
Tout sur moi All about me French writing mat sentence scaffold for first penfriend letter KS2 KS3
Five part sentence scaffold to write an introductory letter to a penfriend.
Also good revision activity for basic information.
Success criteria tick box for pupils to complete as they complete the activity.
Name, age, where you live
Brothers and sisters
Musical preferences
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Non Non Non ! Practice with French negative constructions Starter
A little more practice with French negative constructions.
On the topic of town and local area.
Single activity with two parts: match up then gap fill.
Features following constructions:
ne … rien
ne … jamais
ne … personne
ne … aucun(e)
ne … que
ne …plus
ne … ni … ni
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Gallery museum trip Worksheets French Treasure hunt and Describe a picture
Two part worksheet for a school trip to an art gallery.
First side is a treasure hunt on the way to the art gallery. Tick off the pictures labelled in French when you see them.
Second side to be completed in the art gallery. Use vocab from first side to describe two paintings. Then write about your favourite painting using the sentence scaffold for support.

French Simple Future / Inflectional Future Tense: Investigation Worksheet & Powerpoint
Worksheet designed to introduce pupils to the French simple future tense (also known as inflectional future tense) with answers on powerpoint via investigation style activities.
Students look at examples of the tense in three linked texts and work out for themselves the rules for the French simple future tense.
First part concentrates on regular -er, -ir, and -re verbs.
Parts two and three then looks at some irregular verbs.
Hand out a part at a time - cut the second sheet in two so it is given as and when pupils are ready for the next stage.
Powerpoint then presents answers to the class.

Ma région Writing task French GCSE Local area Foundation Higher Planning grid for bullet points
Local area / Ma région writing task & planning grid
GCSE style task: Question 2 on Foundation paper / Question 3 on Higher paper
With bullet points to help plan answer.
Plus tips to check work when complete!
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French Reading & Writing differentiated worksheet Personal Descriptions KS2 KS3 Adjectival agreement
Reading and Writing worksheet based on personal descriptions for KS2 or KS3.
Differentiated: one worksheet, two levels.
Contains Learning Objective and Success criteria tick box for students and class teacher.
With answer sheets.
One star * worksheet contains slightly easier texts and questions with more support.
Two star ** worksheet has slightly harder texts and more challenging questions.
First and third parts of être, negatives, intensifying adverbs and a selection of adjectives which all add an ‘e’ in the feminine form.
Covers following vocabulary:
je suis / je ne suis pas
il est / il n’est pas
elle est / elle n’est pas
assez / un peu / très
petit / grand / amusant / charmant / intelligent / content / bavard
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Studio GCSE De la ville à la campagne Follow me game Negatives in town
Fun Follow me / Loop game to practise negatives.
Linked to Studio GCSE Module 4 De la ville à la campagne Unit 2 Ville de rêve ou ville de cauchemar?
Enough for up to 30 pupils.
First player reads out the English on their card.
Whoever has the French translation on their card then reads that out next. They then read out their English sentence. And so on!
Hopefully you’ll get a loop around the class and a class who are a bit more confident with using negatives in French!
ne … rien
ne … jamais
ne … pas
ne … personne
ne … aucun(e)
ne … que
ne …plus
ne … ni … ni
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Past present future French tenses practice grid starter activity for jouer aller & être
Simple starter activity.
Students complete the grid with jouer, aller and être in each tense for different parts of the verb.
Practises present, perfect,imperfect, near future and simple future.
2 grids per A4 sheet.
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Past present future French tenses practice grid starter activity for habiter, avoir & faire
Simple starter activity.
Students complete the grid with regarder, avoir and faire in each tense for different parts of the verb.
Practises present, perfect, imperfect, near future and simple future.
2 grids per A4 sheet.
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Extension activity Studio GCSE Rouge Module 4 Unit 2 Page 81 Exercise 7
Set of translations. Extension for early finishers.
Using structures featured in the text on page 81 exercise 7 from Studio GCSE Rouge Module 4 De la ville à la campagne Unit 2 Ville de rêve ou ville de cauchemar ?
4 sets of translations per A4 sheet
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How to say 'in' gap fill Studio GCSE De la ville à la campagne Point de départ Differentiated
Gap fill activity to provide practice of how to say ‘in’ in French.
Follow up from the grammar box on page 74 of Studio GCSE Rouge Module 4.
Differentiated: Can be used with the jumbled up answer box for support or without for extra level of difficulty.
Two sets of same activity per A4.
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