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Into Film

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(based on 284 reviews)

Into Film is an education organisation providing a unified UK-wide offer for learning through and about film. It is supported by the British Film Institute (BFI) through Lottery funding and its programme includes delivery of the BFI 5-19 education scheme. Into Film's resources range from film discussion guides, to curriculum linked worksheets, lesson plans and presentations. Our resources are tailored to fit the curriculum criteria of each nation, supporting learning outcomes.




Into Film is an education organisation providing a unified UK-wide offer for learning through and about film. It is supported by the British Film Institute (BFI) through Lottery funding and its programme includes delivery of the BFI 5-19 education scheme. Into Film's resources range from film discussion guides, to curriculum linked worksheets, lesson plans and presentations. Our resources are tailored to fit the curriculum criteria of each nation, supporting learning outcomes.
Cultural Identity - Attack the Block (KS4 English/Media)

Cultural Identity - Attack the Block (KS4 English/Media)

One of a series of resources working with films from the BFI Sci-fi season. The activities in this resource encourage students to work with Attack the Block (2011) to evaluate how young people are portrayed in the media and how stereotypes and cultural identities are challenged and reinforced in these films. To find out more about Into Film and start a free Into Film Club visit www.intofilm.org/clubs Did you find this resource useful? Leaving a star rating will help other teachers to find it.
Reel to Real: An Inspector Calls, V&A

Reel to Real: An Inspector Calls, V&A

This resource helps students explore character, meaning & interpretation through clips from the 1954 film adaptation of the play and short extracts from the 1993 National Theatre production, courtesy of the V&A. This PDF should be used with an accompanying Power Point presentation. These activities are broadly suitable for 11-18 English, drama and related subjects and particularly helpful in supporting study of the play for GCSE English literature. For more information about Into Film and help setting up your free film club, visit www.intofilm.org/clubs
Seachd: The Inaccessible Pinnacle - Primary

Seachd: The Inaccessible Pinnacle - Primary

This Into Film resource, designed to be used across second level in Scotland, explores a range of issues and curriculum areas through the film, Seachd: The Inaccessible Pinnacle. It has been created in partnership with Stòrlann Nàiseanta na Gàidhlig, the agency charged with co-ordinating the production and distribution of Gaelic educational resources throughout Scotland. These teachers' notes should be used in conjunction with the PowerPoint presentation found at http://www.intofilm.org/seachd-gaelic-resource. To find out more about Into Film and start a film club visit: www.intofilm.org.
Earth to Echo - Our Adventure

Earth to Echo - Our Adventure

Take your pupils on a summer adventure with Earth to Echo – a creative way for supporting the primary to secondary transition. The resource aims to capture the memories and the Lessons and Classroom Activities encourage pupils to value their friendships through scrapbooking, school year books and filmmaking activities! To receive your physical competition pack and entry forms, please register at http://www.nationalschoolspartnership.com/echo.php. Find out more about Into Film and start a film club in your school for free at: www.intofilm.org
Real to Reel: Pride & Prejudice

Real to Reel: Pride & Prejudice

This pdf resource and accompanying PowerPoint presentation, available to download from https://www.intofilm.org/resources/215 offers a fresh take on this classic set text exploring characters, themes and historical context through clips from the 2005 film adaptation alongside content from the V&A's world-renowned collections of art, design and performance. These activities are broadly suitable for 11-18 English literature, and particularly helpful in supporting study of the play at GCSE or Advanced level. To see more resources in this series, visit https://www.intofilm.org/resources and to find out more about Into Film and start a film club visit: https://www.intofilm.org/clubs
WALL-E Welsh National Literacy Framework resource

WALL-E Welsh National Literacy Framework resource

We have produced this new resource on WALL-E to complement the new Welsh National Literacy Framework for Primary schools, aimed a developing oracy, reading, and writing across the curriculum. Developed in conjunction with a leading literacy practitioner and the Welsh Government, these bilingual resources aim to empower teachers to increase literacy through film. Order your free DVD from www.filmclub.org
Hairspray resource to support Welsh National Literacy Framework

Hairspray resource to support Welsh National Literacy Framework

We have produced this new resource based on the film Hairspray to complement the new Welsh National Literacy Framework for Primary schools, aimed a developing oracy, reading, and writing across the curriculum. Developed in conjunction with a leading literacy practitioner and the Welsh Government, these bilingual resources aim to empower teachers to increase literacy through film. To order your free DVD, please visit www.filmclub.org
Creating Movie Magic: Primary

Creating Movie Magic: Primary

Into Film has partnered with the Industry Trust for Intellectual Property Awareness and the Intellectual Property Office for the second year, to produce a new resource for Primary students. Intellectual property supports creativity, innovation, and has an important role to play in both the UK economy, and the creative industries. That is why we're committed to ensuring children and young people are fully aware of exactly what IP is, why it's important, and how it links to children's own creativity and filmmaking. This resource introduces key ideas of intellectual property and copyright, enabling learners to explore concepts of creativity and ownership in relation to film. By becoming creators themselves and exploring the different roles involved in making a film, the activities encourage children to understand and respect intellectual property and want to preserve it in the future. Download the accompanying Creating Movie Magic: Primary PowerPoint from the Into Film website at https://www.intofilm.org/resources/34 For information on how to start an Into Film club and order DVDs for free please visit www.intofilm.org/clubs
Romeo and Juliet Shakespeare: The Animated Tales

Romeo and Juliet Shakespeare: The Animated Tales

Explore Romeo and Juliet with this creative workbook that helps students to analyse the play based on the Shakespeare: The Animated Tales adaptation of the play through the 3Cs (character, camera, colour) and 3Ss (story, setting, sound). This resource is suitable for students aged 7 plus and the teachers' notes includes extension activities. For information on howto start a free Into Film club and to order this DVD for free, please visit http://www.intofilm.org/schools-film-clubs
Shakespeare In Love - Film Guide

Shakespeare In Love - Film Guide

This one-page film guide is designed to support pre and post screening discussions around the film with accompanying teacher notes, which can help teachers build discussion around character, different genres and key message of the film . The film guide is suitable to use with students age 14+. Did you find this resource useful? Leaving a star rating can help other teachers to find it. Not yet Into Film? Start your free Into Film Club at www.intofilm.org
Into Film Festival Strand Resource: Against All Odds

Into Film Festival Strand Resource: Against All Odds

This resource offers activities to help embed film watching and filmmaking in educational practice to promote achievement by all. The resource includes activity outlines for an inspiring, inclusive film-focused project as well as further information on using film across the curriculum. The Into Film Festival takes place between 4-20 November 2015. There are free screenings and events at over 520 venues across the UK. To book and find out more visit www.intofilm.org/festival
Into Film Festival Strand Resource: Stop and Think!

Into Film Festival Strand Resource: Stop and Think!

Activities in this resource explore ideas of empathy, identity and stereotypes, as well as developing learners’ understanding of rights and responsibilities. Pupils will create a Code of Conduct for their cinema visit and learn to be mindful of themselves and those around them. The Into Film Festival takes place from 4-20 November 2015. There are free screenings and events at over 520 venues across the UK. To book and find out more visit www.intofilm.org/festival
Into Film Festival Strand Resource: Love

Into Film Festival Strand Resource: Love

This resource enables teachers to use films as case studies to develop emotional literacy and empathy skills, whilst challenging young people creatively through a wide range of literacy and filmmaking activities. The Into Film Festival takes place between 4-20 November 2015. There are free screenings and events at over 520 venues across the UK. To book and find out more visit www.intofilm.org/festival
Malala Youth Voice

Malala Youth Voice

A resource produced in partnership with The National Schools Partnership and Fox Searchlight Pictures. This resource provides guidance and the tools students need to enter the Malala Youth Voice Filmmaking Competition, based on the new documentary film He Named Me Malala in cinemas on 6 November 2015. More resources to support an assembly and PSHE, Citizenship and English lessons are available at www.nationalschoolspartnership.com/malalayouthvoice.php. Through these resources students can explore Malala's story, the right to education and approaches to effective campaigning.
Silent Shakespeare: Revision Through Film

Silent Shakespeare: Revision Through Film

These film-focused lessons are designed for used in studying English Literature English, using BFI film resources of Shakespeare adaptations. The lessons are particularly suitable to support revision for 14-16-year olds and cover four set texts: The Tempest, The Merchant of Venice, Macbeth and Twelfth Night. Each activity can be used in relation to the chosen text and mapped to exam boards. This resource was written by a Teach First teacher and is based on the Silent Shakespeare BFI archive film collection. For more information on the Shakespeare on Film season, please visit http://www.bfi.org.uk/shakespeare-on-film
Film Literacy Activities/ Gweithgareddau llythrennedd ffilm

Film Literacy Activities/ Gweithgareddau llythrennedd ffilm

This literacy pack provides a range of worksheets for analysing the storyline and characters within any film. There are also worksheets to help young people to develop their personal analysis and interpretation of the film in addition to a section on filmmaking tasks. The final section contains worksheets to promote extended writing to develop the learning from any film. Mae'r pecyn llythrennedd yn cynnig nifer o syniadau ar gyfer dadansoddi'r stori a'r cymeriadau o fewn unrhyw ffilm. Mae yna thaflenni gwaith i helpu pobl ifanc i ddatblygu eu dadansoddiad personol a dehongliad o'r ffilm yn ogystal ag adran ar dasgau gwneud ffilmiau. Mae'r adran olaf yn cynnwys taflenni gwaith i hyrwyddo ysgrifennu estynedig i ddatblygu'r dysgu o unrhyw ffilm.
Big Picture Project - A Beautiful Planet

Big Picture Project - A Beautiful Planet

Big Picture Project gives young people a unique perspective on our beautiful and changing Earth, through the eyes of an astronaut. The STEM project, which has at its heart the breathtaking new IMAX® film, A Beautiful Planet, empowers them to see that small actions in their everyday lives have maximum impact when we all work together to instigate positive behavioural change. Students are tasked by an astronaut to carry out scientific experiments and research into everyday water, waste and travel habits, and then apply an 'IMAX® Scale Tool' to assess the huge potential impact for change in their school, their country and across the UK. The resource is suitable for educators of young people aged 7-14 and includes: environmental case studies; fun facts about the Earth and life aboard the International Space Station; three lesson plans with PowerPoint presentations and activity sheets; an editable certificate and more. Showing in selected IMAX® screens from Friday 27th May. These resources were created in partnership between Into Film, SUPER and IMAX®. To start your free Into Film club visit www.intofilm.org/clubs Did you find this resource useful? Leaving a star rating will help other teachers to find it.
Careers in Film - Secondary

Careers in Film - Secondary

Careers in Film - Secondary introduces students aged 11 to 16 to a range of potential careers in the film industry through a variety of learning activities, with cross-curricular links to STEAM subjects and a variety of skills. It has been created to respond to the need for new, homegrown talent by providing an opportunity for students to explore how they might see themselves as part of the industry. By watching clips and interviews, researching and trying out well-known and unfamiliar roles in the sector, learners can begin to understand the skills they are already developing across the curriculum that could one day translate to fulfilling careers. This comprehensive resource has been produced by Into Film in partnership with BAFTA, Creative Skillset, The Production Guild, Film Distributors' Association, The Industry Trust and UK Cinema Association. All educators should download the PPT and Educators' Notes, and whichever Student Workbook and Skills Audit PDFs are suitable for their cohort (11-14 or 14-16). Exclusive industry interviews and masterclasses are available to watch at www.intofilm.org/careers-secondary To start your free Into Film club visit www.intofilm.org/clubs Did you find this resource useful? Leaving a star rating will help other teachers to find it.
Reel to Real: Adapting Macbeth – Throne of Blood

Reel to Real: Adapting Macbeth – Throne of Blood

This resource is specially created for our Reel to Real education project with the learning department at the V&A Museum. This education resource is designed to work in conjunction with the accompanying PowerPoint. These activities are designed for English, drama and related subjects at ages 11-18. They are particularly suitable for supporting the study of the play Macbeth for English and English literature studies by exploring character, meaning and interpretation. It comprises of a set of comprehensive teachers’ notes with worksheets for use in the classroom and the accompanying Reel to Real: Adapting Macbeth Throne of Blood PowerPoint presentation which includes clips from clips from Kurosawa’s film adaptation of the play in Throne of Blood which transports the action from the Scottish highlands of the original play to feudal medieval Japan and extracts from a recording of the 2013 Trafalgar Studios production of Macbeth, courtesy of the National Video Archive of Performance (NVAP) at the V&A Museum. The DVD is available to order for free on the Into Film website at https://www.intofilm.org/films Did you find this resource useful? Leaving a star rating can help other teachers to find it. Not yet Into Film? Start your free Into Film Club at www.intofilm.org/clubs
British Council Shorts 2016: 14-19

British Council Shorts 2016: 14-19

Since 2013 the Into Film Programming Team and members of the Film Department at the British Council have worked together to create a showcase for the best British short films that appeal to young people made each year. Resulting in a series of short film programmes for Primary and Secondary ages they all include a variety of animation, live action and documentary film offering something for everyone. Watch them all at once or just dip in and out whenever you want a short burst of film fun. The British Council builds trust between, and creates international opportunities for, the people of the UK and other countries worldwide. Its specialist Film department works to profile the innovation, diversity, creativity and excellence of British films both internationally and in the UK. Supporting short films and emerging filmmakers is a key part of our activity and so we're absolutely thrilled to be a partner for this compilation and bring some of the best short films from around UK to a brand new audience. Find out more here: www.britishcouncil.org/film The British Council also works with schools in the UK and globally to enrich education and promote global citizenship. We can help you to collaborate with partner schools overseas and give you access to resources and professional development courses. Find out more here: www.britishcouncil.org/schoolsonline