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A group of teachers sharing quality resources.




A group of teachers sharing quality resources.
Stave Revision A Christmas Carol

Stave Revision A Christmas Carol

90 slide powerpoint that revises and makes thoughtful inferences on over 100 key quotations across the novel. This is best used across a series of 3-5 revision lessons with students guided to create a revision page on each stave. Also contains an A3 help sheet with 100 key quotations and brief explanations displayed in chronological order. Also includes analysis of the top 10 single words to analyse in the novella with high level explanations of how to zoom in and then how to zoom out to explore Dickens’ authorial purpose. Also includes: A timeline revision activity for A Christmas Carol that asks students to offer 3 layers of analysis for 13 key Scrooge quotations to help track his transformation in the novel from a solitary miser to a redeemed philanthropist. A01: What is the meaning of the quotation? A02: What is the impact of words/methods? A03: What is Dickens’ message in this quotation? Comprehensive answer sheet is included. I give this out at the end of the lesson so students can compare their answers to it. Ideal revision activity in the run up to the May examinations. Also includes 5 lessons to cover the initial first reading of the novella.
STAVE 2 - A Christmas Carol -  lessons and resources

STAVE 2 - A Christmas Carol - lessons and resources

Various resources to help students explore Stave 2. PowerPoint included. Worksheets include: Stave 2 questions Stave 2 exam style question Stave 2 revision poster activity Comparing Stave 1 and 2 Analysing key quotations Lesson analysing the Ghost of Christmas Past Lesson Analysing Fezziwig
Romeo and Juliet

Romeo and Juliet

20 Resources
A huge bundle of detailed lessons and resources to comprehensively cover the play. PowerPoints include annotations, questions, revision activities, starters. There are also posters and revision cards for the whole play. Hopefully the previews will offer a good guide to the range of resources on offer. For best value, try my bundles that provide detailed lessons, high grade model answers, various theme and character revision sheets, quizzes, writing frames and lots more. Lord of the Flies Full Unit | Teaching Resources (tes.com) Lord of the Flies - 12 Chapters 12 Lessons | Teaching Resources (tes.com) Macbeth 2023 Bundle | Teaching Resources (tes.com) Power and Conflict | Teaching Resources (tes.com) Power and Conflict | Teaching Resources (tes.com) Christmas Carol Bundle for 2023 | Teaching Resources (tes.com) A Christmas Carol Revision | Teaching Resources (tes.com) A Christmas Carol | Teaching Resources (tes.com) High grade A Christmas Carol Exam Responses | Teaching Resources (tes.com) Animal Farm | Teaching Resources (tes.com) Romeo and Juliet 2023 | Teaching Resources (tes.com) ROMEO AND JULIET 9-1 | Teaching Resources (tes.com) Romeo and Juliet | Teaching Resources (tes.com) Macbeth Revision BUNDLE | Teaching Resources (tes.com) Macbeth | Teaching Resources (tes.com) EDUQAS POETRY BUNDLE | Teaching Resources (tes.com) Literature Revision Booklets - Macbeth, A Christmas Carol, An Inspector Calls, Power and Conflict | Teaching Resources (tes.com) An Inspector Calls revision booklet | Teaching Resources (tes.com)
How the ghosts help to change Scrooge's attitudes and behaviour

How the ghosts help to change Scrooge's attitudes and behaviour

A high grade response to the May 2019 AQA question on A Christmas Carol presented in the form of a handy printable revision poster. The question was … Starting with this extract, explore how Dickens uses the ghosts to help Scrooge change his attitudes and behaviour. Write about: • how Dickens uses Marley’s Ghost in this extract • how Dickens uses the ghosts to help Scrooge change his attitudes and behaviour in the novel as a whole. The influence of all 4 ghosts is analysed in detail. The response is broken up into clear sections with an introduction and conclusion. Also includes: A timeline revision activity for A Christmas Carol that asks students to offer 3 layers of analysis for 13 key Scrooge quotations to help track his transformation in the novel from a solitary miser to a redeemed philanthropist. A01: What is the meaning of the quotation? A02: What is the impact of words/methods? A03: What is Dickens’ message in this quotation? Comprehensive answer sheet is included. I give this out at the end of the lesson so students can compare their answers to it. Ideal revision activity in the run up to the May examinations.
Grade 9 Response on  Places in A Christmas Carol

Grade 9 Response on Places in A Christmas Carol

A grade 9 response to the following question: Starting with this extract, how does Dickens explore the importance of places in the novel? (30 marks) Explore how Dickens presents a place in the extract Explore how Dickens presents places across the novel as a whole. The extract (included) is from the start of Stave 3 when the ghost of Christmas Present transforms Scrooge’s room. This was written in one 45 minute sitting to reflect the amount of time students would have to write their response in the exam.
A Christmas Carol Revision 2025

A Christmas Carol Revision 2025

A huge range of material containing lessons on key characters and Staves, revision cards, lots of high level model responses, key extract analysis, contextual points about Dickens’ intentions, writing frames, comprehension questions on each stave, quotation knowledge organisers, revision of big ideas/themes. Check out the many previews to appreciate the full scale of resources available here. Check out my shop for other A Christmas Carol resources: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/a-christmas-carol-theme-revision-cards-poverty-isolation-ghosts-christmas-family-11869145 https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/a-christmas-carol-gcse-differentiated-revision-sheets-on-themes-and-context-11387723 https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/stave-1-and-stave-5-scrooge-s-transformation-in-a-christmas-carol-11503154 https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/a-christmas-carol-grade-9-lesson-and-essays-on-ghosts-11552659 https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/a-christmas-carol-100-comprehension-questions-with-answer-sheet-12450748 https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/revise-themes-in-a-christmas-carol-family-isolation-poverty-charity-christmas-supernatural-11577227 https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/grade-9-a-christmas-carol-exam-responses-12220340 https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/a-christmas-carol-top-50-quotations-11901568 https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/a-christmas-carol-3-grade-9-model-answers-for-eduqas-gcse-exam-style-11797550 https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/grade-9-response-on-poverty-in-a-christmas-carol-12512988 https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/6-grade-9-model-essays-on-a-christmas-carol-for-aqa-or-eduqas-11896608 https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/a-christmas-carol-aqa-1-9-super-bundle-11532059#
Ralph Lesson aiming for grade 9 Lord of the Flies

Ralph Lesson aiming for grade 9 Lord of the Flies

A detailed 17 slide full lesson analysing Ralph’s character in Lord of the Flies. Includes a starter, summary task, detailed annotations of 8 key quotations and a sample high level model response answering the following question: How does Golding present Ralph as a leader in Lord of the Flies? Write about: • what Ralph says and does as a leader • how Golding uses Ralph to explore ideas about leadership. Also contains a simpler differentiated version of the lesson aimed at lower ability with a writing frame guide.
Lord of the Flies Character Revision

Lord of the Flies Character Revision

Character revision sheets for the 5 main characters in Lord of the Flies - Piggy, Ralph, Jack, Roger and Simon. Each sheet explores 10 key quotations from across the novel. Also includes a revision sheet on the island because this is a common exam question that hasn’t come up for a couple of years. Perfect revision preparation for 2024. Includes a pdf version or an editable word version in case you need to swap around any of the top 10 quotations to suit your teaching.
Piggy Lord of the Flies

Piggy Lord of the Flies

A detailed 19 slide lesson analysing the character of Piggy. Includes detailed inferences for several key Piggy quotations and also includes advice and model paragraphs for how to write an introduction and conclusion for answering the following exam-style question: How far does Golding present Piggy as a character with useful and important ideas in Lord of the Flies? Write about: • what Piggy says and does that can be seen as useful and important • how far Golding presents Piggy as a character with useful and important ideas. Also includes a full length grade 9 exemplar response. Also contains a simpler version of the lesson with writing frame aimed at lower ability.
Why is Piggy an important character in Lord of the Flies

Why is Piggy an important character in Lord of the Flies

Lesson guides students through an exam question on Piggy. Aimed at students with a target grade of 7-9. Includes help with writing a thesis style introduction and an exemplar. For the main body there are a selection of quotes students can pick to support a specific idea that links back to the thesis. There is also an exemplar conclusion. Also contains a simpler version of the lesson aimed at lower ability with a writing frame.
Lord of the Flies 5 lessons on the 5 main characters

Lord of the Flies 5 lessons on the 5 main characters

10 Resources
5 lessons on the following 5 characters from Lord of the Flies: Ralph Piggy Jack Roger Simon All 5 lessons include detailed exploration of a range of quotations to prepare students for answering an exam question about the character. Also contains a printable revision sheet with key quotations for each character. Also includes some grade 9 model responses. Also contains an activity where students complete 4 partially completed exam responses. This is differentiated with an easier and harder version depending on the ability of your group. Also contains a lesson on how to write thesis style character introductions.
Lord of the Flies Full Unit

Lord of the Flies Full Unit

16 Resources
A full unit of work on Lord of the Flies that covers a full term alongside comprehensive revision resources to revise content in Year 11. Full lesson PowerPoints included on the following 12 detailed lessons on each of the 12 chapters clearly labelled 40 page revision booklet Full lesson on mob mentality Full lesson Roger with grade 9 full essay Full lesson on Ralph Full lesson on Piggy with structure to follow for writing up own essay Full lesson Jack with grade 9 full essay Full lesson on symbols Full lesson on Simon Revision lessons with revision cards containing the top 50 quotations, top 10 quotations per character, differentiated writing frames, sample questions, knowledge organisers and a big ideas mind map Also includes extensive notes to help students annotate over 200 quotations from the novel independently. Check out the previews by clicking on each individual resource to gain an idea about a wide range of resources on offer.
Jack lesson Lord of the Flies

Jack lesson Lord of the Flies

A detailed lesson which explores 13 quotations about Jack in great detail with inferences aimed at preparing students for attempting an exam question on the character of Jack. Also includes a grade 9 example response on the character of Jack. Also includes a simpler version of the lesson aimed at lower ability along with a differentiated writing frame.
A Christmas Carol: 9-1 200+ pages of exam resources

A Christmas Carol: 9-1 200+ pages of exam resources

20 Resources
A term’s worth of ready-to-teach resources created for the 2021 examination on A Christmas Carol. Includes: Revision sheets containing key quotes and context points and differentiated revision tasks Context match up sheet 9 grade 9 model answers Writing frames 5, Sample AQA-style questions Partially completed essay plans to finish Difficult vocabulary glossary activity Carousel activity on key extracts Differentiated questions on stave 2 Differentiated questions on Marley’s ghost Which vision in Stave 2 affects Scrooge the most worksheet Activities with model responses on how Dickens presents ideas about Christmas in Stave 3 Comprehension questions on all staves Top 50 quotations revision sheets Fred lesson Fezziwig lesson Lesson on more obscure extracts Lesson on women in the novella Plus lots more
A Christmas Carol Grade 9

A Christmas Carol Grade 9

A Grade 9 (or close to grade 9 response because examiner marking is always highly subjective) to a range of typical exam-style questions. There are 9 responses in total. This will be be a useful resource for students preparing for mock exams in 2024 or as a tool for teachers to use to help plan follow up tasks and walk-through mocks. Topics include: Isolation Happiness Suffering Poverty Fears Family Redemption Also contains a 9th grade 9 response answering what I predict will be the topic for May 2024: places and settings. All the responses are between 800 and 1250 words in length and were completed within 50 minutes to replicate actual exam conditions. All are consistently thoughtful and, for me, demonstrate sufficient examples of assuredness and conviction to reach level 6 in the mark scheme. All have been adapted to fit snugly onto one page for ease of printing/downloading. You might decide to increase the font size to improve readability with some classes or print A3 rather than A4. Also includes: A timeline revision activity for A Christmas Carol that asks students to offer 3 layers of analysis for 13 key Scrooge quotations to help track his transformation in the novel from a solitary miser to a redeemed philanthropist. A01: What is the meaning of the quotation? A02: What is the impact of words/methods? A03: What is Dickens’ message in this quotation? Comprehensive answer sheet is included. I give this out at the end of the lesson so students can compare their answers to it. Ideal revision activity in the run up to the May examinations.
High grade A Christmas Carol Exam Responses

High grade A Christmas Carol Exam Responses

8 Resources
A growing collection of grade 8/grade 9 band 5 and band 6 exam-style responses to A Christmas Carol exam-style questions. . All responses have been formatted to snugly fit onto one page for ease of printing. Includes responses to the following questions: Starting with the extract … How does Dickens present Scrooge’s fears? How is Bob Cratchit presented? How is Scrooge presented as an isolated character? Explore the significance of the ghosts in the novel? How does Dickens present Scrooge’s attitude to charity? How is Scrooge presented as an outsider to the world around him? How are places presented in the novel? How is Scrooge presented as an outcast to the world around him? (different extract) Explore how Dickens uses the ghosts to help Scrooge change his beliefs and actions? How does Dickens present the hardship of the poverty-stricken? How does Dickens present Christmas as a joyful time? How does Dickens explore the effects of greed. Also contains additional material such as the 9 step method for grade 9.
Christmas Carol Revision Bundle 2025

Christmas Carol Revision Bundle 2025

20 Resources
Updated bundle for 2025 containing all my best resources on A Christmas Carol. Includes: 9 grade 9 model answers Comprehension questions on all staves Revision Flash Cards Writing frames Scrooge Analysis lessons Fred Analysis lesson Bob Analysis lesson 9 Step method for grade 9 Quotation/Knowledge organisers. Sample exam questions Revision of big ideas Top 50 quotation revision task with answers Differentiated worksheets for exploring the ghosts Lesson on Fezziwig Lesson on women in the novel Lessons on the ghosts 30+ page printable booklet. Plus lots more. I have tried to fit all my best A Christmas Carol resources into here. If I have missed any, send me a message and I will send them over. To save time on the download, click on the resource called ‘A Christmas Carol - everything you need to teach the novella’. Most of the resources can be found in here.