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Designing an Amphitheatre

Designing an Amphitheatre

Children continue the work on gladiators and Roman entertainment and look at amphitheatres. They study what they look like and realise that these varied from place to place. They begin to plan and design their own model amphitheatre. Suitable for years 3 and 4.
Children can make a difference

Children can make a difference

Children research what are key health issues for their own class. Focus on accidents and how they can be prevented. Understand concept of preventable and how children can play an important role in prevention Suitable for years 5 and 6.
School's Out!

School's Out!

What do children do when they are not in the classroom? At playtimes, evenings and weekends? Discuss sport, games and hobbies. Write instructions for a playtime game or making a craft object to send to their link school friends. Try an African game or craft. Suitable for years 5 and 6.
Describing Your Place

Describing Your Place

Listen carefully to some children in Ghana describing their home town or use descriptions from your link school friends of their town. Imagine the teacher and some children from your link school are going to visit your town! Describe the places they should visit. Suitable for years 5 and 6.
HIV: Kishe’s Story

HIV: Kishe’s Story

Return to MDG 6, and focus on HIV and AIDS. Children read a story of a young orphan, Kishe, and reflect on her life story and the wider impact of HIV across generations. Suitable for years 5 and 6.
Extended Family

Extended Family

Now children are going to expand the information about themselves to include their family. They draw family trees. Discuss the role of women – do children’s mothers have the same role as their grandmothers or earlier generations? What about the African women? Suitable for years 5 and 6.
Expansion of the Empire

Expansion of the Empire

Children look at how the Roman Empire expanded over a period of 400 years and then began to diminish in extent. They relate this to the systems of government identified in Session 2. They map the Roman Empire on today’s world map, identifying countries. Suitable for years 3 and 4.
Eclipses and seasons

Eclipses and seasons

The Sun is a million times larger than Earth so how can its rays sometimes be obscured by the much smaller Moon? Children discover how eclipses are created and how the Earth’s tilt on its axis creates seasons. Suitable for Year 5 pupils.
Earth, Moon and Sun

Earth, Moon and Sun

The world is in their hands in this session along with the Moon and the Sun! Children create drawn scale models of each and use a trundle wheel to measure scaled distances between them. Suitable for Year 5 pupils.
Star constellations

Star constellations

Children have stars in their eyes in this session as they find out more using internet research. They identify common constellations and discover how they are linked to horoscopes. How accurate are their star sign characteristics? Suitable for Year 5 pupils.