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PE Tutor's Shop

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A large variety of digital (e-learning) and traditional resources for GCSE and A Level PE for all exam boards, as well as resources for BTEC Sport Level 3.




A large variety of digital (e-learning) and traditional resources for GCSE and A Level PE for all exam boards, as well as resources for BTEC Sport Level 3.
OCR A Level PE (2016): Pre & Post 1850 Industrial Britain - Drag and drop activity

OCR A Level PE (2016): Pre & Post 1850 Industrial Britain - Drag and drop activity

An interactive drag and drop activity on the concepts involved in pre and post 1850 Industrial Britain. This is an engaging, fun activity designed to challenge and strengthen your students' knowledge and understanding of the concepts involved in this part of the socio-cultural module of the OCR A Level PE course. It could be used when introducing the topic to gauge the level of pre-existing knowledge and understanding your students have or it can be used multiple times to review the topic. It's a great resource for students to come back to having not studied it for a while and it is especially useful for Year 13 students reviewing this topic after having studied it in Year 12. To use this resource, simply download the word document and delete the blue box. A url address will be revealed which you can copy and distribute to your students electronically. This digital resource will work on any wifi connected device; PC, Mac, phone and tablet - perfect for digital learning!
A Level PE (2016): Chelladurai's model of sports leadership (interactive drag and drop)

A Level PE (2016): Chelladurai's model of sports leadership (interactive drag and drop)

This is an engaging interactive activity designed to challenge and strengthen your students' knowledge and understanding of Chelladurai's model of sports leadership as part of the sport psychology component of their A Level PE course. It could be used as a 'teaser' when introducing the topic to encourage your students to think hard and 'work out' how the model works, thus giving them a deeper level of knowledge and understanding of the model and it can be used multiple times to review the topic. It's also a great resource to use in order to encourage your students to articulate and verbalise their understanding and thought processes as they drag and drop each component in place. To use this resource, simply download the word document and delete the blue box. A url address will be revealed which you can copy and distribute to your students electronically. This digital resource will work on any wifi connected device; PC, Mac, phone and tablet - perfect for digital learning!
GCSE PE Revision App

GCSE PE Revision App

Looking for student success in GCSE PE? This interactive app allows your students to learn, revise and prepare for their GCSE PE exams with ease and confidence. Perfect for digital learning! Packed with over 400 examples, explanations and definitions this app comes with exam style questions and answers making the GCSE PE app perfect for digital learning and revision! Who is this app for? Anyone studying or teaching PE! This app is mainly for Year 9, Year 10 and Year 11 students studying GCSE PE in the UK and worldwide. It is suitable for all exam boards. Students studying BTEC Sport and other courses will also find this app very useful. Who else would benefit from using this app? The app is also really useful for A level PE students. It serves as a reference to refresh and develop knowledge and understanding of the many topics involved in studying Physical Education. Contents Over 400 explanations, examples and definitions appear under the following topics: - Cardiovascular System - Components of Fitness - Diet and Nutrition - Drugs - Muscular System - Skeletal System - Sport Psychology - Training Simply distribute the url address to your students electronically and they can use this resource on any PC, tablet or mobile device giving them complete freedom to access and revisit topics of their choice in any order at anytime. Perfect for personalised learning and preparation for your students' GCSE PE exam.
A Level PE (2016): OCR - The Modern Olympic Games - Question & Answer Cards

A Level PE (2016): OCR - The Modern Olympic Games - Question & Answer Cards

Question and Answer cards on the Modern Olympic Games for the reformed OCR A Level PE courses (2016). Perfect for starting lessons, introducing this new topic, interleaving and recapping previous learning as well as for collaborative revision activities, these flashcards can be projected on your whiteboard or printed in a variety of sizes (and in black and white) and displayed in your classroom or distributed to your students electronically. Questions include topics on: -the founder of the modern Olympic Games -the background of the modern Olympic Games -the aims of the modern Olympic Games -the dates & venues of the specified Olympic Games -the exploitation of the modern Olympic Games Also included in this resource is a random question and answer generator. Made on PowerPoint, questions and answers will continue to appear in quick succession until you press the S key on your key board. To exit the slide show press Esc. Haven’t covered a topic yet and don’t want those questions or answers to appear? No problem, just hide the relevant slides (in the slide view tab) until you are ready to use them. A fun and interactive way to engage your students in a question and answer session!
GCSE PE Revision Bundle

GCSE PE Revision Bundle

8 Resources
Wow! Wow! Wow! Over 55% off these 8 GCSE PE resources when bought together in this bundle!! (Normal price £22.50) Question and Answer cards are ideal for setting up quiz activities in the classroom which students can complete on their own or in small groups. These interactive activities are the way forward. Just copy the link and distribute them to your students so that they can access them on any wifi enabled device; mobile phone, tablet or PC / Mac. Perfect for revision, retrieval and spaced practice!
GCSE PE: Components of Fitness - Interactive Questions (e-learning)

GCSE PE: Components of Fitness - Interactive Questions (e-learning)

What is this resource? An interactive e-learning resource which enables your students to answer, redraft and improve their responses to a variety of exam style questions on the components of fitness. It can be used on PCs, tablets and smart phones. How does it work? Your students have complete control of the learning experience. • Using the menu, students navigate to the components of fitness of their choice and choose which questions they would like to answer. • The ‘show hint’ button provides guidance (scaffolding) to students who might need additional support when tackling the question. With practise and repetition, students become less dependent on the scaffolding guidance. • Students type or dictate their response into the answer box. • The question must be answered before the model answer can be revealed. • Tapping the ‘Check your answer’ button reveals the model answer and provides feedback in real time to your students about their response in comparison to the model answer. Ideal for developing self-assessment skills and encouraging students to reflect on their answers. • On seeing the model answer, students have the opportunity to redraft and improve their original response as many times as they want or need to. See the resource in action: https://youtu.be/1TleLxH-duo When students leave the resource their work is automatically stored. When they return to the activity they can choose to either start afresh and tackle the questions again or resume from where they left off. Students can take screenshots of their responses and store them in their e-portfolios. Perfect for interleaving, revision and honing exam technique.
OCR A Level PE (2016): Curriculum Tracking Document

OCR A Level PE (2016): Curriculum Tracking Document

As HoD or teacher i/c A level PE you can now be more confident than ever that every aspect of the whole two year specification is covered. This excel spreadsheet allows you and your colleagues to quickly and easily indicate when a topic has been covered. It also allows you to track which pupils have mastered a topic, which still need more work and those who are way off the pace and require serious intervention. Here's how to use this OCR A Level PE curriculum tracking document: Store the tracking document in a shared folder so all A level PE teachers can access it. When a topic has been covered, teachers simply put a 'Yes' in the column against the corresponding topic, automatically turning the cell from red to green. This is an ideal tool for small and large departments, especially those with more than one teacher teaching the same component to different classes. You may wish to track your students' progress as well. Against the students' names, enter a 1 if their knowledge and understanding is limited and they are in need of considerable intervention, (the corresponding cell will turn red), enter a 2 if they have a reasonable understanding but still need to work on the topic (the cell will turn orange) or enter a 3 if the student has mastered the topic. Ideally, by the end of the course, all the cells should be green!
A Level PE (2016): Sentence Starters - 19th Century Public Schools

A Level PE (2016): Sentence Starters - 19th Century Public Schools

Give your students the start of a sentence and they have to complete it correctly. A really simple, yet engaging activity which will get your students thinking about the role of the 19th century public schools and their influence on modern sport. Students simply choose a number by tapping on it, which reveals the start of a sentence. If students can correctly complete the sentence the sentence remains visible. If they can't complete the sentence correctly, it can be hidden by tapping on the number again. Distribute this digital resource through your VLE, Showbie, (or equivalent) for your students to access on their tablets or mobile devices. To benefit from its full interactivity, students will need to download Microsoft's PowerPoint app from the App Store or Google Play (free). Alternatively, it can be used as a whole class starter or review activity by projecting the resource onto your whiteboard. Additionally, the PDF version can be printed to be used as a paper resource.
A Level PE (2016): OCR - Classification of Skill - Dominoes

A Level PE (2016): OCR - Classification of Skill - Dominoes

A great set of dominoes focusing on developing students’ subject knowledge and understanding of the key concepts involved in classification of skill. Brilliant for collaborative learning! Here’s a versatile resource that allows you to print a number of domino style cards on the topic of classification of skill. Have your students work on their own or together in small groups in order to complete the domino circle. Then check their answers and understanding by projecting the power point dominoes onto the whiteboard. Great formative assessment for learning activity - you can really see what your students understand and where they need more guidance.
A Level PE (2016): OCR - The Modern Olympic Games - Dominoes

A Level PE (2016): OCR - The Modern Olympic Games - Dominoes

A great set of dominoes on the modern Olympic Games for OCR A level PE. Brilliant for collaborative learning! Here’s a versatile resource that allows you to print a number of domino style cards on the topics of the modern Olympic Games. Have your students work together on their own or in small groups in order to complete the domino circle. Then check their answers and understanding by projecting the power point dominoes onto the whiteboard. Great formative assessment for learning activity - you can really see what your students understand and where they need more guidance.
A Level PE (2016): Classification of Skill - 3 Sided Dominoes

A Level PE (2016): Classification of Skill - 3 Sided Dominoes

A really useful resource to reinforce the key concepts involved in the classification of skill. Challenge your students to complete this engaging 3 sided domino activity and then have them explain why each triangle is in the correct position. Alternatively, have one group of students deliberately set up the puzzle incorrectly and have another group work on correcting it and identifying what the mistakes are and why. Simply print out the PowerPoint slide or PDF, cut up the triangles and distribute to your students. Print and keep the master copy for students to refer to. Excellent for collaborative learning!
A Level PE (2016): OCR - Classification of Skill - 'Justify' Dominoes

A Level PE (2016): OCR - Classification of Skill - 'Justify' Dominoes

These domino question cards focus on helping students justify the placing of skills on different skill continuum. As identified in examiners’ reports, although students’ knowledge of skill classification may be sound, they often struggle to successfully justify the placing of skills on continua. These dominoes will help! Brilliant for collaborative learning! Here’s a versatile resource that allows you to print a number of domino style cards on the topic of classification of skill. Have your students work on their own or together in small groups in order to complete the domino circle. Then check their answers and understanding by projecting the power point dominoes onto the whiteboard. Great formative assessment for learning activity - you can really see what your students understand and where they need more guidance.
A Level PE: Error Detective - Transfer of Skill

A Level PE: Error Detective - Transfer of Skill

***“A superb resource to help students really show their understanding of the key concepts involved in transfer of skill.” “Excellent resource for identifying misconceptions and for getting students to articulate their knowledge and understanding.”*** With this easy to use resource you’ll be able to challenge your students and enable them to see for themselves how well they know and understand the key concepts involved in transfer of skill. Students are presented with a series of statements and have to decide whether each is correct or whether it contains an error. If they detect an error they must correct it. In this resource there are 18 statements to do with transfer of skill which have been especially designed to challenge common misconceptions and enable your students to articulate their understanding of the concepts involved in this topic. Specifically, the resource has: a PowerPoint presentation of the 18 statements - useful for whole class teaching & working through the task as a whole a randon generator PowerPoint presentation of the 18 statements - useful for retrieval practice & an element of surprise MS Word and PDF worksheets of the 18 statements - perfect for individual study colour coded MS Word and PDF documents of the correct and incorrect statements - excellent for teacher, peer & self assessment Printable worksheets - ideal for students to make notes on and write their correct responses and to refer to for revision Printable slides - to use for flashcard type activities Error Detective video - to introduce the activity
A Level PE: Error Detective - Learning Theories

A Level PE: Error Detective - Learning Theories

***“A superb resource to help students really show their understanding of the key concepts involved in learning theories.” “Excellent resource for identifying misconceptions and for getting students to articulate their knowledge and understanding.”*** With this easy to use resource you’ll be able to challenge your students and enable them to see for themselves how well they know and understand the key concepts involved in learning theories. Students are presented with a series of statements and have to decide whether each is correct or whether it contains an error. If they detect an error they must correct it. In this resource there are 18 statements to do with learning theories which have been especially designed to challenge common misconceptions and enable your students to articulate their understanding of the concepts involved in this topic. Specifically, the resource has: a PowerPoint presentation of the 18 statements - useful for whole class teaching & working through the task as a whole a randon generator PowerPoint presentation of the 18 statements - useful for retrieval practice & an element of surprise MS Word and PDF worksheets of the 18 statements - perfect for individual study colour coded MS Word and PDF documents of the correct and incorrect statements - excellent for teacher, peer & self assessment Printable worksheets - ideal for students to make notes on and write their correct responses and to refer to for revision Printable slides - to use for flashcard type activities Error Detective video - to introduce the activity