you can submit it online – go to the article using the Futurum link below and scroll to the bottom of the page. Professor Thomaes will reply!
• The activity sheet provides ‘talking points’ (based on Bloom’s Taxonomy) to prompt students to reflect on Professor Thomaes’ research and challenges them to design their own pro-environment campaign.
This resource was first published on Futurum Careers, a free online resource and magazine aimed at encouraging 14-19-year-olds worldwide to pursue careers in science, tech, engineering, maths, medicine (STEM) and social sciences, humanities and the arts for people and the economy (SHAPE).
If you like these free resources – or have suggestions for improvements –, please let us know and leave us some feedback. Thank you!
Suitable for 14-19-year olds (secondary and high schools, and college), this article and accompanying activity sheet can be used in the classroom, STEM clubs and at home.
This resource links to KS4 and KS5 Geography and Information Technology/Computing.
It can also be used as a careers resource and links to Gatsby Benchmarks:
Gatsby Benchmark 2: Learning from career and labour market information
Gatsby Benchmark 4: Linking curriculum learning to careers
• This teaching resource explains the work of Dr Alan Condron from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, USA. A climate modeller, he is investigating past incidences of climate change to model future changes to our planet’s climate.
• This resource also contains an interview with Dr Alan Condron about his work and career path. If your students (or you) have questions for Dr Condron, you/they can send them to him online. All you need to do is to go to his article online (see the Futurum link below), scroll down to the end and type in the question(s). Dr Condron will reply!
• The activity sheet provides ‘talking points’ (based on Bloom’s Taxonomy) to prompt students to reflect on Dr Condron’s research and challenges them to design a computer model.
• The PowerPoint reiterates some of the points in the article.
This resource was first published on Futurum Careers, a free online resource and magazine aimed at encouraging 14-19-year-olds worldwide to pursue careers in science, tech, engineering, maths, medicine (STEM) and social sciences, humanities and the arts for people and the economy (SHAPE).
If you like these free resources – or have suggestions for improvements –, please let us know and leave us some feedback. Thank you!
Thank you for downloading this free resource. Let us know how we are doing and leave us a review.
Suitable for 14-19-year olds (secondary and high schools, and college), this article and accompanying activity sheet can be used in the classroom, STEM clubs and at home.
This resource links to KS4 and KS5 Physics.
It can also be used as a careers resource and links to Gatsby Benchmarks:
Gatsby Benchmark 2: Learning from career and labour market information
Gatsby Benchmark 4: Linking curriculum learning to careers
• This teaching resource explains the work of Professor László Forró who has been working on a new method to produce X-ray images using a significantly lower amount of radiation, using lead halide perovskites.
• This resource also contains an interview with Professor Forró. If you or your students have a question for him, you can submit it online – go to the article using the Futurum link below and scroll to the bottom of the page. Professor Forró will reply!
• The activity sheet provides ‘talking points’ (based on Bloom’s Taxonomy) to prompt students to reflect on Professor Forró’s research and tasks to help them explore the world of nanoscale science.
This resource was first published on Futurum Careers, a free online resource and magazine aimed at encouraging 14-19-year-olds worldwide to pursue careers in science, tech, engineering, maths, medicine (STEM) and social sciences, humanities and the arts for people and the economy (SHAPE).
If you like these free resources – or have suggestions for improvements –, please let us know and leave us some feedback. Thank you!
Thank you for downloading this free resource. Let us know how we are doing and leave us a review.
Suitable for 14-19-year olds (secondary and high schools, and college), this article and accompanying activity sheet can be used in the classroom, STEM clubs and at home.
This resource links to KS3, KS4 and KS5 Mathematics.
It can also be used as a careers resource and links to Gatsby Benchmarks:
Gatsby Benchmark 2: Learning from career and labour market information
Gatsby Benchmark 4: Linking curriculum learning to careers
• This teaching resource explains the work of Dr James Tanton, the founder of the Global Math Project. Dr Tanton is passionate about spreading the joy of mathematics and making it accessible and stimulating for everyone.
• This resource also contains an interview with Dr Tanton. If you or your students have a question for him, you can submit it online – go to the article using the Futurum link below and scroll to the bottom of the page. Dr Tanton will reply!
• The activity sheet provides ‘talking points’ (based on Bloom’s Taxonomy) to prompt students to reflect on Dr Tanton’s work and links to fascinating essays written by Dr Tanton.
This resource was first published on Futurum Careers, a free online resource and magazine aimed at encouraging 14-19-year-olds worldwide to pursue careers in science, tech, engineering, maths, medicine (STEM) and social sciences, humanities and the arts for people and the economy (SHAPE).
If you like these free resources – or have suggestions for improvements –, please let us know and leave us some feedback. Thank you!
Thank you for downloading this free resource. Let us know how we are doing and leave us a review.
Suitable for 14-19-year olds (secondary and high schools, and college), this article and accompanying activity sheet can be used in the classroom, STEM clubs and at home.
This resource links to KS4 and KS5 Biology and Environmental Science.
It can also be used as a careers resource and links to Gatsby Benchmarks:
Gatsby Benchmark 2: Learning from career and labour market information
Gatsby Benchmark 4: Linking curriculum learning to careers
• This teaching resource explains the work of Dr Shad Nelson from Texas A&M University-Kingsville. He leads the START NOW programme that seeks to improve Hispanic participation in agriculture through experiential learning in soil science, plant science and environmental science.
• This resource also contains an interview with Dr Nelson.
• The activity sheet provides ‘talking points’ (based on Bloom’s Taxonomy) to prompt students to reflect on Dr Nelson’s research and challenges them to imagine they’re soil scientists aiming to encourage more diversity in their
field and planning an open day at their university
This resource was first published on Futurum Careers, a free online resource and magazine aimed at encouraging 14-19-year-olds worldwide to pursue careers in science, tech, engineering, maths, medicine (STEM) and social sciences, humanities and the arts for people and the economy (SHAPE).
If you like these free resources – or have suggestions for improvements –, please let us know and leave us some feedback. Thank you!
Thank you for downloading this free resource. Let us know how we are doing and leave us a review.
Suitable for 14-19-year olds (secondary and high schools, and college), this article and accompanying activity sheet can be used in the classroom, STEM clubs and at home.
This resource links to KS4 and KS5 Careers, Biology and Environmental Science.
It can also be used as a careers resource and links to Gatsby Benchmarks:
Gatsby Benchmark 2: Learning from career and labour market information
Gatsby Benchmark 4: Linking curriculum learning to careers
• This teaching resource explains the work of Dr Shad Nelson from Texas A&M University-Kingsville. He leads the START NOW programme that seeks to improve Hispanic participation in agriculture through experiential learning in soil science, plant science and environmental science.
• This resource also contains interviews with Dr Nelson and students who have taken part in the programme, as well as questions to prompt students to reflect on their own skills and aspirations.
This resource was first published on Futurum Careers, a free online resource and magazine aimed at encouraging 14-19-year-olds worldwide to pursue careers in science, tech, engineering, maths, medicine (STEM) and social sciences, humanities and the arts for people and the economy (SHAPE).
If you like these free resources – or have suggestions for improvements –, please let us know and leave us some feedback. Thank you!
Thank you for downloading this free resource. Let us know how we are doing and leave us a review.
Suitable for 14-19-year olds (secondary and high schools, and college), this article and accompanying activity sheet can be used in the classroom, STEM clubs and at home.
This resource links to KS4 and KS5 Biology and Science.
It can also be used as a careers resource and links to Gatsby Benchmarks:
Gatsby Benchmark 2: Learning from career and labour market information
Gatsby Benchmark 4: Linking curriculum learning to careers
• This teaching resource explains the work of Dr Veronica Segarra from High Point University. Verónica studies how cells control the movement of molecules inside them. The findings could lead to the development of improved treatments for a range of diseases.
• This resource also contains an interview with Dr Segarra.
• The activity sheet provides ‘talking points’ (based on Bloom’s Taxonomy) to prompt students to reflect on Dr Segarra’s research and challenges them to write a list of 10 questions they would ask her – five about her work as a cell biologist and five about the programmes she is involved with.
This resource was first published on Futurum Careers, a free online resource and magazine aimed at encouraging 14-19-year-olds worldwide to pursue careers in science, tech, engineering, maths, medicine (STEM) and social sciences, humanities and the arts for people and the economy (SHAPE).
If you like these free resources – or have suggestions for improvements –, please let us know and leave us some feedback. Thank you!
Thank you for downloading this free resource. Let us know how we are doing and leave us a review.
Suitable for 14-19-year olds (secondary and high schools, and college), this article and accompanying activity sheet can be used in the classroom, STEM clubs and at home.
This resource links to KS4 and KS5 Chemistry, Materials Science and Engineering.
It can also be used as a careers resource and links to Gatsby Benchmarks:
Gatsby Benchmark 2: Learning from career and labour market information
Gatsby Benchmark 4: Linking curriculum learning to careers
• This teaching resource explains the work of Dr Wenping Yin from Monash University in Melbourne, Australia. Wenping is working to harness fluorescent materials as a means of detecting harmful levels of toxic substances. The findings will have positive impacts for agriculture, but could also benefit defence, biological and other fields.
• This resource also contains an interview with Dr Yin.
• The activity sheet provides ‘talking points’ (based on Bloom’s Taxonomy) to prompt students to reflect on Dr Yin’s research and challenges them to find out more about PhotoLuminescent Chemical Sensors and how they can benefit humans around the world
This resource was first published on Futurum Careers, a free online resource and magazine aimed at encouraging 14-19-year-olds worldwide to pursue careers in science, tech, engineering, maths, medicine (STEM) and social sciences, humanities and the arts for people and the economy (SHAPE).
If you like these free resources – or have suggestions for improvements –, please let us know and leave us some feedback. Thank you!
Thank you for downloading this free resource. Let us know how we are doing and leave us a review.
Suitable for 14-19-year olds (secondary and high schools, and college), this article and accompanying activity sheet can be used in the classroom, STEM clubs and at home.
This resource links to KS4 and KS5 Environmental Science and Business Studies.
It can also be used as a careers resource and links to Gatsby Benchmarks:
Gatsby Benchmark 2: Learning from career and labour market information
Gatsby Benchmark 4: Linking curriculum learning to careers
• This teaching resource explains the work of Dr Helen Boylan from Westminster College in the USA. Helen’s role is to plan and deliver the environmental science content of the programme. Helen also develops lab experiences for the students, that help them develop their technical skills and serves as the point of contact for the community project partners.
• This resource also contains an interview with Dr Boylan and a few of her students.
• The activity sheet provides ‘talking points’ (based on Bloom’s Taxonomy) to prompt students to reflect on Dr Boylan’s research and where students
work in small groups on the spaghetti tower challenge with a project
management twist
This resource was first published on Futurum Careers, a free online resource and magazine aimed at encouraging 14-19-year-olds worldwide to pursue careers in science, tech, engineering, maths, medicine (STEM) and social sciences, humanities and the arts for people and the economy (SHAPE).
If you like these free resources – or have suggestions for improvements –, please let us know and leave us some feedback. Thank you!
Thank you for downloading this free resource. Let us know how we are doing and leave us a review.
Suitable for 14-19-year olds (secondary and high schools, and college), this article and accompanying activity sheet can be used in the classroom, STEM clubs and at home.
This resource links to KS4 and KS5 Psychology, Technology, Design and Business.
It can also be used as a careers resource and links to Gatsby Benchmarks:
Gatsby Benchmark 2: Learning from career and labour market information
Gatsby Benchmark 4: Linking curriculum learning to careers
This teaching resource explains the work of Dr Camille Peres from Texas A&M University School of Public Health. Her research is focused on understanding how issues related to procedure are linked to incidents in high-risk industries, such as petrochemical, oil and gas.
This resource also contains an interview with Dr Peres.
The activity sheet provides ‘talking points’ (based on Bloom’s Taxonomy) to prompt students to reflect on Dr Peres’s work and help you appreciate why understanding the system people are within can help predict how people might behave.
This resource was first published on Futurum Careers, a free online resource and magazine aimed at encouraging 14-19-year-olds worldwide to pursue careers in science, tech, engineering, maths, medicine (STEM) and social sciences, humanities and the arts for people and the economy (SHAPE).
If you like these free resources – or have suggestions for improvements –, please let us know and leave us some feedback. Thank you!
Thank you for downloading this free resource. Let us know how we are doing and leave us a review.
Suitable for 14-19-year olds (secondary and high schools, and college), this article and accompanying activity sheet can be used in the classroom, for biology/ecology/environmental science/STEM clubs and at home.
This resource links to KS4 and KS5 Biology.
It can also be used as a careers resource and links to Gatsby Benchmarks:
Gatsby Benchmark 2: Learning from career and labour market information
Gatsby Benchmark 4: Linking curriculum learning to careers
This teaching resource explains that work of Dr Chris Marble, an environmental horticulturist based at the University of Florida in the US. His work focuses on developing ways of improving weed control in various settings, in order to benefit farmers and gardeners around the world.
This resource also contains an interview with Dr Marble.
The activity sheet provides ‘talking points’ to prompt students to reflect on Dr Marble’s work and links to find out more about the wonderful world of weeds!
This resource was first published on Futurum Careers, a free online resource and magazine aimed at encouraging 14-19-year-olds worldwide to pursue careers in science, tech, engineering, maths, medicine (STEM) and social sciences, humanities and the arts for people and the economy (SHAPE).
If you like these free resources – or have suggestions for improvements –, please let us know and leave us some feedback. Thank you!
Thank you for downloading this free resource. Let us know how we are doing and leave us a review.
Suitable for 14-19-year olds (secondary and high schools, and college), this article and accompanying activity sheet can be used in the classroom, STEM/engineering/maths/economics/sustainability clubs and at home.
This resource links to KS4 and KS5 Maths, Science, Engineering & Electrical Engineering.
It can also be used as a careers resource and links to Gatsby Benchmarks:
Gatsby Benchmark 2: Learning from career and labour market information
Gatsby Benchmark 4: Linking curriculum learning to careers
This teaching resource explains the work of a specialist multidisciplinary team of researchers working on the IDLES programme at Imperial College London. The team is using the latest technology to understand how the UK can transition to a low carbon energy sector within the next few decades. This resource contains insights from each of the researchers involved in this innovate project.
The activity sheet provides ‘talking points’ to prompt students to reflect on the team’s work and activities to help them explore the issues connected to sustainable energy.
This resource was first published on Futurum Careers, a free online resource and magazine aimed at encouraging 14-19-year-olds worldwide to pursue careers in science, tech, engineering, maths, medicine (STEM) and social sciences, humanities and the arts for people and the economy (SHAPE).
If you like these free resources – or have suggestions for improvements –, please let us know and leave us some feedback. Thank you!
Thank you for downloading this free resource. Let us know how we are doing and leave us a review.
Suitable for 14-19-year olds (secondary and high schools, and college), this article and accompanying activity sheet can be used in the classroom, for STEM/computer science clubs and at home.
This resource links to KS4 and KS5 Computer Science.
It can also be used as a careers resource and links to Gatsby Benchmarks:
Gatsby Benchmark 2: Learning from career and labour market information
Gatsby Benchmark 4: Linking curriculum learning to careers
This teaching resource explains the work of Dr Gerald Friedland, based at the University of California, Berkeley, who investigates the science that underpins the fast-changing technique of machine learning.
This resource also contains an interview with Dr Friedland.
The activity sheet provides ‘talking points’ to prompt students to reflect on Dr Friedland’s work and links to play with machine learning tools.
This resource was first published on Futurum Careers, a free online resource and magazine aimed at encouraging 14-19-year-olds worldwide to pursue careers in science, tech, engineering, maths, medicine (STEM) and social sciences, humanities and the arts for people and the economy (SHAPE).
If you like these free resources – or have suggestions for improvements –, please let us know and leave us some feedback. Thank you!