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Perfect Revision Notes meticulously handcrafted for GCSE subjects and subsection topics. Some notes are free to provide a sample of notes to see what we are all about!!!




Perfect Revision Notes meticulously handcrafted for GCSE subjects and subsection topics. Some notes are free to provide a sample of notes to see what we are all about!!!
Unit 3.5 Literature - Satire and Fiction - (City Life) OCR Classical Civilisation GCSE Revision

Unit 3.5 Literature - Satire and Fiction - (City Life) OCR Classical Civilisation GCSE Revision

This resource outlines all knowledge required relating to Satire and Fiction in Rome on the OCR Unit 3 Culture Roman City Life paper 2 especially the Horace satires required for the exam. This revision resource contains over 2,000 words in order to provide you with maximum handcrafted revision resource to achieve a level 9. This resource explains and outlines in great detail; Origins and purposes of Satire, Horace Satires background, Horace Satire 2.2 background, details and quotes in table and analysis, Horace Satire 2.6, background details of satire and important quotes in table and analysis, Horace Satire 2.8, background and details of satire All of these points are covered in extensive detail and provide you with immense knowledge of this topic section
Life in Norman England - GCSE History Revision Notes AQA

Life in Norman England - GCSE History Revision Notes AQA

This revision resources contains detailed explanations required for the History AQA GCSE Norman England Exam. It provides over 1000 words worth of knowledge explaining the functions of Norman society and life in Norman England, providing all of the knowledge in this subsection to achieve top grade level 9. This revision resource comprehensively explains and outlines; What did Norman villages look like: the structure of a Norman village, What did the buildings do and look like, What did Norman peasants do in a typical year, How much did Towns grow under Norman occupation, Different trades in towns that lead to growth including detailed table outlining and explaining all of the different trades that are required for the exam to have knowledge of.
Paper 2 Unit 3 Roman City Life - All Revision Notes for OCR Unit 2/3 Classical Civilisation GCSE

Paper 2 Unit 3 Roman City Life - All Revision Notes for OCR Unit 2/3 Classical Civilisation GCSE

4 Resources
Read detailed descriptions of each resource in this bundle. These resources provide immense knowledge for the Paper 2 Roman City Life OCR Classical Civilisation GCSE. This bundle combined almost 10,000 words worth of revision notes therefore it is very worth at the discounted price. Descriptions of each single resource contain detailed explanations of everything covered in each set of revision notes. Enjoy!!
History of the Atmosphere - Notes GCSE Chemistry AQA Combined Science

History of the Atmosphere - Notes GCSE Chemistry AQA Combined Science

This Revision resources contains detailed and comprehensive notes on the HIstory of the Atmosphere, providing all the information required for the AQA Chemistry Higher combined science Spec This Revision Resource includes; Earth’s original atmosphere composition and explanation, How did the present atmosphere form, Forming of oceans in detail, Production of Oxygen in detail, How did C02 reduce in the atmosphere, Sedimentary rock and crude oil, Greenhouse effect and Greenhouse gases, Global climate change explanation and details
Life in Nazi Germany 1933-1939 - GCSE History AQA Revision Notes

Life in Nazi Germany 1933-1939 - GCSE History AQA Revision Notes

This Revision resources provides an extremely detailed explanation and description surrounding life in Nazi Germany after the appointment of Hitler as leader. This document strictly provides all the information to achieve level 9 in the AQA GCSE History Democracy and Dictatorship paper This revision resources is one in a series of four that complete the entirety of the Democracy and Dictatorship GCSE AQA spec. This document contains over 3500 words. This Revision Resources includes detailed explanations and details of; Hitler tackling the economic crisis 1933-1939, Dr Schacht and Herman Goering’s economic plans, Exploring how people were or were not better off under Nazi regime, Beauty of labour, Strength through Joy programs, Labour service, public work schemes, rearmament, Impact of WW2 on the Germany people, Nazi policies on women and family, THe Nazi ideal woman, How womens lives were affected by Nazi regime and in what ways were they encouraged to have children, Nazi Youth policies, how children were affected by the Nazi’s, Nazi education, Opposition to the Nazi party 1933-1939, detailed table, How did Hitler run and control Germany, SS, concentration camps, Gestapo, Informers, Propaganda and the role it played in controlling Germany, Persecution of minorities and the Jews, In what ways were the lives of the Jews affected by Nazi regime.
Germany Democracy and Dictatorship 2 1919-1929 - GCSE AQA History Higher Revision Notes

Germany Democracy and Dictatorship 2 1919-1929 - GCSE AQA History Higher Revision Notes

This Revision Resource includes extremely detailed explanations and notes relating to Democracy and Dictatorship in Germany between 1919-1929, perfectly tailored for the AQA History GCSE spec. This resource equates in total to over 1600 words, producing very detailed explanations and knowledge surrounding everything required to achieve a Grade level 9. This revision resource includes; Weimar Constitution, strengths and weaknesses after establishment, Freikorps explanation and background knowledge, Communist Uprisings 1919-1923, Right Wing Uprisings 1919-1923, Kapp Putsch 1920, Munich Putsch 1923, Crisis’ of 1923, Economic Problems, Occupation of the Ruhr and impacts, Hyperinflation, explanation and detailed impacts, Stresemann era, explanation of how he restored stability, Everything Stresemann accomplished, Underlying social prblems in the 1920s, The Weimar “Golden age” of architecture and entertainment.
Germany 1880-1919 – Democracy and Dictatorship 1 - Notes History AQA Higher GCSE

Germany 1880-1919 – Democracy and Dictatorship 1 - Notes History AQA Higher GCSE

This revision resource provides an extremely detailed and perfect explanation of everything required for the exam between the years 1880-1919. In total it equates to over 1,000 words and forms a collection of detailed revisions notes in a series to achieve level 9 in GCSE. These revision notes include very detailed knowledge and explanations of; What Germany was like before WW1, The Growth of Industrialisation under the Kaiser, problems faced by the Kaiser before 1914, Introduction of Parliamentary Government and growth of Socialism, Germany, Impacts and Endings of WW1, Singing of the Armistice and Treaty of Versailles- details and explanation, November Criminals, Social Democratic Government,
Condensed Combined Science Paper 2  notes - Topics and Explanations from Spec

Condensed Combined Science Paper 2 notes - Topics and Explanations from Spec

This resource outlines all knowledge required relating to most if not all knowledge required for the AQA Combined Science specification for Paper 2, written including the higher spec points. This resource explains and outlines; Nervous System, Endocrine System, Control of Blood Glucose Concentration, Hormones in Reproduction, Negative Feedback, Sexual and Asexual Reproduction, Mitosis, DNA and the Genome, Genetic Inheritance, Inherited Disorders, Sex Determination, Variation and Evolution, Resistant Bacteria, Biodiversity and Waste Management, Ecology
Vaccination+Drug Treatment - Notes Biology AQA Combined Science

Vaccination+Drug Treatment - Notes Biology AQA Combined Science

This resource outlines all knowledge required relating to Vaccinations and using drugs to treat various diseases required for the AQA Combined Science specification. This resource explains and outlines; Vaccination and immune response, Herd Immunity, Pros and cons of Vaccination, Using Drugs to treat diseases e.g explanation of antibiotics, Detailed explanation of antibiotic resistance and prevention methods,
Rates of Reaction - Notes GCSE Chemistry AQA Combined Science

Rates of Reaction - Notes GCSE Chemistry AQA Combined Science

This Revision resource contains detailed explanations and notes surrounding rates of reactions and factors which effect rate of reactions. This revision resource is specialised but not restricted for the AQA higher combined science chemistry syllabus. This Revision Resource contains detailed explanations and outlines of; Effect of Surface Area on reaction rate, Effect of concentration on reaction rate, Effect of temperature on reaction rate, Effect of a catalyst on reaction rate and detailed explanations, Definitions of specialist terminology relating to rate of reaction required by the specification.
Transport in Cells, Diffusion - Notes Biology AQA Combined Science

Transport in Cells, Diffusion - Notes Biology AQA Combined Science

This resource outlines all knowledge required relating to Transport of molecules in cells, Exchange Surfaces, Diffusion, Active Transport and Osmosis required for the AQA Combined Science specification. This resource explains and outlines; Detailed explanation of diffusion including examples, Rate of diffusion explained, related to different factors, Circulatory System Diffusion, Detailed description and explanation of Osmosis including helpful scanned diagrams, Active Transport full and detailed explanation including what is required to occur.
Nervous System - Notes Biology AQA Combined Science

Nervous System - Notes Biology AQA Combined Science

This resource outlines all knowledge required relating to the human nervous system, electrical impulses and components of the nervous system required for the AQA Combined Science specification. This resource explains and outlines; The components of the nervous system, How the nervous system works, Detailed explanations surrounding separate parts of the nervous system, Injuries relating to nervous system
Stem Cells and Cancer - Notes Biology AQA Combined Science

Stem Cells and Cancer - Notes Biology AQA Combined Science

This resource outlines all knowledge required relating to Cell Differentiation, stem cells and Cancer required for the AQA Combined Science specification. This resource explains and outlines; Cell Differentiation, Why, How? Stem Cells Explanation + detailed knowledge, Cloning, Ethical and moral objections, Cancer and tumours,
Transport Systems, Plants, Organs - Notes Biology AQA Combined Science

Transport Systems, Plants, Organs - Notes Biology AQA Combined Science

This resource outlines all knowledge required relating to Plant organ systems, adaptations, and detailed description and explanation of transport systems required for the AQA Combined Science specification. This resource explains and outlines; The functions of the Xylem and Phloem, Detailed explanation and depictions of the structure of a leaf, Lead structure relating to adaptations and absorptions of sunlight providing the basis for photosynthesis, Very detailed table explaining functions and adaptations of each component of a leaf, Transpiration and effect of changing conditions on transpiration
Pathogens and Infections - Notes Biology AQA Combined Science

Pathogens and Infections - Notes Biology AQA Combined Science

This resource outlines all knowledge required relating to Pathogens and Infections required for the AQA Combined Science specification. This resource explains and outlines; Detailed explanation of communicable diseases, Tables and explanations of all viral diseases required including symptoms, treatments and transmission, Bacterial Diseases + table of symptoms, treatments and transmission, Fungal and Protist infections with detailed knowledge of information required, Definitions and explanations of terminology surrounding how pathogens are transmitted
Human Defense Systems - Notes Biology AQA Combined Science

Human Defense Systems - Notes Biology AQA Combined Science

This resource outlines all knowledge required relating to Human defense sytems against diseases required for the AQA Combined Science specification. This resource explains and outlines; First physical lines of defense against dangerous pathogens, How the body fights infections including explanation of Phagocytosis
Ecology and Ecosystems - Notes Biology AQA Combined Science

Ecology and Ecosystems - Notes Biology AQA Combined Science

This resource strictly follows the AQA Combined Science Biology specifications and outlines all knowledge relating to Aerobic+Anaerobic required for the exam. This resource puts together details of; Knowledge of Communities and interactions, Abiotic and Biotic factors and their effects, Plant and Animal adaptations in ecosystems required by the spec, Food chains and levels or organisation Perfect for exam revision, saving you immense amounts of time with the knowledge required concisely put together.,
Drug Discovery+Development - Notes Biology AQA Combined Science  Revision

Drug Discovery+Development - Notes Biology AQA Combined Science Revision

This resource strictly follows the AQA Combined Science Biology specifications and outlines all knowledge relating to Drug Discovery and Development required for the exam. This resource puts together details of; Different drugs and knowledge of them, How drugs are tested, The process of clinical trials, Control Groups, Detailed time-line and explanation of drug development and stages, Big Pharma influence Perfect for exam revision, saving you immense amounts of time with the knowledge required concisely put together.,
Digestive System+Enzymes - Biology AQA Combined Science Revision

Digestive System+Enzymes - Biology AQA Combined Science Revision

This resource strictly follows the AQA Combined Science Biology specifications and outlines all knowledge relating to the digestive system and functions of enzymes required for the exam. This resource puts together details of; Detailed functions and structures of the digestive system, How and where food is digested, Very detailed explanations of Absorption and adaptations of small intestine + digestive tract What breaks down substances, Detailed notes on effects of temp, PH Enzyme action on Enzyme activity Perfect for exam revision, saving you immense amounts of time with the knowledge required concisely put together.,
Circulatory System+CHD - Biology AQA Combined Science Revision

Circulatory System+CHD - Biology AQA Combined Science Revision

This resource strictly follows the AQA Combined Science Biology specifications and outlines all knowledge relating to the Circulatory System and Coronary Heart Disease required for the exam. This resource puts together details of; Functions and adaptations of Veins and Arteries, Functions of valves, Detailed information on the different circuits in the circulatory system, CHD Perfect for exam revision, saving you immense amounts of time with the knowledge required concisely put together.