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Prosthetics imitating the human body

Prosthetics imitating the human body

Explore the body parts that can be replaced with prosthetic devices With the constant advancement in materials and prosthetic technology, this engineering activity for kids explores different materials and their suitability in the use of prosthetics for different body parts. Students will gather data on different materials to create a presentation that can be used to discuss new materials and the part that they play in the development of prosthetic devices. This free STEM resource is aimed at secondary school students. Students will be encouraged to think about how technology is changing our society. This lesson can be introduced by talking about skeletons. An anatomical skeleton can be used as a prop. Do you know what can be done when joints wear out in our skeletons? Students will be divided into teams and asked to come up with a list of body parts that can be replaced with prosthetic devices. Each team will explain their results to the rest of the class. Students can vote for the device they think is most likely to be made in the future. This activity will take roughly 15 minutes to complete. The engineering context The development of new materials with incredible properties is changing the way we live. From LCD TVs to super light airliners, these materials have quickly found their way into the modern technology around us. One area where modern materials have made a huge impact is in the development of prosthetic devices. Some of these devices are beginning to outperform ‘natural’ body parts. The resources within this, and the related activities, encourage students to investigate the properties of smart materials and carry out some data manipulation. Students will also explore the possible moral and ethical issues associated with people potentially choosing to replace healthy body parts with artificial prostheses because they offer higher performance. Suggested learning outcome By the end of this activity students will be able to explain what joints are and how they work. They will also be able to suggest links between modern technology and health. All activity sheets and supporting resources are free to download, and all the documents are fully editable, so you can tailor them to your students’ and your schools’ needs. The activity sheet includes teacher notes, guidance, useful web links, and links (where appropriate) to the national curriculum in each of the four devolved UK nations; England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Please share your classroom learning highlights with us @IETeducation
Presenting fitness data

Presenting fitness data

Learn how to graphically represent a range of fitness levels This engineering activity provides students with the opportunity to collect and present data and think about different presentation techniques. The data collected will be used as evidence to debate whether people should be encouraged to engage in computer-based sports activities. Do computer “anytime fitness” games really have the same benefits as more traditional fitness activities? Through this activity, students will be able to use their data to start answering this question. This free resource is aimed at secondary school students. It was designed as a mathematics activity and should be preceded by the ‘Wii Fitness?’ activity. Activity introduction In this engaging STEM task students will use the data gathered during an investigation to contextualise frequency curves. The ‘Can using a Games Console Make You Fitter?’ worksheet used in the corresponding ‘Wii Fitness?’ activity generates cumulative data on pulse rates and levels of fitness. Actual collection of data could easily be carried out a Mathematics teacher – no specialist equipment is required. These can be prepared in advance based on datasets prepared by the teacher or teachers could use data from different classes, year groups or gender groups to allow a comparison. Working in groups of 4-6, students should be given this data. Each team should decide how to group this data and then draw a cumulative frequency graph. From this, they should identify the median and quartiles and use this information to draw a box plot. This activity will take approximately 30 minutes. What you will need Projector Whiteboard The engineering context The ‘Who’s the winner’ scheme of work provides students with an opportunity to collect data which they can use as evidence to debate whether people should be encouraged to engage in computer-based sport activities. The investigation highlights how difficult it is to control all variables and therefore carry out a fair test. The students’ evaluation of the investigation will allow them the chance to question the validity of the data, question the size of the Data set used and question the time span data needs to be collected over before it can be used to confirm a claim. Suggested learning outcomes By the end of this activity learners will be able to plot cumulative frequency diagrams. Download the activity sheets for free! All activity sheets and supporting resources are free to download, and all the documents are fully editable, so you can tailor them to your students’ and your schools’ needs. The activity sheet includes teacher notes, guidance, useful web links, and links (where appropriate) to the national curriculum in each of the four devolved UK nations; England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Please share your classroom learning highlights with us @IETeducation