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A Science teacher by trade, I've also been known to be found teaching Maths and PE! However, strange as it may seem, my real love is designing resources that can be used by other teachers to maximise the experience of the students. I am constantly thinking of new ways to engage a student with a topic and try to implement that in the design of the lessons.




A Science teacher by trade, I've also been known to be found teaching Maths and PE! However, strange as it may seem, my real love is designing resources that can be used by other teachers to maximise the experience of the students. I am constantly thinking of new ways to engage a student with a topic and try to implement that in the design of the lessons.
Competition and Interdependence

Competition and Interdependence

A detailed and engaging lesson presentation (52 slides) and accompanying worksheet that looks at competition between organisms and the different types of relationships that exist as a result of this interaction. The lesson begins by looking at the meaning of the biological term, "competition", and then introduces this when it occurs between the same species and different species. Students are challenged to consider the different resources that animals compete for before an activity based competition is used to get them to recognise how this competition can cause changes to the population size. Moving forwards, students will meet the three main types of ecological relationship and look at them in greater detail, with predation being a main focus. There are regular progress checks throughout the lesson (with displayed answers) so that students can assess their understanding. This lesson has been designed for GCSE students but can be used with more-able KS3 students who are looking at ecosystems and the relationships that exist within them


6 Resources
This bundle of 6 engaging and motivating lesson presentations and associated worksheets uses a combination of exam questions, quick tasks and quiz competitions to test the students on their knowledge of the 6 modules found within the OCR Gateway A GCSE Biology specification. The knowledge of Modules B1 (Cell-level systems), B2 (Scaling up), B3 (Organism-level systems), B4 (Community-level systems), B5 (Genes, inheritance and selection) and B6 (Global challenges) can be assessed using these lessons.
OCR GCSE Biology B2 REVISION (Scaling up)

OCR GCSE Biology B2 REVISION (Scaling up)

An engaging lesson presentation (59 slides) and associated worksheets that uses a combination of exam questions, quick tasks and quiz competitions to help the students to assess their understanding of the topics found within unit B2 (Scaling up) of the OCR Gateway A GCSE Biology specification The topics that are tested within the lesson include: Diffusion Osmosis Active transport Exchange and transport Circulatory systems Heart and blood Plant transport systems Transpiration Students will be engaged through the numerous activities including quiz rounds like “Where’s LENNY?" whilst crucially being able to recognise those areas which need further attention
Significant figures (Maths in Science)

Significant figures (Maths in Science)

A fully resourced lesson which includes an informative lesson presentation (25 slides) and an associated worksheet that show students how to give answers to a certain number of significant figures. The answers to questions in Science are often required to be given in significant figures and this lesson guides students through this process, including the rules of rounding that must be applied for success to be likely. This lesson has been designed for GCSE students but is suitable for KS3
Blood clotting (GCSE)

Blood clotting (GCSE)

A resourced lesson which uses a concise lesson presentation (18 slides) and a differentiated diagram to guide students through the method of blood clotting. This lesson has been designed for students studying GCSE (14 - 16 year olds in the UK) and this is reflected in the appropriate detail where only the involvement of fibrin needs to be known. Students are shown how blood clotting is a cascade effect where one event leads on to the next.


A fully-resourced lesson that looks at the topic of osmosis and how the movement of water between a cell and the solution can affect the appearance of an animal and a plant cell. This lesson includes a detailed and engaging lesson presentation (42 slides) and differentiated worksheets that include exam questions that can be set as homework. There is a lot of key terminology associated with this topic and time is taken to ensure that students understand the meaning of each of these terms before moving forwards. Students are introduced to the different types of solutions and then a step-by-step guide is used to show them how to compare the water potential of the solution and the cell and then how this will determine which was water moves. The main task is differentiated so that students are challenged and can access the work. This lesson has been designed for GCSE students (14 - 16 year olds in the UK) but is also suitable for A-level students
Sex-linkage (OCR A-level Biology A)

Sex-linkage (OCR A-level Biology A)

This fully-resourced lesson explores the inheritance of sex-linked diseases in humans and then challenges the students to apply their knowledge to examples in other animals. The detailed PowerPoint and associated differentiated resources have been designed to cover the part of point 6.1.2 (b[i]) of the OCR A-level Biology A specification which states that students should be able to demonstrate and apply their knowledge and understanding of genetic diagrams which include sex-linkage. Key genetic terminology is used throughout and the lesson begins with a check on their ability to identify the definition of homologous chromosomes. Students will recall that the sex chromosomes are not fully homologous and that the smaller Y chromosome lacks some of the genes that are found on the X. This leads into one of the numerous discussion points, where students are encouraged to consider whether females or males are more likely to suffer from sex-linked diseases. In terms of humans, the lesson focuses on haemophilia and red-green colour blindness and a step-by-step guide is used to demonstrate how these specific genetic diagrams should be constructed and how the phenotypes should then be interpreted. The final tasks of the lesson challenge the students to carry out a dihybrid cross that involves a sex-linked disease and an autosomal disease before applying their knowledge to a question about chickens and how the rate of feather production in chicks can be used to determine gender. All of the tasks are differentiated so that students of differing abilities can access the work and all exam questions have fully-explained, visual markschemes to allow them to assess their progress and address any misconceptions.


An engaging lesson presentation and associated worksheet that looks at the use of antibiotics to treat bacterial infections and the raises the issue of the potential over-use of these substances. The lesson begins by getting the students to recognise the difference between three key terms that begin with anti (antibiotics, antivirals, antiseptics). Students will be introduced to the idea that antibiotics are specific to a small range of bacteria and therefore the correct one has to be selected before being prescribed. Moving forwards, students will meet the idea of the zone of inhibition and will understand how the size of this zone can be used as an indicator to the effectiveness of the treatment. Students are shown how to calculate the size of the zone and then are tested on their ability to apply this mathemetical knowledge. Finally, time is taken to look at the links to the topic of natural selection to explain how some bacteria are resistant to certain antibiotics. There are regular progress checks throughout the lesson so that students can assess their understanding. This lesson has been designed for GCSE students but could be used as an introduction with A-level Biology students who are about to begin the topic of immunity.


A concise, engaging lesson presentation (22 slides) which looks at the different responses of the body as a result of adrenaline release. In line with the actions of adrenaline, the lesson begins with a range of quiz competitions to introduce key terms and responses to the students. Once the students know that it causes both the breathing and heart rate to increase, they are challenged to complete a passage which brings this information together to explain how the increased respiration rate is related to the fight or flight tag line. Moving forwards, students will be introduced to the meaning of the term vasodilation and then asked to consider which organs will need extra blood flow during times of stress and conversely, which tissues can have blood directed away from them. The lesson finishes by looking at how a negative feedback loop is used as the final control to ensure that energy resources are not wasted during times when there is no stress.
Understanding GENETIC TREES

Understanding GENETIC TREES

A fully-resourced lesson which guides students through using genetic trees to work out the genotypes of unknown individuals and also how to work out whether a condition is caused by a dominant or a recessive allele. This lesson includes a detailed lesson presentation (24 slides) and a series of differentiated questions to allow the students to try to apply their new-found knowledge. The lesson begins by challenging students to recall the meaning of the key terms, genotype and phenotype. Time is taken initially to explain how genetic trees can be used in questions. Lots of useful hints are given throughout the lesson, such as filling in the genotypes for those that you already know like the affected in a recessive condition. Moving forwards, a worked example is used to talk the students through a question. Students are then given the opportunity to try a question and this has been differentiated so those who need extra assistance can still access the work. The remainder of the lesson shows the students how they can use the tree to work out whether the condition is caused by a dominant or recessive allele and again a progress check is used so students can assess their understanding. This lesson has been designed for both GCSE and A-level students.


An engaging lesson presentation which looks at the two types of animal stem cells, exploring their important differences and briefly looking at their potential uses in medicine. The lesson begins by looking at the meaning of the term differentiation and then challenging students to draw a simple conclusion once they know that stems cells are undifferentiated cells. Time is taken to look into this part of the knowledge in depth but then students are given the key points which must be understood for them to move forwards. Students are told that there are two types of animal stem cells before a quiz competition is used to get them to predict which one of the two is being described by the clues. The answers to the competition then have to be used to write a summary passage about the two types. Students are also told that stem cells exist in plants in the form of meristem cells. Finally, Parkinson’s disease and Diabetes mellitus Type I are used as examples of conditions that could be potentially treated with stem cells.
Organ transplants

Organ transplants

An engaging and informative lesson presentation (40 slides) that looks at the different steps that have to be taken when trying to identify potential donors for organ transplants. Links are made throughout the lesson to related topics such as the human defence systems and blood groups. The lesson begins by challenging the students to use their knowledge of the body’s defences to explain why closely matching tissues is critical when choosing a donor. Moving forwards, students will see how the four blood groups in the ABO system need to receive certain bloods and can only be given to certain others. There is a brief discussion of the HLA antigens and why this needs to be matched. The remainder of the lesson focuses on immuno-suppressant drugs and the advantages and disadvantages to individuals of taking these drugs. Progress checks have been written into the lesson at regular intervals to allow the students to constantly assess their understanding and any misconceptions to be addressed. This lesson has been written for GCSE students


A fully-resourced lesson, which has been designed for GCSE students, and includes an engaging and informative lesson presentation (37 slides) and differentiated worksheets. This lesson explores the type of cell division known as meiosis and focuses on the use of key terminology so that students can apply their knowledge to any organism that carries out this division, and not just humans. For this reason, time is taken at the start of the lesson to go over the meaning of the terms, diploid and haploid. Students are also taught how to think about the quantity of DNA inside a cell in terms of n, so that they can see and understand how this quantity changes through the cell cycle. They are encouraged to fill in a table at each stage of the cycle to show the quantity of DNA. In this way, students will understand how a diploid parent cell goes through interphase and as a result of DNA replication, the quantity of DNA is 4n as the first meiosis division is about to start. Although this could be viewed as high end knowledge, the format of this lesson should allow all abilities to understand and therefore have more chance of being successful with meiosis questions. Students are encouraged to think for themselves to work out how many daughter cells will result at the end of two divisions and to consider the quantity of DNA found inside those cells. At this stage of the lesson, students have to summarise all they have learnt into two key points (as shown on the cover image). The remainder of the lesson gives them the opportunity to apply their knowledge with a range of questions and it is not until right at the end that they are allowed to finally relate this cell division to humans. Although this lesson has been primarily designed for GCSE students (14 - 16 year olds in the UK), it is highly suitable for A-level lessons, especially if a teacher wants to recap on this cell division before extending knowledge.
Health and disease

Health and disease

A fast-paced lesson that explores the meaning of “health” and introduces the idea of communicable and non-communicable diseases. The lesson begins by showing the students an example of a health survey so they can complete a definition of the meaning of this term. Despite being widely used in the English language, the actual Scientific definition is not always well known by students so this 1st task is an important one. Moving forwards, students are given 5 minutes to see if they can fill an A-Z with the names of different diseases. Students will learn that diseases can be grouped as communicable or non-communicable and will be encouraged to discuss what the determining factor is on this classification. A quiz competition called “TO COM or NOT TO COM” is a play on words of Shakespeare’s famous saying but acts to test whether the students can distinguish a number of diseases as being spread by pathogens or not. After each disease is revealed, time is taken to look at the details of some of them like cystic fibrosis and the zika virus. The lesson concludes with the example of the human-papilloma virus and the connection between this and cervical cancer so that students can recognise that sometimes both types of disease are involved. This lesson has been written for GCSE students (14 - 16 year olds in the UK) but could be used with younger students who are looking at the healthy living topic.


A detailed lesson which looks at the type of cell division known as mitosis and aims to ensure that students understand that it leads to the production of genetically identical daughter cells. In order to understand this type of cell division and any related topic such as meiosis, students have to be confident with the use of terms like diploid. In addition to this, time is taken to introduce them to a way of considering the quantity of DNA within a cell in terms of n. If they are able to use this correctly, then no matter the organism which is involved in a mitosis exam question, they will be able to answer successfully. Discussion points and progress checks are written into the lesson at regular intervals so their understanding can be assessed. The last part of the lesson provides the students with an opportunity to apply their knowledge of mitosis to a range of exam questions and they can assess against the displayed mark schemes. This lesson has been designed for GCSE students (14 - 16 year olds in the UK) but is also appropriate for older students who want to recap on the key details of the division before extended knowledge is added.
Light and electron MICROSCOPES

Light and electron MICROSCOPES

A fully-resourced lesson, designed for GCSE students which includes an engaging and informative lesson presentation (49 slides) and an image, actual and magnification question worksheet. This lesson looks at the key features of light and electron microscopes and guides students through calculating size and magnification. The lesson begins by challenging students to pick out two key terms about microscopes, magnification and resolution, from a group of Scientific words. The understanding of these two terms is critical if students will be able to compare the two types of microscopes so time is taken to go through the definitions and give examples. A number of quick quiz competitions have been written into the lesson to aid the engagement on a topic that some students may not initially consider to be that motivating. These competitions allow key terms such as micrometer and the two types of electron microscope to be introduced in an engaging way. As a result, students will know the numbers that explain why electron microscopes are more advanced than their light counterparts. The remainder of the lesson looks at the units of size which are used in calculation questions and a step by step guide is used to show the students to calculate the actual size of an object or the magnification. Progress checks have been written into this lesson at regular intervals so that students are constantly assessing their understanding.
Topic B4:  Community level systems (OCR Gateway A GCSE Combined Science)

Topic B4: Community level systems (OCR Gateway A GCSE Combined Science)

5 Resources
This bundle of 5 lessons covers the majority of the content in Topic B4 (Community level systems) of the OCR Gateway A GCSE Combined Science specification. The topics covered within these lessons include: Ecosystems Abiotic and biotic factors Ecological relationships The carbon cycle The nitrogen cycle Decay and decomposition All of these lesson presentations and accompanying resources are detailed and engaging and contain regular progress checks to allow the students to constantly assess their understanding. It is estimated that this bundle would cover about 3 week’s worth of lessons.
Topic B3: Organism level systems (OCR Gateway A GCSE Combined Science)

Topic B3: Organism level systems (OCR Gateway A GCSE Combined Science)

10 Resources
This bundle of 11 lessons covers the majority of the content in Topic B3 (Organism level systems) of the OCR Gateway A GCSE Combined Science specification. The topics covered within these lessons include: The nervous system Hormones and the endocrine system Adrenaline Negative feedback loops Thyroid gland and thyroxine The menstrual cycle Contraception Using hormones to treat infertility Homeostasis Controlling blood glucose Diabetes All of these lesson presentations and accompanying resources are detailed and engaging and contain regular progress checks to allow the students to constantly assess their understanding.
Limiting factors of photosynthesis

Limiting factors of photosynthesis

A fully-resourced lesson which has been designed for GCSE students and includes an engaging lesson presentation and associated worksheets. This lesson looks at the three limiting factors of photosynthesis, focusing on the graphs that they produce and ensures that students can explain why temperature is a factor. This lesson begins by introducing the students to the definition of a limiting factor. They are challenged to recognise that it would be photosynthesis which is limited by carbon dioxide concentration and light intensity. The third factor, temperature, is not introduced until later in the lesson so that students are given thinking time to consider what it might be. Having been presented with two sets of data, students are asked to draw sketch graphs to represent the trend. The limiting factors on the light intensity graph are taught to the students so they can use this when working out the limiting factors on the carbon dioxide graph. The remainder of the lesson focuses on temperature and more specifically why a change in this factor would cause a change in the rate of photosynthesis because of enzymes. The student’s knowledge of that topic is tested alongside. Progress checks have been written into the lesson at regular intervals so that students can constantly assess their understanding.
Topic B5: Genes, inheritance and selection (OCR Gateway A GCSE Combined Science)

Topic B5: Genes, inheritance and selection (OCR Gateway A GCSE Combined Science)

10 Resources
This bundle of 10 lessons covers the majority of the content in Topic B5 (Genes, inheritance and selection) of the OCR Gateway A GCSE Combined Science specification. The topics covered within these lessons include: Variation Types of reproduction Meiosis Genetic diagrams Sex determination Classification Evolution by natural selection Evidence for evolution All of these lesson presentations and accompanying resources are detailed and engaging and contain regular progress checks to allow the students to constantly assess their understanding. It is estimated that this bundle would cover about 6 week’s worth of lessons.