PSHE lesson on drinking energy drinks, suitable for key stage 3
Learning Objective: To understand the health risks linked with increased levels of sugar & caffeine.
SMSC/British Values: Individual liberty - making informed decisions.
PSHE lesson on growing up and puberty.
SMSC/British Values: Sustain their self‐esteem in their learning experience.
Learning Objective: To describe the changes that happen to the body during puberty.
Lesson suitable for Year 7 or Year 8
GCSE History
Suitable for Edexcel, paper 2 Early Elizabethan England, 1558–88
3 knowledge organisers, one on each page with key words, key people and key knowledge.
Topic 1: Queen, government and religion, 1558-1569
Topic 2: Challenges to Elizabeth at home and abroad, 1569-88
Topic 3: Elizabethan Society in the Age of Exploration, 1558-88
Emotional literacy
Title: Emotional Literacy – Why is self awareness and sensitivity important?
SMSC/British Values: To listen and respond appropriately to the views and actions of others.
Learning Challenge: To demonstrate the behaviours of sensitivity and self awareness.
A completed independent work booklet on the Holocast. This resources was created with the UCL Holocaust Educational Guide.
8 lesson focus.
Lesson 1 - Introduction. The Big Picture: How Can Sources Explain the Events of the 1930s?
Lesson 2 - The Long History of Antisemitism -
Lesson 3 - A Timeline of Persecution –
Lesson 4 - Ordinary Things –
Lesson 5 - Resistance -
Lesson 6 - Liberation –
Lesson 7 - Straight Road or Twisted Path -
Lesson 8 - Modern Era Genocides -
Title: Love is Respect. What are my boundaries?
Explain the importance of setting boundaries to create healthy relationships.
Signs of healthy relationships
Mughal India Unit of work
Comparisons made between India and Tudor Britain
Whole scheme of learning, including -
Lesson PowerPoints for 10 lessons including revision and feedback
Mid Point Assessment and end of unit assessments
Revision sheets
Lesson on Ghettos during the Holocaust
The lesson features the Warsaw Ghetto
Learning Objective - To explain what conditions were like in the Warsaw Ghetto
Main Activity will include pupils using sources to analyse what life was like in the ghetto
Topic Looking After Myself, Title: Personal Hygiene
PSHE curriculum for Key Stage 3
Suitable for Year 6, 7 or Year 8
SMSC/British Values: Individual liberty - making informed decisions
Learning Challenge: To describe good practices of hygiene and explain why it is important to be clean.
PSHE Lesson on What makes us different?
The lesson is about being open-minded as a British Citizen
Links to British values on diversity willingness to gain new knowledge, to try new experiences and accept others.
Uses examples of the Equality Act and Protected Characteristics to promote fairness and equality
The American West, c1835-c1895
Edexcel History GCSE, Paper 2
American West GCSE Revision knowledge organisers with key words, events with summary key features
3 one page summaries on -
Indian Way of Life and Early Migration West
Settlement on the Great Plains 1860-90
. Conflict and Destruction of Indian Way of Life
What mattered most to British rulers?
British colonial rule in India from 1757s onwards
Conquests of East India Company
Includes information on Robert Clive
Key Stage 3 PSHE Lesson
Link to British Values: Explore the value and richness of cultural diversity in modern Britain.
How is Britain considered multicultural?
Immigration and multiculturalism in modern day Britain