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Phase 3 Bingo

Phase 3 Bingo

30 different Bingo sheets containing Phase 3 Digraphs and Trigraphs. Lowercase letters. Bingo Caller's Sheet.
Class Rule Game - Understanding 'Give me 5' Class Instruction

Class Rule Game - Understanding 'Give me 5' Class Instruction

I was looking for a fun and light way to help a child understand the 'give me 5' strategy in the classroom, i.e. When the teacher says ‘give me 5’, s/he is expecting eyes watching, ears listening, mouth closed, hands empty and body still. In the game the children are individually trying to collect all 5 of the instructions required to be followed when a teacher instructs, ‘Give me 5’. The exclamation marks in the game represent the distractions in the classroom that might stop children from giving their full attention. Just as in real life in the classroom, the longer it takes for the children to ‘Give 5’ the more likely there will be consequences, e.g. moved to amber on the traffic light, loss of play-time, teacher will be disappointed etc. Therefore, the game is a race against time for all players as a team or individually (depending on how you’d prefer to play it) to have their full set of 5 instructions before the sad face jigsaw is complete. I found this game worked well. The children enjoyed playing it and after a few games, they could recall the 5 instructions and found it easier to apply them in the classroom.
Fun Split Digraph Card Game

Fun Split Digraph Card Game

Banana Split Digraph Game A good fast- pace game which has children recognising and “sounding out” words that contain a split digraph (a_e, e_e, i_e, o_e, u_e). The instructions for play include 3 variations. There is a total of 69 words, real and alien, in the style of those found on the phonics screening test.
Set of Phase 5 words for Phonics Screening Practice

Set of Phase 5 words for Phonics Screening Practice

This set of phase 5 real and alien words have been created in the format of the Phonics Screening materials. It contains all phase 5 graphemes. For all 19 graphemes, there are 4 real words and 4 alien words. For easy reference, the grapheme is displayed at the top of each page. It is a really useful resource as an assessment in the run up to the screening, especially as it includes all of the words that have appeared on the test since 2012. The words from previous screening tests have been indicated with a star to the left of the word. I've found it useful throughout the year to use the 8 words as a check before moving on to the next grapheme. I have them in a file in order but also use them for games and activities. The words can be cut and laminated to use in snap/pairs but I've found the most successful game to be 'Beat the Detective'. The children seem to love it. - The 8 words are scattered at one end of the classroom. - A detective is chosen. - The rest of the class have their white boards and pens ready, pretending to be Officers in a police station. - They write the particular grapheme on their board. - Teacher says, 'Detective ready?' Detective replies 'Ready'. - Teacher says, 'Officers ready?' Class hold up their white board to show that they have written the particular sound on their board. - Teacher calls out one of the scattered words. - The Detective walks quickly to the scattered words and tries to bring it back to the teacher before someone in the class manages to write the word on their board. -For a more challenging game, don't let the children write the grapheme first; just have them write the whole word when you say go.
10 simple activity sheets for children.

10 simple activity sheets for children.

10 simple activities for children to use during rainy day play or busy time. I printed the sheets and put them in a little folder, with some coloured pencils, at the start of the Summer Holidays with the suggestion that it might be fun to do in the car on long journeys.
Digraph ck wordsearch

Digraph ck wordsearch

Wordsearch using ten words each containing the phase 2 digraph CK. The words read from left to right only and are in lowercase.