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GCSE American West L15 – Decline of Cowboy and Drives

GCSE American West L15 – Decline of Cowboy and Drives

This lesson contains: An introduction to the ‘open range’ and why the cowboys moved from working on the range rather than performing cattle drives. A task to study the reasons why the cattle drives ended and the role of cowboys declined. Students read the information provided and put the reasons into order of importance. A discussion of the winter of 1886-87 and the consequences of the great ‘die-up’. An opportunity to study the role barbed wire played in the decline of cowboys by studying an exam exemplar and picking out facts and importance words in the answer, then having a go at their own exam question using similar criteria. A plenary crossword with the keys words from the cattle ranging and cowboys lessons. Attachments 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 1 x Publisher Files 2 x Word Files
GCSE Medicine L2 - Medieval Causes of Disease

GCSE Medicine L2 - Medieval Causes of Disease

This lesson contains: An overview of the importance of the Medieval Church. A mind map note-taking task with information on the slides, which can be gone through or printed and used as group information, about the Four Humours, Religious Causes, Supernatural Causes and Miasma. Students take notes about what people believed caused disease. A task to review a summary sheet of the reasons why there was little progress in medicine during the Medieval era. Students complete questions to consolidate. A final judgement task to decide what might have been the most important cause of disease in the era. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 2 x Publisher Files
GCSE Medicine L24 - Lung Cancer Case Study

GCSE Medicine L24 - Lung Cancer Case Study

This lesson contains: A starter to recap previous knowledge on the ‘modern medicine’ topic. Background information about the acceptance of cigarettes in the media and in culture before the 1960’s. There is a YouTube video from the Flintstones advertising cigarettes which would be unacceptable today. An overview of lung cancer, its causes and some statistics, followed by a YouTube video and a gap fill exercise about the diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer. An activity to make more detailed notes on the worksheet, using the information provided, about the difficulties in diagnosing lung cancer and the five main ways to treat it. An overview of methods of prevention of lunch cancer, including statistics and examples of recent poster adverts and some YouTube clips of recent adverts. There is a consolidation colour-coding task to determine which measures by the government encouraged or forced smokers to quit, and what protected non-smokers. A plenary to review using an exam question. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 3 x Publisher Files
GCSE Medicine L23 - Government Prevention Illness

GCSE Medicine L23 - Government Prevention Illness

This lesson contains: A starter to recap previous course knowledge. A discussion of who is responsible for public health, and what this means, and how this might be taking place, including through new laws, advertising campaigns and vaccines. A YouTube video about government attempts to improve health with follow-up discussion. Examples from YouTube (linked in the PPT) of lifestyle campaigns introduced by the government for eating healthily, against drink driving and about preventing smoking. A task to study the information provided and complete three sections on a worksheet about the actions taken by the government. This covers vaccination against measles and other diseases, the campaigns and the new laws brought in to protect people. A plenary exam question to practice and weigh up the increased government involvement in this era compared to previous ones. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 2 x Publisher Files
GCSE Medicine L8 - Renaissance Treatment & Prevention

GCSE Medicine L8 - Renaissance Treatment & Prevention

This lesson contains: A starter to consider a picture source from the Renaissance and what it shows. An activity to use information, either on the board or printed as handouts, to complete a mind map or a table (if students choose it) to note down the changes since the Medieval era, the continuities and things that have some change and some continuity. Information is covered on all treatment methods including new ones like transference and alchemy, and the new herbs from the New World. A change and continuity task about prevention to compare Medieval and Renaissance prevention methods. A plenary to practice exam questions for comparison or contrast between the two eras. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 1 x Publisher File
GCSE Medicine L10 - The Impact of William Harvey

GCSE Medicine L10 - The Impact of William Harvey

This lesson contains: An overview of who William Harvey was and where he was from. An introduction into Harvey’s thinking, using an image of a water pump and a dissected frog. Students can interpret how they led to his greatest discovery - the circulation of the blood. A task to use the information provided to study the improvements Harvey made and how he proved Galen wrong. An activity to study the reasons why Harvey was able to make the discoveries that he did and what factors led to them. A gap fill task to uncover what impact Harvey had on medicine. A plenary task to write 3 facts about certain key words, and another to write a PEE to compare Harvey to other key characters from the unit, including Vesalius and Sydenham. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 2 x Publisher Files
GCSE Medicine L5 - Dealing with the Black Death

GCSE Medicine L5 - Dealing with the Black Death

This lesson contains: A starter to get students thinking about what they already know about the Black Death. A brief source study about the plague and then an overview of the Black Death and its spread/effect. An opportunity to go over the two types of plague: bubonic and pneumonic. A task to study the sources information sheet provided to complete the table of the causes, prevention and treatment of the Black Death. Some extension tasks are available to consider government involvement. A crossword plenary to recap the key words and phrases. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 1 x Word File 2 x Publisher Files
GCSE Medicine L12 - How Did Jenner Defeat Smallpox?

GCSE Medicine L12 - How Did Jenner Defeat Smallpox?

This lesson contains: An overview of innoculation before Jenner came along, with questions on each slide for students to write answers in full. An introduction to Edward Jenner first and then students use the information sheets to complete questions about his discover of smallpox and how it worked. A discussion about the impact of the vaccination, and then students use the information to complete an activity about the impact of Jenner, the resistance he faced and the government funding he recieved. Two plenaries to choose from: the first is an exam question, the second a review about different key words in the lesson. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 1 x Publisher File
GCSE Medicine L6 - Renaissance Causes of Disease

GCSE Medicine L6 - Renaissance Causes of Disease

This lesson contains: An optional starter which gives scenarios about the treatment of Charles II. It could take a while so this is perfect if you don’t mind spreading this lesson over 2 periods. If not, skip this. An introduction to the Renaissance and what it means. Images are used to show the advancements in this period and there is a quiz students can do about inventions and art etc. An overview of the Renaissance challenge to the Church and the advancement in medicine and drawing in this time. A task to use information sheet provided to complete a knowledge organsier worksheet to contain the main changes in ideas of the causes of disease. An activity to study the major situation with causes of disease and students colour a test tube to show little or a lot of change since the Medieval era. A plenary activity to consider whether there was much change between the Medieval era. Students can use the information sheet to do this. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 1 x Word File 2 x Publisher File
GCSE Medicine L9 - Renaissance Medical Care & Vesalius

GCSE Medicine L9 - Renaissance Medical Care & Vesalius

This lesson contains: A starter to test key terms from previous lessons. A change and continuity task to compare and contrast the medics and carers of this era with the Medieval era. A case study into Andreas Vesalius, firstly his background and then what medical drawings and learning was like before he came alone. Activities to note down information about his two books, his drawings and then the impact he had on medicine at the time and later. A detailed look at the front cover of ‘On the Fabric of the Human Body’ and what the different elements imply. A choice of two plenaries: the first is a quiz from the last few lessons and the second is an opportunity to support or oppose a quote about Vesalius’s impact. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 2 x Publisher File
GCSE Medicine L11 - Dealing with the Great Plague

GCSE Medicine L11 - Dealing with the Great Plague

This lesson contains: A starter to recall the Black Plague of the previous era. An overview of the Great Plague from looking at a source image, then statistics about the plague. An activity to study the information provided and complete an organiser about the plague, including the causes, treatments and prevention. There is an extension comparison exercise. A discussion of the increased government intervention. An opportunity to do an exam question to consolidate the knowledge. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 3 x Publisher Files
GCSE Germany L23 - Nazi Control of Religion

GCSE Germany L23 - Nazi Control of Religion

**This lesson contains: ** A review of the spread of religion in Germany. A discussion of why Christians may have supported the Nazis. A study of the information sheets provided to complete a page of info under the following topics: Control of Protestants, Control of Catholics and those religious people who resisted. A YouTube video about Reich Church established by the Nazis. Source work on the Church and what can be learned about support for it. A plenary review with questions. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 1 x Word File
GCSE Cold War L17 - Afghanistan and End of Detente

GCSE Cold War L17 - Afghanistan and End of Detente

This lesson contains: A starter to give recall practice for previous course knowledge. Background information about Afghanistan’s location and history leading up the 1979 from Takari to Amin and the revolts of the Mujahaddin. The students discuss the potential Soviet reaction. A task to consolidate the knowledge so far about the reasons for the Soviet invasion using the information provided. An overview of the Soviet invasion and the events, and then the consequences including the Carter Doctrine, Olympic Boycotts and the failure of SALT 2. A plenary to consider the evidence showing that Detente was now at an end. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 2 x Publisher Files
GCSE Medicine L7 - Sydenham, New Approaches & Technology

GCSE Medicine L7 - Sydenham, New Approaches & Technology

This lesson contains: A starter to recap previous knowledge so far from the course. An activity to read the information provided about Thomas Sydenham and his impact on medicine. Students complete a mind map about him in their books. Information on the board about the Printing Press where students acknowledge the impact. A guided reading worksheet about the Royal Society. Students read then answer the consolidation questions. A plenary exam question using what was learnt in the lesson. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 1 x Publisher Files 2 x Word Files
GCSE Cold War L9 - Arms Race & De-Stalinisation

GCSE Cold War L9 - Arms Race & De-Stalinisation

This lesson contains: A starter gap fill which recaps prior knowledge from the course. An introduction to the arms race using a source image to elicit responses. An embedded video of my own making which summarises the arms race and the creation of different weapons from the A bombs, H bombs and ICBMs. A consolidation activity using the information provided to complete extension questions and a timeline activity for the arms race. A discussion of MAD and what it means using a source to elicit the information then go over it using the on-board info. A task to read the guided reading on the new leaders in 1953 (Eisenhower and Khrushchev) and what impact they had on relations at the time. A plenary set of questions in a fun ‘tell your advisors’ format, and a plenary to watch a bit of ‘Duck and Cover’ and discuss it. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 3 x Publisher Files
GCSE Cold War L5 - Satellite States & Iron Curtain

GCSE Cold War L5 - Satellite States & Iron Curtain

This lesson contains: A starter to put events in the correct order to practice knowledge recall and narrative skills. An overview of the satellite states and where they were, as well as the intention of Stalin to create a buffer zone. This is added to by a short YouTube video and consolidation questions on the worksheet and a map colouring exercise. An activity to use the information provided about the spread of communism throughout Europe to complete a table to show the trends of the Soviet strategy of take over. Information and a YouTube video on the Iron Curtain. Students complete questions on this. A plenary to either complete a source analysis on the worksheet provided or attempt an exam question. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 3 x Publisher Files 1 x Word File
GCSE Cold War L1 - Ideological Differences of Capitalism & Communism

GCSE Cold War L1 - Ideological Differences of Capitalism & Communism

This lesson contains: A starter with eight prompt images about the Cold War to see what students already know about some of the pictures. An introduction to what a ‘cold’ war is and what it means. Then an introduction into the situation in the 1940’s with Hitler being surrounded by the major powers. An overview of the major players of the Cold War including the USA and USSR and where they are. The USSR is also broken down into its meaning. A consolidation task to fill in gaps to give an overview of the info covered so far. A task to read the information provided and complete questions about the differences between capitalism and communism. The extension is to consider what both sides thought of the other. A plenary crossword exercise provided. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 3 x Publisher Files
GCSE Cold War L19 - Gorbachev's New Thinking

GCSE Cold War L19 - Gorbachev's New Thinking

This lesson contains: A starter which gives the background of the Chernobyl disaster to lead onto this lesson about change in policy. A task to note down information from the slides about the problems facing the USSR in the 1980s including social issues, lack of freedom, living standards and economic problems. An introduction into Gorbachev and his new thinking ideas. Students use the information provided to complete the info on glasnost and perestroika. An overview of the summits with Reagan and the INF Treaty. Students complete a table to store the info all together. An introduction into the impact on relations from Gorbachev’s actions, including his impact with the people of the USSR and with the U.S. Students complete the worksheet. A plenary quiz at the end to consolidate their knowledge. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 2 x Publisher Files
GCSE Cold War L16 - Detente

GCSE Cold War L16 - Detente

This lesson contains: A starter to recap previous course knowledge. An overview of Detente as an idea eminating from the fear of nuclear war and the expense of building up weapons. An activity for students to summarise the reasons why the USA and USSR wanted Detente. A detailed look at SALT 1 using the YouTube video and the information provided to complete the first part of the worksheet. A look at other events with similar consolidation activities for the Helsinki Accords and SALT 2. A plenary activity to do an exam question for two consequences of the Detente period with an additional plenary to consider who came out the best from Detente. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Powerpoint 2 x Publisher File
GCSE Cold War L4 - Atomic Bombs and Declining Relations

GCSE Cold War L4 - Atomic Bombs and Declining Relations

This lesson contains: A starter to recap some of the knowledge so far in the course. A discussion about the success or failure of the three conferences going forward into the rest of the 1940’s. Students judge how well the USSR came out of these negotiations and what they gained. An overview of the dropping of the atomic bombs on Japan after Postdam with images of Nagasaki and Hiroshima. Students consider how Stalin might react. An opportunity to analyse a historian’s opinion of Stalin’s next steps, then use the guided reading on the worksheet to complete the questions down the side about the impact of the use of the atomic bombs. An overview of the Long Telegram and Novikov Telegram and their consequences. A discussion of what Stalin would do next after the telegrams. A plenary to write to Truman recommending how to contain communism without starting a war. Attachments: 1 x Powerpoint Presentation 1 x Publisher File