Experienced KS1 and KS2 teacher currently teaching in Year Six. Specialist Leader for Mathematics across three Local Authorities.
All resources have been tried and tested. I'm open to suggestions and requests and aim to help anyone who requires it.
Please leave feedback and rate my resources.
Experienced KS1 and KS2 teacher currently teaching in Year Six. Specialist Leader for Mathematics across three Local Authorities.
All resources have been tried and tested. I'm open to suggestions and requests and aim to help anyone who requires it.
Please leave feedback and rate my resources.
This fully interactive high-quality gameshow features exciting sounds and drama. Each possible answer is linked to either a pass or fail screen indicating the amount of money ‘won’. A free trial of my best-in-class version is available here:
There are 15 questions, testing children’s knowledge of:
- The difference between adverbs, subordinating conjunctions and prepositions.
- The subjunctive form/mood
- The past and present progressive
- Determiners
- Punctuation
- and more!
Please see my shop for other gameshows, worksheets, activities and time-saving ideas.
All feedback is welcome so please do comment and rate.
N.B The original logos for Who Wants to be a Millionaire are property of Sony Pictures Television. For this reason they have not been included, but a similar non-trademarked version has.
This is an excel spreadsheet document for the Gov.uk Year Six Sample Papers for Reading, Mathematics (Arithmetic, Reasoning 1 & 2), GPS and Spelling Papers. The sheet totals up the scores automatically and each child's final score changes colour to reflect their ability.
If their total score for a subject goes green, it means they would have passed the 2016 SATs with that score. If it goes Orange, it means they are within touching distance. If it goes Green with a yellow font, it means that child would have achieved a 'More Able' score for that tested subject.
The spreadsheet is broken down into six pages. Arithmetic, Reasoning 1, Reasoning 2, Reading, GPS and Spelling.
I have also included a digital copy of each test, mark scheme and instructions. Additionally, I have included the conversion tables from RAW Score to Scaled Score. These can be found inside the .Zip file.
The sheets are set up for 30 pupils but more can be added/deleted and instructions are on the first page/sheet. Some cells are locked/protected in this document but the parts that you need to insert yourself are editable. This is so that the formulas/algorithms do not break and render the spreadsheet's functionalities as broken.
*You are paying for the gap analysis grids, not the freely available tests I have included which can be found at Gov.uk.*
All a teacher has to do is enter their children's names and enter the 0's, 1's, 2's or 3's for each question, which also change colour too for a visual reference. I recommend that a teacher should enter 'N' if a child did not attempt that question. This gives an idea of who is not even attempting certain questions, not just whether they got the question wrong.
Please remember to rate and/or comment on this resource. Your feedback is appreciated.
I take requests for Gap Analysis Grids. Please leave feedback if you like this resource as I am planning to produce more for each SATs paper going forward, as well as CGP Practice Papers.
A fantastic resource, used to great effect last year during guided written work and for GPS revision.
A double sided GPS learning mat (or poster/display) that contains examples of:
-Sentences written in the active and passive verb forms
- Present tense
- Present Progressive
- Past tense
- Past Progressive
- Present Perfect
- Present Perfect Progressive
- Past Perfect
- Past Perfect Progressive
- Future tense
- Future Progressive
- Modal Verbs
- Cohesive Devices
- Simple sentences
- Compound sentences
- Complex sentences
- Complex sentences that begin with a subordinate clause
This resource is intended to be used to help teach the skills of the KS2 National Curriculum for Reading, by domain. Domains 2b and 2d are weighted more in these comprehensions to match the weighting of the end of KS2 Reading Comprehension assessment.
• SATs style comprehension questions for the first sixteen chapters of the novel.
• A teaching PowerPoint with an introduction to the author, their other works and copies of the questions.
Please view the sample pages for an idea of the questions and expectations.
This resource works best if the chapter is read, talked about and discussed in one day, then comprehension questions are given the day after.
This resource has been used with both Year Five and Year Six classes to great effect and has boosted their reading skills and their comprehension scores.
Please let me know if you found this resource useful. It should save you hours and hours of time.
This resource is intended to be used to help teach the skills of the KS2 National Curriculum for Reading, by domain. Domains 2b and 2d are weighted more in these comprehensions to match the weighting of the end of KS2 Reading Comprehension assessment.
• SATs style comprehension questions for every chapter of the novel.
• A teaching PowerPoint with an introduction to the author, their other works and copies of the questions.
This resource works best if the chapter is read, talked about and discussed in one day, then comprehension questions are given the day after.
This resource has been used with both Year Five and Year Six classes to great effect and has boosted their reading skills and their comprehension scores.
Please let me know if you found this resource useful. It should save you hours and hours of time.
Prompt cards that are useful to begin an open and honest debate with KS2/KS3 children.
- What does this picture represent?
- Is this a value that only Britain has? Explain your response.
- How might different people react to this picture?
- Where might you see evidence of these values in British society?
- Where might you see evidence of these values in school?
- Who is a good role model for each of the values represented by these pictures?
Three differentiated activity sheets/worksheets with answers included. Perfect for KS2 and KS3. Wonderful for SATs revision.
Resources include:
Lower ability - 6 compound shapes to find the areas of. All lengths given and shapes are already divided.
Middle Ability - 8 compound shapes to find the areas of. Some lengths given and shapes are already divided.
Higher Ability - 7 compound shapes to find the area of. Some lengths given (some are decimals) and the shapes are not pre-divided.
Answer sheet - answers for all three activity/worksheets.
Please leave feedback and visit my shop for other high-quality resources. Thank-you.
- Calculate the area of quadrilaterals including squares, rectangles, trapeziums and parallelograms.
- Calculate the area of triangles
- Calculate the area of compound shapes, including shapes with missing lengths and decimal sides.
Differentiated. Now includes a PowerPoint and pdf to help with teaching and display (found in the quadrilaterals section)
Perfect for revising, assessment or purely for fun, this fully interactive game features increasingly challenging questions including:
How many integers can be made from an improper fraction
Missing denominators in mixed numbers
Word problems
…and more!
This fully interactive high-quality gameshow features all the drama of the TV show. Each possible answer is linked to either a pass or fail screen indicating the amount of money ‘won’. A free trial of my best-in-class version is available here:
Please see my shop for other gameshows, worksheets, activities and time-saving ideas.
All feedback is welcome so please do comment and rate.
N.B The original logos for Who Wants to be a Millionaire are property of Sony Pictures Television. For this reason they have not been included, but a similar non-trademarked version has.
Fun, fully interactive and challenging with working 50/50 lifelines. An excellent way to assess or embed skills.
There are 15 questions, testing children's ability to multiply and divide by 10, 100 and 1000 (including decimals).
N.B The original logos for Who Wants to be a Millionaire are property of Sony Pictures Television. For this reason they have not been included, but a similar non-trademarked version has.
Please leave feedback.
These are excel spreadsheets Gap Analysis documents for the May 2016 Year Six SATs Papers for GPS (including spelling).
The sheet totals up the scores automatically and each child’s final score changes colour to reflect their ability.
If their total score for a subject goes green, it means they would have passed the 2016 SATs with that score. If it goes Orange, it means they are within touching distance. If it goes Green with a yellow font, it means that child would have achieved a ‘More Able’ score for that tested subject.
I have also included a digital document, linking to a freely available copy of each test, mark scheme and instructions. Additionally, I have included the conversion tables from RAW Score to Scaled Score.
All a teacher has to do is enter their children’s names and enter the 0’s, 1’s, 2’s or 3’s for each question, which also change colour too for a visual reference. I recommend that a teacher should enter ‘N’ if a child did not attempt that question. This gives an idea of who is not even attempting certain questions, not just whether they got the question wrong.
The sheets are set up for 30 pupils but more can be added/deleted and instructions are on the first page/sheet. Some cells are locked/protected in this document but the parts that you need to insert yourself are editable. This is so that the formulas/algorithms do not break and render the spreadsheet’s functionalities as broken.
I take requests for Gap Analysis Grids. Please leave feedback if you like this resource as I am planning to produce more for each SATs paper going forward, as well as CGP Practice Papers.
Please remember to rate this resource as I made this to save teachers time. Thank-you.
A challenge based worksheet aimed at securing a child’s knowledge of Time Adverbials. Activities include using given time adverbials in sentences, varying the position of the adverbials (to help meet the goals of the KS2 Interim Assessment Framework 2016/2017/2018), using time adverbials within a paragraph and using time adverbials in a set of instructions.
Included in this resource are 12 nets for 3D shapes. All shapes have tabs, meaning that they can be independently cut out and stuck together in a lesson. Also included is a step-by-step how to calculate volume PowerPoint that uses formulas as well as measurements.
Shapes include:
Square Based Pyramid
Triangle Based Pyramid
Octagonal Prism
Hexagonal Pyramid
Die (cube with dots on)
Triangular Prism
These are excel spreadsheets Gap Analysis documents for the May 2019 Year Six SATs Papers for Maths (Arithmetic, Reasoning 1 and Reasoning 2).
**The sheet totals up the scores automatically and each child’s final score changes colour to reflect their ability.
If their total score for a subject goes green, it means they would have passed the 2019 SATs with that score. If it goes Purple with a white font, it means that child would have achieved a ‘More Able’ score for that tested subject.**
I have also included an instructions and document page, linking to a freely available copy of each test, mark scheme and instructions. Additionally, I have included a link to the conversion tables from RAW Score to Scaled Score.
All a teacher has to do is enter their children’s names and enter the 0’s, 1’s, 2’s or 3’s for each question, which also change colour too for a visual reference. I recommend that a teacher should enter ‘N’ if a child did not attempt that question. This gives an idea of who is not even attempting certain questions, not just whether they got the question wrong.
The sheets are set up for 30 or 90 pupils but more can be added/deleted and instructions are on the first page/sheet. Some cells are locked/protected in this document but the parts that you need to insert yourself are editable. This is so that the formulas/algorithms do not break and render the spreadsheet’s functionalities as broken. This password will not be given out, but I am more than happy to make adaptations or changes for you, provided you show proof of purchase. All of my contact details are in the resource.
I take requests for Gap Analysis Grids. Please leave feedback if you like this resource as I am planning to produce more for each SATs paper going forward, as well as CGP Practice Papers.
Please remember to rate this resource as I made this to save teachers time. Thank-you.
This resource is intended to be used to help teach the skills of the KS2 National Curriculum for Reading, by domain. Domains 2b and 2d are weighted more in these comprehensions to match the weighting of the end of KS2 Reading Comprehension assessment.
• SATs style comprehension questions for the prologue/preface and the twenty-seven chapters of the novel.
• A teaching PowerPoint with an introduction to the author, their other works and copies of the questions.
This resource works best if the chapter is read, talked about and discussed in one day, then comprehension questions are given the day after.
This resource has been used with both Year Five and Year Six classes to great effect and has boosted their reading skills and their comprehension scores.
Please let me know if you found this resource useful. It should save you hours and hours of time.
Featuring a Roman Numeral version of my best-in-class Millionaire Quiz, these assessment tools are perfect to engage children with the concept of Roman Numerals.
Meeting all of the requirements of the national curriculum for Roman Numerals, this quiz is a fun way to assess and show progress.
This resource will save you many hours work when trying to use Assessment for Learning in your class.
There are two QLA grids included in one Excel document for help with Gap Analysis.
Input the data using the marks from the papers and the grid will change colour to show where a child has been successful or not answered a question correctly, or at all.
The spreadsheet will auto-calculate how successful the whole cohort has been on particular questions. These are linked directly to the WRM small steps so you can see which lessons and steps need to be revised. 30 children can be entered in this document.
The total score thresholds auto-calculate and change colour to help indicate which children are working at approximately an expected standard (EXS) level or a Greater Depth (GDS) level. These thresholds use historical KS2 SATs thresholds to make them as accurate as possible.
Please note, some of the cells are locked for editing so that users do not break the spreadsheet functionality. Passwords will not be given out. However, I am more than happy to assist with any adaptations you need.
Additionally, I am in no way affiliated with White Rose Maths. No White Rose Maths resources are included in this product. Freely available content is linked to within it.
A page of blank cards that can be cut out, laminated and written on with whiteboard marker. Coloured green to match VCOP colouring for conjunctions.
I use these as visual prompts on all my working walls.
Designed for children in Year Six to assess the contents of their own independent writing with ticks or dates.
Handy for allowing children to recognise their own areas for development.
A very simple template/proforma for children to fill in as they research a geographical area. This can easily be trimmed to fit on an A4 page in a book. Two versions have been included: an editable word document version and a PDF version.
Areas to be researched are:
Place/s of interest
Approximately how many people live there?
What notable wildlife has their habitat there?
What notable bodies of water are at the location or nearby?
What natural resources (oil, wood, metals etc) are present?
What other continents or countries are nearest?