Check out this simple and user friendly multiple choice and short answer assessment. This covers topics of tariffs, early leaders, issues of slavery, seceding and more. This can be easily adapted for an assessment, an in-class worksheet or a homework assignment. This will offer great insight into what students already know about South Carolina history or what they have learned about the state's development. Answer key included!
Check out this massive pre-made To do list variety pack which includes 66 pages worth of pre-made templates. Half our full size pages and half our half sized pages. There are pre-populated with titles to fit your need, easy to navigate and interact with and so easy to use yourself or distribute to students, parents etc. I would recommend printing them on assorted pages of color for more fun, but use as you wish and we hope this helps you work more efficiently, effectively, timely, and keep more organized!
This differentiated template with the prompt of "I wish my teacher knew..." holds amazing power in gaining insight into the thoughts, feelings, emotions, and ideas of students. Through a comfortable, non-verbal way, students are able to inform the teacher of things they find important and most valuable, in a non-confrontational way. This variety pack includes templates in different formats including lines, space, and bullet points, for simple and easy differentiation to meet students' needs and different grade levels. They are also pre-made for full size sheets and half size sheets for your convenience!
This 42 mix of questions worksheet covers multiplication and division for 0-12. This worksheet can easily be used for early finishers, classwork, homework or any combination thereof. Hope this makes your day a little easier!
Check out this simple planner that students can use to track their assignments throughout the week! Students will list their various assignments and there is a convenient box beside each component that they can check off as they finish. This will allow student to see the big picture and both plan ahead as well as catch up if needed.
This will also help teachers to assign work ahead of time for students who like to get ahead or for students who will be absent. There is also an added section for "Other To Do" items.
The tracker is listed side by side and has two identical documents so you get four full weeks of assignments on each one each sheet of paper.
Check out this simple, but effective tracking form for teachers to use to track their various evaluations and observations. When reflecting on each year and the various evaluations aligned to the Danielson framework, this tracker can be a great resource.
Included in this zip file is the framework tracking form in both pdf format to be printed as well as a Microsoft Word document if you would like to keep an editable soft copy. Administrators, be sure to share this with your entire faculty to transfer investment and ownership over progress, through the additional license opportunity.
Be sure to check out my Danielson Evaluation Framework Reference Guide with quick key reference points and reminders!
This simple and well-organized tracking form allows students to track the moon as it appears to them over a one month period. As explained in the directions, the students will draw a representation of the moon every three days totalling 10 images in 30 days. The students will have to record observation notes including components such as the time they observed it as well as anything else they noticed. They will also have to attempt to identify the moon phase. This student centered project can easily be assigned as a homework for students to realize that the moon phase changes gradually over a month period as well as how the time of day the moon is visible changes as well. Students will be so excited to be able to draw, and take ownership over something that is such a normal part of their world!
This all inclusive lesson plan pacs a big hit and students will love the student centered exploratory component of this hands on learning! Students will interact with content at four different stations in which they will build, cut, create, and identify polygons, angles, triangles, and three dimensional shapes. You will need some supplies to make this as effective as possible including scissors, glue, straws (pipe cleaners, toothpicks, or cut popsicles sticks will do), as well as construction paper (or colored paper).
The lesson plan comes with clear instructions for teachers, station labels, and a student pack with 4 different worksheets to be complete at each station. An answer key is also included for your convenience. Let me know if you have any questions and best of luck!
Be sure to check out my Geometry Creation Station Task Cards as a fun Exit Ticket, Assessment builder, Independent Work, or spiral review
3.G.A.2, 4.G.A.1, 5.G.B.3, 5.G.B.4, 6.G.A.4
Check out this awesome, and easily integrated mini research assignment to help students develop their knowledge of plant and animal adaptations (I've also used it with insects as students choose). You can either assign a variety of organisms for students to research, or allow them to use a site like to find their own examples and approve it before they complete their worksheet. Students are to use their textbook, articles, and most importantly the internet to fill in a variety of questions about their specific organism. Vocabulary included here are things such as region, predators, habitat, adaptations and more. Students will love the autonomy and freedom to control their own learning and explore specific animals and plants that interest them and will explore the adaptations that help them survive and reproduce.
For an added element, I have the students present their worksheet to the class so the class can preview a variety of other organisms as well! The rest of the class can use the presentations as guided notes with the attached Notes Sheet (you can check out a sample of this in the preview as well).
Check out this awesome form that students can use to self-reflect about classroom rules that they have broken. The infused questions will prompt the students to redirect their thinking as they are able to construct a better alternative to their situation and identify how they are feeling which is aligned with the Conscious Discipline behavior management program. Students will be able to reset and redirect their behaviors in a positive way. This also serves as great documentation of incidents!
Invest students in building their vocabulary, increasing their spelling and improving their handwriting all while having fun! For these worksheets, students will draw an image on the beach, in the mountains, in the desert, and in the woods and then write what it is below each image. The drawing will allow great student buy-in and will hook them into wanting to label it. As students develop they can describe their image with more words and/or larger words!
This activity works perfectly as an introduction to a lesson, a fun homework, a quick assessment after learning new letters, or a Do Now to get students thinking!
Check out my alternative Draw and Label worksheets.
W.K.2, W.1.2
Invest students in building their vocabulary, increasing their spelling and improving their handwriting all while having fun! For these worksheets, students will draw an image on a plate, in a gift, in an egg, and in a halloween themed frame and then write what it is below each image. The drawing will allow great student buy-in and will hook them into wanting to label it. As students develop they can describe their image with more words and/or larger words!
This activity works perfectly as an introduction to a lesson, a fun homework, a quick assessment after learning new letters, or a Do Now to get students thinking!
Check out my alternative Draw and Label worksheets.
W.K.2, W.1.2
Check out this amazing vertical alignment of Florida Sunshine Standards adopted from 2008 which can be used for Vertical PLCs, PLCs, administrators and teachers in order to analyze the foundations, overlaps and alignment from Kindergarten to 5th Grade. This valuable resource can be used for prioritizing standards, identifying lacking foundations, differentiating and so much more!
Feel free to check out my attached sample to view the first 4 pages of the 22 pages of standards alignment!
Wondering how you can reward and incentive your kiddos without hurting your wallet? Check out this invaluable list of 50 ideas that you should be able to do for free, or at the very least, call on some favors from colleagues to help you out!
The same 50 ideas are also presented in ticket form, which can be cut and then picked at random, or given to students. Whatever fits best with your pre-existing classroom reward system! These rewards can be adapted for any grade and will leave students on the edge of their seats to earn them!
Invest students in building their vocabulary, increasing their spelling and improving their handwriting all while having fun! For this worksheet, students will draw an image on the tree and then write what it is below. The drawing will allow great student buy-in and will hook them into wanting to label it. As students develop they can describe their image with more words and/or larger words!
This activity works perfectly as an introduction to a lesson, a fun homework, a quick assessment after learning new letters, or a Do Now to get students thinking!
Check out my alternative Draw and Label worksheets too!
W.K.2, W.1.2
Check out this awesome and highly accessible reference guide to help students learn about instruments related to weather. This guided notes worksheet can be used to facilitate weather instrument instruction, can guide a research project on tools, or can be adapted for a classwork assignment, assessment, or homework
Students will be able to very clearly visualize and organize their understanding of these tools through this template. Students will learn about Thermometers, Rain gauges, Anemometers, Barometers,Hygrometers, and Weather Vanes. Students will identify the tool describe it, and draw a representation of it!
Hashtag Teached Resources by is licensed under a .
Check out this wide variety assessment that can easily be used as a quiz, exit ticket, test, homework, classwork assignment, or simply a worksheet. This worksheet includes identifying some sentences as either a Fact or an Opinion, as well as students creating their own sentences for each, and then interacting with a short passage in which students are to categorize sentences themselves.
This highly interactive worksheet is fun, engaging, and gives the teacher a great snapshot into students' understandings!
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Check out this simple and streamlined sign-in sheet for all of your school events. This serves for great documentation and keeps things consistent and organized. The sheet includes 20 lines for signatures, as well as a clear space for the event name, added notes, and the date and time.
This can easily be adapted for parent-teacher conferences, literacy nights, multicultural nights, Fall Carnivals, PTA meetings and more!
Hashtag Teached Resources by is licensed under a .
Check out this awesome, fun and engaging logic puzzles. Students will have four different prompts in which they will have to figure out which person does what, based on a few lines of rules. For example, there is one sample that talks about when students are born and have a variety of facts about comparing one birth month being 2 months after another person. Students will have to figure out which column matches with which row.
This can easily be administered to students in 3rd through 8th grade!
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