Planning your own unit plans? Want to setup a draft of your 9 week plan? Want to map out your plans ahead of time? Looking for another way of tracking and planning lessons, tests, homework etc.?
Check out this clear and well-organized template that you can edit or print and write in. This simple addition will organize your schedule, lessons, and units clearly for each six week period. Also check out my similar 6-week edition!
This fun looking assignment includes 20 questions in which students will compare the various decimals and decide if they are greater than, less than, or equal to the other decimals. Students can work independently, in partners or in groups on this worksheet that can be easily adapted for a homework, quiz, guided practice or independent practice.
Be sure to check out my various other Comparing Numbers Worksheets as well!
4.NF.B.3b, 4.NF.B.4b, 5.NF.B.5
Check out this awesome set of Acrostic Poems all associated with Valentine's Day! You will find 11 different poems that can easily be distributed to different students for easy differentiation. Students will love to engage with this interactive activity and will be proud to have their work displayed in the classroom!
Be sure to check out my store and my other Acrostic Poem sets!
Check out this fun and engaging T-Chart graphic organizer! The product comes with 5 differentiated formats for teachers to assign to different students accordingly and/or use in different capacities. Some formats include bullet points with lines, while others include boxed off regions to fill in. Students will love the fun and clear layout and will build foundational skills while interacting with it!
Check out my other T-Chart products with additional alternative layouts.
This fun and simple worksheet is comprised of 10 images in which students will identify the image and then decide how many syllables are in each word. The images range from 1-3 syllables. This worksheet can easily be used for whole-group, independent work, homework, assessments and more!
RF.K.2, RF.K.2a, RF.K.2b, RF.K.2d, RF.1.2, RF.1.2b, RF.1.2d, RF.2.3, RF.2.4
This fun and well-designed worksheet is comprised for 10 different images where students will be responsible to identify those images and then choose one of three letters that makes the same beginning sound. Students will develop their phonemic awareness while following the theme of the topic.
RF.K.1, RF.K.1d, RF.K.2d, RF.1.2, RF.1.2c, RF.1.2d
This fun and well-designed worksheet is comprised for 10 different images where students will be responsible to identify those images and then choose one of three letters that makes the same beginning sound. Students will develop their phonemic awareness while following the theme of the topic.
Also, consider looking at my Halloween-Themed Draw and Label Worksheet to build early vocabulary.
RF.K.1, RF.K.1d, RF.K.2d, RF.1.2, RF.1.2c, RF.1.2d
This fun and simple worksheet is comprised of 10 images in which students will identify the image and then decide how many syllables are in each word. The images range from 1-3 syllables. This worksheet can easily be used for whole-group, independent work, homework, assessments and more!
Also, consider looking at my Halloween-Themed Beginning Sound Identification Worksheet.
RF.K.2a, RF.K.2b, RF.K.2d, RF.1.2, RF.1.2b, RF.1.2d, RF.2.3, RF.2.4
This simple and editable template allows teachers to quickly and efficiently track student achievement from Exit Tickets. It can easily be used for any subject and follows a simple symbol system to represent content knowledge attainment.
Be sure to check out my Exit Ticket Self Assesment Post it Note Poster template as well by CLICKING HERE for students to post their exit tickets and teachers to easily evaluate.
This simple five question exit ticket assessment covers the basic info of planets such as the gas giants, terrestrial planets, the first planet to the sun, the last planet to the sun and more. Questions are presented in multiple choice form and are meant to serve as a quick snapshot of what students know or learned about in reference to introductory materials on planets.
Be sure to check out my Planet Labels and Descriptions Printable.
Completing a writing assignment in your classroom that is related to stars, space, rockets, planets, or goals? Well check out this great differentiated star writing template that has three different templates with different line spacing to accommodate different students and skills.
This simple and well structured assessment will requires students to demonstrate their knowledge of the major subatomic particles including protons, neutrons, electrons and the nucleus as well as the location, charge, and relative size of them. Students will also have to draw a representation to confirm their understanding of the content. Can easily be used for an Exit Ticker, a quiz, group work, homework and more!
Check out this awesome interactive worksheet to enhance students' understanding of the hierarchy of space. Students will be exposed to vocabulary including Earth, Solar System, Galaxy (Milky Way specifically), and the Universe. Students will cut out the four images that represent these terms and paste them in order from smallest to largest. Students will develop their big picture understanding of the concept in a fun way that they will never forget! There is also ample room for note taking if you choose to supplement the visuals with text!
Be sure to check out my Planet Labels and Descriptions Printable.
This is a really fun challenge page to promote higher level thinking and can offer a quick solution to early finishers, gifted and talented or just a fun activity to make a Teacher's Day. The goal is for students to complete traditional proverbs with their own sentences.
This printable worksheet offers a great variety for students to practice their growing patterns. The worksheet includes shapes, and numbers that exemplify a growing pattern. This can be used in a variety of forms such as homework, classwork, quiz, group work and more!
3.NBT.A.2, 3.OA.D.9
Check out this awesome interactive lab that students can complete independently, in small groups, at centers or as a whole class. Students will need a piece of newspaper to create their ghosts and then will complete the attached worksheet as they check which surfaces in the classroom transfer the static electricity with their ghost.
Students will be amazed as they find their ghost floating in various places in the classroom!
This fifteen question assessment combines multiple choice and short answer questions and covers topics including comparing physical and chemical changes, measurement, and other properties of matter. This great assessment is the perfect quiz, test, or review for your students!
Harness your students' creativity and imagination with this great artistic project! Students will draw and label the water cycle followed by a couple of comprehension questions. The assignment covers vocabulary including evaporation, precipitation, condensation, water vapor and more!
This printable worksheet offers a great variety for students to practice their growing patterns. The worksheet includes shapes, numbers, and words. This can be used in a variety of forms such as homework, classwork, quiz, group work and more!
3.NBT.A.2, 3.OA.D.9
This simple homework sheet is for two nights, and requires students to identify things at home that are solutions and mixtures on night, and then describe and identify a physical change and do the same for chemical change. All responses are short answer and require students to apply what they learned in class.