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Missing number problems teaching slides - Year 1 WR Maths - Spring Block 2 Add and Sub Step 10
These are fully editable teaching slides that goes along with Step 10 - Missing number problems - Year 1 White Rose Maths Spring Block Addition and Subtraction within 20.
Using the ‘I do, We do, You do’, it implements the mastery approach of concrete, pictorial and abstract to ensure children understand the fundamental mathematical concepts and take ownership of their own learning.
The clip-art used in the slides have been downloaded from simple searches online.
The slides are on Microsoft PowerPoint and you can use the drawing tool whilst presenting to draw the pictorial aspects of the maths concept.**

Add ones using number bonds teaching slides - Year 1 White Rose Maths - Spring Block 2 Step 2
These are fully editable teaching slides that goes along Step 2 - Add ones using number bonds and number facts - Year 1 White Rose Maths Spring Block Addition and Subtraction within 20.
Using the ‘I do, We do, You do’, it implements the mastery approach of concrete, pictorial and abstract to ensure children understand the fundamental mathematical concepts taught and take ownership of their own learning.
The clip-art used in the slides have been downloaded from simple searches online.
The slides are on Microsoft PowerPoint and you can use the drawing tool whilst presenting to draw the pictorial aspects of the maths concept.

Tracking reading (PM benchmark) - KS1
Track your pupil’s reading through this spreadsheet. You can add the levels of their PM benchmark reading and the colour of the cells will change to reflect the level the children are reading. You can create more sheets by copy and pasting it.

Doubles teaching slides - Year 1 White Rose Maths - Spring Block 2 Addition and Subtraction Step 4
These are fully editable teaching slides that goes along with Step 4 - Doubles - Year 1 White Rose Maths Spring Block Addition and Subtraction within 20.
Using the ‘I do, We do, You do’, it implements the mastery approach of concrete, pictorial and abstract to ensure children understand the fundamental mathematical concepts and take ownership of their own learning.
The clip-art used in the slides have been downloaded from simple searches online.

Subtract ones worksheets - Year 1 White Rose Maths Spring Blk 2 - Step 6
The worksheets and cards accompany Step 6 - Year 1 WR Maths Spring Block 2 - Addition and Subtraction within 20 -Subtract ones using number bonds and number facts.
They can be used as a worksheet or in a practical activity, consolidating the strategy of using number bonds to solve subtraction calculations.

Doubles - Year 1 White Rose Maths Spring Blk 2 - Addition and Subtraction Step 4
This is a fully resourced lesson for Doubles - Step 4 of the Year 1 White Rose Maths Spring Block 2 - Addition and Subtraction. It uses concrete and pictorial apects to support the children’s understanding of adding two equal quantities to make doubles upto 20.
The resource includes the following:
Lesson plan
Teaching slides
Game boards
The slides are on Microsoft PowerPoint and you can use the drawing tool whilst presenting to draw the pictorial aspects of the maths concept.

Number bonds to 20 - Year 1 White Rose Maths Spring Blk 2 - Step 3
This is a fully resourced lesson for Number bonds to 20 - Step 3 of the Year 1 White Rose Maths Spring Block 2 - Addition and Subtraction. It uses manipulatives (ten frames and counters/base 10) to support the children’s understanding of using bonds to 10 to work out the number bonds to 20.
The resource includes the following:
Lesson plan
Teaching slides
Game boards
The slides are on Microsoft PowerPoint and you can use the drawing tool whilst presenting to draw the pictorial aspects of the maths concept.

Recording doubles using numicon
Use it as an extension activity when teaching about doubling and recording addition.

Phonics sound mat linking Letters and Sounds and Jolly phonics actions.
Suitable for Reception and KS1. The sound mats are really useful when children are writing as it not only contains the phonemes and graphemes but also the high frequency words for each phase within the Letters and Sounds document.

Year 1 White Rose Maths - Autumn Block 1 - Step 2 - Count objects to 10
These are the PowerPoint slides that goes along with Step 2 - Count objects of the Year 1 White Rose Maths Autumn Block 1. You will require Microsoft PowerPoint software to use this slide.
Using the mastery approach of concrete, pictorial and abstract, it provides children with the key conceptual understanding to grasp the fundamental mathematical concepts taught.

Year 1 White Rose Maths Autumn Block 1 - Step 5 - Recognise numbers as words
These are the smartnotebook slides that goes along with Step 5 - Recognise numbers as words of the Year 1 White Rose Maths Autumn Block 1. You will require SmartNotebook software to use this slide.
Using the ‘I do, We do, You do’, it implements the mastery approach of concrete, pictorial and abstract to ensure children understand the fundamental mathematical concepts taught and take ownership of their own learning.
The template slides have been downloaded from the old White Rose Maths hubs and the number blocks images are from the internet.

Add by counting on teaching slides - Year 1 White Rose Maths - Spring Block 2 Step 1
These are fully editable teaching slides that goes along Step 1 - Add by counting on using manipulatives - Year 1 White Rose Maths Spring Block Addition and Subtraction within 20. I split Step 1 into 2 lessons to ensure children fully grasped the concept of counting on. The first one is using manipulatives and the second one is with the use of a numberline.
Using the ‘I do, We do, You do’, it implements the mastery approach of concrete, pictorial and abstract to ensure children understand the fundamental mathematical concepts taught and take ownership of their own learning.
The clip-art used in the slides have been downloaded from simple searches online.

Subtract by counting back - Year 1 White Rose Maths Spring Blk 2 - Addition and Subtraction Step 7
This is a fully resourced lesson for Subtract by counting back - Step 7 of the Year 1 White Rose Maths Spring Block 2 - Addition and Subtraction. It uses concrete and pictorial apects to support the children’s understanding of subtracting using numberline and counting back.
The resource includes the following:
Lesson plan
Teaching slides
Subtraction Story cards and board
The slides are on Microsoft PowerPoint and you can use the drawing tool whilst presenting to draw the pictorial aspects of the maths concept.

Subtract ones teaching slides - Year 1 WR Maths - Spring Block 2 Addition and Subtraction Step 6
These are fully editable teaching slides that goes along with Step 6 - Subtract ones - Year 1 White Rose Maths Spring Block Addition and Subtraction within 20.
Using the ‘I do, We do, You do’, it implements the mastery approach of concrete, pictorial and abstract to ensure children understand the fundamental mathematical concepts and take ownership of their own learning.
The clip-art used in the slides have been downloaded from simple searches online.
The slides are on Microsoft PowerPoint and you can use the drawing tool whilst presenting to draw the pictorial aspects of the maths concept.

Subtract by counting back teaching slides - Year 1 WR Maths - Spring Block 2 Add and Sub Step 7
These are fully editable teaching slides that goes along with Step 7 - Subtract by counting back - Year 1 White Rose Maths Spring Block Addition and Subtraction within 20.
Using the ‘I do, We do, You do’, it implements the mastery approach of concrete, pictorial and abstract to ensure children understand the fundamental mathematical concepts and take ownership of their own learning.
The clip-art used in the slides have been downloaded from simple searches online.
The slides are on Microsoft PowerPoint and you can use the drawing tool whilst presenting to draw the pictorial aspects of the maths concept.

Near doubles within 20 worksheets - Year 1 White Rose Maths Spring Blk 2 - Step 5
The worksheets and cards accompany Step 5 - Year 1 WR Maths Spring Block 2 - Addition and Subtraction within 20 - Near Doubles.
They can be used as a worksheet or in a practical activity, consolidating the strategy of using double facts to calculate addition.

Add by counting on using a numberline - Year 1 White Rose Maths Spring Blk 2 - Step 1
This is a fully resourced lesson for ‘Adding by counting on’ - Step 1 of the Year 1 White Rose Maths Spring Block 2. It focuses on teaching students to explore addition by counting on from the larger number and using the strategy of counting on a number line. The Step is split into two parts - 1st part is the use of manipulatives and the First, Then and Now strategy whilst the second one is the use of the numberline.
The resource includes the following:
Lesson plan
Teaching slides
Resource cards

Add ones - Year 1 White Rose Maths Spring Blk 2 - Step 2
This is a fully resourced lesson for ’Add ones using number bonds and number facts - Step 2 of the Year 1 White Rose Maths Spring Block 2 - Addition and Subtraction. It uses manipulatives (ten frames and counters/base 10) to support the children’s understanding of using ones as a strategy for addition within 20.
The resource includes the following:
Lesson plan
Teaching slides
Worksheets/ Boards
Calculation cards
The slides are on Microsoft PowerPoint and you can use the drawing tool whilst presenting to draw the pictorial aspects of the maths concept.

Counting to 50 game boards
This resource consists of 3 game boards - Race to 50, Count and race to 50 and Battle ships 50!
It consolidates counting to and from 50 giving an opportunity for children to have fun whilst learning.
This resource goes well alongside - Step 1 of Year 1 White Rose Maths Spring Block 3 - NPV to 50.